Started by frawin, June 27, 2008, 11:15:05 AM

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I spent the morning writing to Senators and Congressman, before I am through I intend to write to both my Oklahoma Congressmen and Senator but also the ones in Texas where we recently moved from. I am asking them to stop their Political games and help the people. I have asked that they do something immediately to start to help the enery crisis, one (1) Immediately reduce the National Speed limit to 55 MPH, I have read articles that estimate such action would improve fuel mileage by 5% to 25%, if it was only 5% that is a Million Barrels per day. Washington, Both parties are setting there doing absolutely nothing because that can't agree on who gets the credit. We should be pursuing more discussion on drilling in the OCS and ANWR, if they started  now it would be 10 years or more before we would see an appreciable amount of oil from either project, in the meantime we face the possibility of embargoes and other shortages. We need to be doing everything  possible, to reduce consumption and increase a stable and safe supply of energy.  I have asked that an "ENERGY BRAIN TRUST " be formed with the top frontline people in the Oil Industry, Automobile Industry, other related industries such as General Electric and with MIT and other Professors. Fund the Brain Trust with money from the Oil and Gas Industry, Automobile Industry and other industry sources  and the government, set up a site and get started working on every possible aspect of alternative energy sources, alternative engines and anything they can come up with. Nothing is happening because both political parties are afraid the other will get some publicity or political benefit. The problem this Nation is facing is bigger than Political Ideals and Publicity and now is the time to show the world why we are still the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH.
Frank Winn


I like this idea and will get started today. Never a bad idea to light a fire under our elected officials at all levels. I just hope that my fellow citizens will do what they can to reduce their energy consumption. I think much of the reason the officials don't do anything about it is because we as a nation are very wasteful mega-consumers.  Still a good idea.



David, I have no doubts that you can and will write a very good letter. It would great if the people everywhere would demand some action by WASHINGTON. At present the Politicians in all parties are doing nothing but putting out Political Rhetoric hoping to pick up a vote. The problems we are facing are bigger than individual benefits and party successes.  Thnaks David
Uncle Frank

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