PJB: How Obama Won — and May Win

Started by Warph, June 15, 2008, 03:07:58 PM

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Jo, Thank you for posting this. So many people DON"T get what we are fighting, and they don't believe you when you try to tell them. That's why no matter what the candidates say we CAN"T just quit and come home like we did in Vietnam. The JIhadists won't just go away.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


This is a war that cannot be won. It is a clash within a culture that is at least as old as our own. The best that we can do is to support the people we want in power. Russia has already gone broke trying to occupy Afghanistan; there is not a history ever of successful occupation by any army. Get ready for the draft, it's coming . Either that or get out of this unwinnable situation where we do not belong anyway.


Quote from: frawin on June 16, 2008, 06:26:19 AM
SixDogs, here is my question, and as I said I don't want to make you mad, I just can't understand why and how this happening.

I can understand if you are a dedicated Democrat, but I can't understand how any American can defend or be in favor of Barack Obama for President when you consider that he shows  so little respect for the American Flag and the National Anthem. So many people have given their life for the Flag and what it stands for and this man shows no respect for it. Doesn't that bother you and what the future under this man holds for your Country and for your family. In addition, it is very disturbing the comments his wife has made about America and her past feelings for it. Don't you wonder what past Democrat Presidents  would think about this man and his attitude on America and the Flag. I think Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson would be appalled that this man is the Democratic party's nominee for President. HOW DO YOU GET PAST THIS AND SUPPORT AND HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR THIS MAN.

Okay Frank, apparently you do not understand the word smear. That is what was done to Obama early on in the campaign, probably from the Clinton camp. It is also obvious that you have not investigated these charges or you would know how untrue they are. My former husband (deceased) was retired from the military, and I have the greatest respect for the flag and what it stands for. That includes equal treatment for all. Michelle Obama was being nothing but honest when she made the remarks about being proud of her country for the first time. Growing up black in Chicago is not an easy task, folks there do not let a black forget for an instant that they are black and somehow inferior. Of course she was proud of the America that could put color aside and nominate a man who is part black for president.

I think you are mistaken about the former presidents being disappointed with the Obama nomination. I urge you to educate yourself and really do some investigation before passing on any more smears. I have chosen not to smear the republican candidate and shall continue to do so although there is certainly plenty out there about both John McCain and Cindy McCain.



Quote from: sixdogsmom on June 16, 2008, 09:43:49 AM
Quote from: frawin on June 16, 2008, 06:26:19 AM
SixDogs, here is my question, and as I said I don't want to make you mad, I just can't understand why and how this happening.

I can understand if you are a dedicated Democrat, but I can't understand how any American can defend or be in favor of Barack Obama for President when you consider that he shows  so little respect for the American Flag and the National Anthem. So many people have given their life for the Flag and what it stands for and this man shows no respect for it. Doesn't that bother you and what the future under this man holds for your Country and for your family. In addition, it is very disturbing the comments his wife has made about America and her past feelings for it. Don't you wonder what past Democrat Presidents  would think about this man and his attitude on America and the Flag. I think Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson would be appalled that this man is the Democratic party's nominee for President. HOW DO YOU GET PAST THIS AND SUPPORT AND HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR THIS MAN.

Okay Frank, apparently you do not understand the word smear. That is what was done to Obama early on in the campaign, probably from the Clinton camp. It is also obvious that you have not investigated these charges or you would know how untrue they are. My former husband (deceased) was retired from the military, and I have the greatest respect for the flag and what it stands for. That includes equal treatment for all. Michelle Obama was being nothing but honest when she made the remarks about being proud of her country for the first time. Growing up black in Chicago is not an easy task, folks there do not let a black forget for an instant that they are black and somehow inferior. Of course she was proud of the America that could put color aside and nominate a man who is part black for president.

I think you are mistaken about the former presidents being disappointed with the Obama nomination. I urge you to educate yourself and really do some investigation before passing on any more smears. I have chosen not to smear the republican candidate and shall continue to do so although there is certainly plenty out there about both John McCain and Cindy McCain.

Sixdogs, are you saying it is not true that Obama did not give proper respect to the flag? Aparently you have not taken the time to read all of the information regarding that incident. I have not seen one article that repudiates the incident that he did not place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem and while facing the Flag.  I did not pass on a single smear, I mearly asked you a question  about actual incidents, as I was interested in your answer, I did not expect such a rude answer. In my opinion I have probably read as much or more on all of the subjects as you have on all. I have many African American friends and have had all of my life. I went to college with many, studied with them, discussed the problems they faced and had many tell me that the opportunity was there they just had to work for it. I worked with many  and had some work for me. My kids were coached by several who were really good at what they did and they didn't complain about being unfairly treated, they got out and earned what they wanted. I took you at your word and thought maybe you would give me a an answer that would help me understand how so many people could vote for someone that was so disrespectful of the flag, instead you tell me I know nothing about what I am talking about, I am sorry I asked.


Very good thread. I hope I am not straying too far off topic.

For those of you interested in the Flag Code below is a link to the official government published pamphlet on the subject. I have to admit that I may be guilty of disrespect during a past Fourth of July celebration. See
(United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Section 176 (i). Even if we don't agree on everything we can always learn something that we didn't know before.





Never said this war could be won....said it is NOT possible to just quit and go home. The radical muslims will see it as victory for them. Never said we should be there to start with because we shouldn't be there. And yeah it probly will come to the draft sooner or later which is major( excuse my french but it fits) BULLSHIT because the men who thought this was a good idea will never be the ones to go fight.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


There are a lot of young people watching the forum now and I feel that bad language is unnecessary and out of order. It doesn't lend anything to the Forum or the subject and is in bad taste. Maybe I am missing something, does bad language add to what you are saying. Just an opinion.


Yes you are right Frank. I get mad when people don't understand what we are up against and you try to explain but you just can't get your point across. There is no quittin with the radical muslims we are fightin. We can't just say ok I quit, I'm goin home now and expect it to be over! Yeah Russia went broke tryin to whup the Taliban, guess who was helpin the Taliban fight Russia?! American advisers! which means America. If we quit and let the radicals think they've beat us which is what they WILLthink, that cussword will not be the worst thing our children and grandchildren hear or see either one! If I am in bad taste but somebody actually gets what I'm tryin to say so be it.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam, I agree with what you are trying to say and I think it is a losing battle, but it maybe a much more critical issue than just what happens in Iraq. However I still don't agree with the language and I don't think adding foul words or language makes a stronger point, in fact I think it discredits it. All a matter of opinion. No hard feelings,


Frank, the flag incident has been discussed before on this forum many months ago. However just for you I will again give my response. Barack Obama is showing respect for the flag just in the manner that we were taught in school, that is we were taught to stand at attention. We were taught that we crossed our heart during the recitation of the pledge. Several others on the forum agreed with me, that that was the way they were taught. I do not believe that it makes me unamerican or dishonoring the flag all the times that I behaved in this manner. One forum member imported a photo of school children in the 1920s saluting the flag in a Nazi fashion. Of course that went out with Hitler.

I have a question for you. How could you allow yourself to be affiliated with a political party whose leader has recently been quoted as saying the United States Constitution is just a GD piece of paper? I do not expect an answer, but I have no doubt that it happened. I think that George Bush just had a lapse, and this does not make him especially unamerican. Just as not having his hand over his heart does not make Barack Obama unamerican.

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