Started by frawin, June 19, 2008, 07:35:27 PM

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People ofdten say they don't see how we went from a surplus in world oil supply to a shortage in such a short time, I always tell them to look at China and India and their automobile industry and how it has grown.
We can thank the Chinese for cheap shirts and other clothing, electronics, furniture but we can also blame them for the high cost of energy. Look at the compound increase in automobiles, it is plain and simple. OIL IS GOING UP, the US has to continue to conserve and reduce our consumption.
Below is the number of automobiles produced in China and look how the numbers have grown since 2000.
Automobile production by year Year Production (in million units)
1992 1.0
1999 1.2
2000 2.07
2001 2.33
2002 3.25
2003 4.44
2004 5.07
2005 5.71
2006 7.28
2007 8.88

W. Gray

It will not be long before the US starts importing Chinese cars.

One article says within two years.
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Waldo, India is also adding automobiles at a rapid pace. We made India and China the fastest growing economies in the world and that is proving to be a big mistake. Not just in their demand for oil but also concrete, steel, copper anything to develop thir infrastructure.

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