Chinese Capitalism

Started by W. Gray, July 10, 2008, 01:08:02 PM

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Waldo, a few weeks back I was getting some mulch at Walmart and a young man there was loading it for me. He was saying everything they had was made in China, and I said "don't you know that Walmart owns China", his comment was "really that is why we sell so much stuff made in China".


We are seriously gonna have to find a way to get our independance back. Yeah the global economy is the future but the way we been goin about it is also makin it our downfall. It's bassackwards now and it doesn't matter which president or congress was responsible for it, it's been done and now it has to be undone. But that's just my opinion :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


many of you know this, but Lewis, his dad and I, for many years, were in the logging business.  All the logs were sold to logging yards within 150 miles of here, depending on what kind of logs (oak, walnut, etc.) they were.  Most of them were then shipped to China.  I'm here to tell you, that if you took a walnut log with a "croch" in it to market, you were docked drastically on the price.  BUT when that same log came back here as a shotgun stock, with all that beautiful burling in it, you paid a premium over a straight grain stock. Now, want to know why we got out of the logging business?  The man that done all the work wasn't making the money.  Matter of fact, our pay declined with each load, just like things are now.  We quit in the early 80's.


Pam, I don't think anyone can or will disagree with what you say. The problem remains getting the selfish politicians  to do what is best for America instead of what is best to get them elected and on the Congressional Payroll with all of its big benefits. Hopefully, that good old American "TRUE GRIT, INGENUITY AND HARD WORK" will help us through this. My greatest concern is the dramatic increase that I see in the crime rate as money gets tighter and that problem is going to get much worse.


That's part of the bassackwards part of it. There have been a lot of shows comin on on like the history channel and dicovery etc. about workin people. Loggers, truckdrivers, roughnecks, fishermen.... The serious workin man has been way underappreciated for a long time in my opinion but they are what built this country to what it used to be and could be again. only problem is our country has turned into a place where the less physical work you do the more money you get paid for doin it, as a result our country has become a place of way too many chiefs and not near enough indians if you get my drift, and the indians that are left don't get near the respect they deserve. People look at manual workers like they are doin it cause they are too stupid to do anything else.
Speakin from experience, most of them are doin it because they love it. Being stuck inside literally suffocates em. It takes more brains than people think to do the physical part of building a house or a bridge, pourin cement isn't as simple as just pourin it in a hole. There is a LOT of knowledge involved in fellin trees or workin a rig.  :-[ uh guess I'll get off my soapbox now.....

Oh yeah Frank it's gonna get rough if somthin don't give... I was typin at the same time as you :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

W. Gray

Last night's episode had to do with automobiles.

China is putting 25,000 new cars a day on the road--all manufactured in China and most in Chongqing, the Detroit of the country.

9,000,000 cars will be put on the road this year.

Nine out of ten car buyers in China pay cash.

The black Buicks that are so popular with the wealthy are manufactured by GM in China.

The head of the Ford operation in China expects that eventually all Big Three cars will be manufactured in China and shipped to the U.S. for sale.

Liberty Mutual insurance sells insurance to Chinese. There is no deductible.

There are 400 traffic accidents a day in Chongqing

Accident responsibility is decided on the spot by the responding police officer.

Insurance adjusters pay based on the police officer's decision.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, everything in your post points to higher energy cost for the U.S., the increased demand by the Chinese as they add  9 Million Automobiles a year, by the way that is an increase of almost 2  million automobiles in the past two years. The big negative for the U.S. is the ever increasing trade deficit that continues to drive the dollar lower and lower which in turn makes the U.S.  pay more dollars for everything we buy. Karl Marx is smiling from his tomb as he watches our leaders take us deeper and deeper into Socialism and destroy Democracy, Capitalism and the great American way. We introduced and pushed Democracy and Capitalism to the Chinese, Russia, Vietnam and other countries, they have an industrial revolution that is mushrooming from it and and we are sinking from growing socialism and the destruction of our industries and jobs. Unless big changes are made the future looks bleak. Our current Congress wants to tax away the incentives for investment and that can only do more to destroy our system, and drive more investment overseas.


Waldo, I think I had posted this once before.
Chinese Automobile production by year Year Production (in million units):
1992 1.0
1999 1.2
2000 2.07
2001 2.33
2002 3.25
2003 4.44
2004 5.07
2005 5.71
2006 7.28
2007 8.88
The same series of reports on Capitalism in India would really be an eye opener, when you see how their jobs, economy and energy consumption is booming as well.

W. Gray

The first Chinese brand car will be imported into the U.S. next year.

The brand name was mentioned but I cannot recall.

It is supposed to be positioned at a most reasonable price.

The Chinese may pull a few "Yugos" at first but eventually they will be a force to be reckoned with.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, that is really disappointintg, we are just letting the Chinese bury us deeper and deeper. The main reason for the high cost of oil is the Chinese, India and Japan buying up all of the cargoes with money they make from exports to the US, that coupled with the huge trade deficit we have with the Chinese and the rest of the world continues to drive the dollar lower and lower.  People blame the oil companies that have absolutely no control over the world price of oil in addition many want to put a windfall profit tax on the oil industry, which in effect says pay our oil companies less for their oil and then demand they spend more to get us out of this mess. This is going to get much worse and we are doing nothing but making it worse, and pushing the solutions further and further out.

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