I wish Elk County would----------

Started by Wilma, June 17, 2008, 03:42:37 PM

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Sarah, I don't live far from you. And I have cattle southwest of your house...So I know where you are.

I want to add...I live on a very busy country road as well. People speed up and down it daily. My house is far enough away from the road that it doesn't bother me too bad. However, we have dogs. Our dogs sometimes go down to the road and sniff around and do whatever. Then they come back up to the house. They don't linger in the road, they don't lay in the road. They chased a vehicle once and were taught a quick lesson about it. They were chained up. Did they like it? No. Do they chase cars? No. It is your responsibility as a pet owner to keep your pet away from the road. Even a slow moving vehicle would find it difficult to avoid a stray animal on a gravel road. Don't complain about the traffic and your pets if you aren't willing to take action. Just like, if I had cattle out and someone hit them...It's not their fault (the driver), it's the cattle owner's problem. I feel the same way about a dog. . . Does this make sense?


Quote from: CDBL on September 26, 2008, 04:22:58 PM
Sarah, I don't live far from you. And I have cattle southwest of your house...So I know where you are.

I want to add...I live on a very busy country road as well. People speed up and down it daily. My house is far enough away from the road that it doesn't bother me too bad. However, we have dogs. Our dogs sometimes go down to the road and sniff around and do whatever. Then they come back up to the house. They don't linger in the road, they don't lay in the road. They chased a vehicle once and were taught a quick lesson about it. They were chained up. Did they like it? No. Do they chase cars? No. It is your responsibility as a pet owner to keep your pet away from the road. Even a slow moving vehicle would find it difficult to avoid a stray animal on a gravel road. Don't complain about the traffic and your pets if you aren't willing to take action. Just like, if I had cattle out and someone hit them...It's not their fault (the driver), it's the cattle owner's problem. I feel the same way about a dog. . . Does this make sense?

I'm not complaining about a dog getting hit.  :)  I feel bad for the dog and for my daughter whom the dog belong to, but the dog was probably chasing a car.  Who knows.

That's not my problem.  My problem is with people that drive too fast down this road and especially when our kids or the neighbor kids are going back and forth from house to house and people irresponsible behavior with their driving, namely the truck drivers.  I know almost every rancher that drives by here and most of them drive pretty slow.  But the county rock trucks especially are the world's worst, but other truck drivers do it too.  Just because there are no speed limit signs, no cops and just flat road and open space doesn't make it right for them to travel at speeds that you know good and well are unsafe speeds.  Does it not say in any Kansas driving booklet that you are not to travel at any speeds greater on any given road that do not allow you to come to a sudden stop safely?  And does it not say also to take in road conditions?  Another thing you have to look at is driving that fast with big heavy trucks does nothing but tear up the roads.  (something of which almost everyone in this county has a gripe about)  Driving big heavy trucks too fast down these roads, especially when they're wet makes pot holes.  Just because they can doesn't make it right. 

Feel bad for the dog?  Maybe a little, but that's not what I'm worried about.  The dog wants to chase cars and sometimes catches the car?  That's the dogs fault.  But there are other considerations besides dogs. 


I agree. I would never intentionally run over a dog, however...I'm not going to total my pickup trying to avoid one.

The county rock trucks do travel very fast by here too. I've always thought about calling the Road & Weed Dept. to report this but am usually occupied doing something else when it happens. I see the semi trucks fly down Rock and it scares me to death. The semis usually slow down when going by here because there is a curve before the stop sign.

Has your mailbox been vandalized yet? That really gets under my skin! One night we caught the vandals in the act and snuck outside with the spotlight. We couldn't identify them, so they got away.

I feel for you on the situation with the children. I'm not sure that a Children at Play sign would even help. People, I think, would ignore it. Why is everyone in such a hurry these days anyway?


Quote from: CDBL on September 26, 2008, 04:39:04 PM
I agree. I would never intentionally run over a dog, however...I'm not going to total my pickup trying to avoid one.

The county rock trucks do travel very fast by here too. I've always thought about calling the Road & Weed Dept. to report this but am usually occupied doing something else when it happens. I see the semi trucks fly down Rock and it scares me to death. The semis usually slow down when going by here because there is a curve before the stop sign.

Has your mailbox been vandalized yet? That really gets under my skin! One night we caught the vandals in the act and snuck outside with the spotlight. We couldn't identify them, so they got away.

