What are your fondest memories?

Started by dnalexander, June 12, 2008, 03:56:53 AM

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My thoughts on this topic are for us to explain our most cherished memories. I think this will give us insight in to who we are and others on the forum.  I feel a connection with my fellow forum members and hope this fosters that sense of community. I will start off with my favorite memories of Howard, Kansas.

Fishing with my Aunt Velda in the creek for perch so we could set the trot lines for flatheads in the Elk River.

Being the long haired city boy getting a haircut at Waldo's barber shop.

Going to my first R rated movies underage in Howard. My mom couldn't believe that the same lady that ran the box office when she was a kid let us in.

Ice cream cones at Toot's drive-in.

Winn's Café and Grandpa Winn's huge pancakes and hamburgers. The jukebox and the pinball machine.

My cousin's Rick and Randy High School football games.

Seeing on this forum that my mom and Aunt Shirley were on the school newspaper. Now I know why mom was so set on me taking journalism in junior high.

Hunting for quail with my uncles. I have a Brittany named Kansas Boy in honor of my Uncle Neil who I am named after.

Knowing that after all these years I can reconnect to those roots and feel like I am back in Kansas. Thanks to all of you in Kansas and in other places for the great memories.

Tell me what are your fondest memories?



Lol, this is a good topic! I grew up in Severy not Howard but here goes. Most of my favorite memories involve my grandparents Floyd and Marguerite Smith:) Ridin around in the pickup with granpa cause he went everywhere and knew everybody it seemed like. Course there were a few times I heard "Don't you dare tell your mom I took you in here!" when he took me to Charlies or Nells lol. Goin out to Sams with him when it was still a gas station and cafe and listenin to him and the old guys visit.
   Spent most of my childhood down at the crick by their house. they both always let me "help" them which lookin back was probably not much help lol.
   Goin swimmin out a fall river lake, goin with Dad when he went fishin below the dam or just went out to see if the gates were open.
   Cuttin my first kitty on the corner by the methodist church! Hey it had good gravel and you could get a slide goin:P
   Goin to baseball games when they still played baseball instead of softball and watchin dad play. The ballgames he would have with us kids in the back yard.
    Mom catchin me playin baseball in the dress she fixed out of Aunt Sherry's formal for the music contest :-[ Sorry Ma ;D
but they needed a shortstop!
    hangin out with granpa when they made the movie there! got to go behind the scenes lol. met Jeff Bridges and Linda Evans and Barry Brown!
    Labor Day!
    Geez I could go on for a while but this is a few of em.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

W. Gray


I have to agree with you about the fond memory of being the long haired city boy getting his hair cut in Waldo's Barber Shop.

In my case, the memories are of Waldo and his dad barbering under the post office.

I would listen to Waldo talk to his bunch and to my granddad talking to his patrons.

One got a very good idea of what was going on in Howard or in Elk County.

At times, I did not understand everything that was being discussed and ever so often there would be a bunch of snickers and ha ha's and I then I could guess they were talking adult.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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