I feel for you on the situation with the children. I'm not sure that a Children at Play sign would even help. People, I think, would ignore it. Why is everyone in such a hurry these days anyway?

No.  It hasn't been vandalized yet, but I suspect it will be now that I've been jumping up and down on my soap box.  LOL  We have had people try to come up here in the middle of the night though.  My husband is always up till all hours of the night and the dogs bark.  One night a truck went down the road and shut off their lights shortly after passing our house.  My husband heard them shut off the motor and the truck door shut quietly.  Then he heard them walking up this way.  What they were planning to do I don't know, but they scattered after he walked outside and pumped the shot gun.  Guess they weren't expecting that.  This was like 1:30 in the morning.  He called for them to say who they were, but all he heard was running and the truck start and speed off.  Someone up to no good. 

I agree.  I would never intentionally hit someone's dog and I've slowed down many times for dogs and I hate it when they chase the car cause I'm always afraid they'll get hit by one of the tires.  I'll be the first to admit that a couple of our dogs are PITA's!  They lay in the road and i have no clue why they do that.  I'm planning on putting up fence on the south side of our house so I can stop them from going under the barb wire.  Then they'll be totally fenced in.  If Steve ever gets my lawn mower fixed I'll be able to cut the grass and put up fence over there.  We had a pulley go bad and it's a VERY old mower and it took forever to find a pulley.  Finally found one and it's $86 just for the pulley.  Ouch! 


You know, folks, these people who are speeding down these country roads are the same people that I was referring to in an earlier post when I was talking about an overdeveloped sense of entitlement...they have the horsepower under the hood to go that fast, ergo they are entitled to go that fast.  God forbid they should spare a thought for anyone else's welfare other than their own.  It is this sense of "me first" that led to our current financial debaucle in this country.


Quote from: Catwoman on September 26, 2008, 04:50:31 PM
You know, folks, these people who are speeding down these country roads are the same people that I was referring to in an earlier post when I was talking about an overdeveloped sense of entitlement...they have the horsepower under the hood to go that fast, ergo they are entitled to go that fast.  God forbid they should spare a thought for anyone else's welfare other than their own.  It is this sense of "me first" that led to our current financial debaucle in this country.

That's true and you find that everywhere.  We had a woman at Wal-Mart in Augusta turn right in front of us, I almost hit her, just because a car was backing out of a space and she wanted to get there before we did.  LOL  I wasn't even after that space, but she almost got her pretty little car dented to get it. 

I've had a few times of coming up over a hill out here and have a big truck coming too fast from the other way and taking up the whole road about wreck the truck trying to get over fast enough.  Ooops.  I think because their truck is big they just feel they can do whatever they wish.  I don't know. 


Well, I hate to poke a sleeping dog by bringing up this subject, but I have noticed that SUV drivers are particularly bad about the speeding issue.  What's funny is, I have never seen a Highway Patrol Officer ever pull one over...it's almost as if, because they can't see inside the things to ascertain whether or not there's a gun involved, they're afraid to pull them over.  Now, before I get hoard of people yelling at me over my observation, let me assure you all that some of my 'very bestest friends' are SUV drivers...and yes, they speed, too.  I agree with your supposition that it might be the size of the vehicle that makes them feel like they're allowed to speed in that manner. 


Quote from: greatguns on September 26, 2008, 03:17:04 PM
Whew!  I didn't realize we were talking about how to make money by suing the socks off somebody.  I thought we were discussing the safety of children.  I didn't say you should run over the children.  I still do believe you should teach them to walk at the edge of the road and to face oncoming traffic as they do.  After what happened to the two girls in OK., I don't know that you should let your children walk down any country roadfor a fourth or a half of mile anyway.  So Steve you might sue and get you some money , but that wouldn't bring back a precious child.
Apparantly the people were talking about do not care anything about the kids enough to slow down. The only thing people listen to now days is being sued.  if suing the people driving or even the county for not putting up signs or doign what is necessary to
slow these people down then It is a step in the right direction.   
There is a problem and its not kids. Its irresponsible adults.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Applause to those drivers that are slowing down!! THANK YOU!!!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

jerry wagner

I don't think anyone was suggesting suiing someone for a good return on anything.  Rather, I believe their intent was to ensure that should a child be injured, or god-forbid, killed, that that driver would be punished sufficiently both criminally and financially.

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