School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Amen, pepelect!  Certainly your opinion is not going to be the most popular one, everyone wants to have a say and not everyone is going to be happy.  We need to get our egos out of the way and think about what is best for the children  and our community. 

In regard to asking Mr. Moore to stay, I think Mr. Moore does a good job with what he has.  However, I don't care for the wearing of two hats.  If Mr. Moore is going to stay I would like to see him in one position--either that of superintendent or director of special ed.  Personally, I think the board should hire a superintendant even if Mr. Moore decides to  remain.


QuoteMom, why don't they publish this stuff in the paper?

It's buried in the school minutes. As for what goes on - we could really use a reporter at the school board meetings (Rudy, do you hear me?) to get the news out.

I don't like the current way for the public to comment - having to ask Thursday before a Monday meeting. I think it stifles contributions from the populace. That came about, however, from previous boards, not this one. It's simply not been raised as a MAJOR issue and so isn't changed.

This is one of the reasons I go to the board meetings. I really think they don't mean to hide - they just don't think of how to get out the information.

My understanding of the architect coming is some members of the board want specific costs before they can make informed decisions about the future.


QuoteSounds like y'all might be getting a new elementary school

The decision to build a new school now hasn't been made. The school board wants some specific numbers before making any kind of decision this time around. I think they're learning to get information. Instead of just talking about maybe in the future, they're finding out costs to have viable options.

If a firm decision to build has been made, I didn't pick up those vibes at the last meeting.

I certainly hope once they have possible costs, they talk it over with teachers, parents and the community. Listen to everyone instead of just their individual circle of friends.


What really sucks about this is that they planned this special meeting on a night that they have something else going on.  Severy has an open house going on at this time.  Don't they look at the calendar??  Oh well, they will do what Mr. Moore wants them to anyways!!!!  But I would hope that they would look into the old school building.  I mean, if it will work to fix it up, why not??  It is certainly big enough for the classes that they have.  As for cuts in staff, I am not sure that any teacher would be cut, just switched around.  But yes, they would loose some of the other staff members. 

My thing is that they needed to be addressing this issue a long time ago!!  Just as Pep stated!!  We had a public meeting, what 5 or more years ago.  Now we have 6th at the high school, but that was a short term fix.  What about next year???  The 5th grade in Severy has 21 kids now and not sure but think that Moline has around 15 to 19 or so.  Are  the rooms big enough for a class that size??  We need to get on the ball instead of waiting till the last minute to decide.  If we need to hire a new teacher now is the time to look!!  I know when I graduated in December I was looking in September before I graduated.  There were districts that already knew that they would be needing new staff members. 

Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I am glad that they decided to do this.  It makes perfect sense to have the information to look over before they make this decision.  But I think that sometimes they do hide this information.  I think they don't really like for the community to be involved.  I am not talking about the board.  Don't you see how mad Mr. Moore got when the community put their oppion in about the spliting the schools.  He turned in his resignation.  I think the board wants the community to be involved, but Mr. Moore wants them to listen to only him.  That is not how things work in life.  I don't always do what I want, just because I want to even when it comes to my business.  You have to have the input of others to help!!  Don't you pray to God, and ask for him to guide you!!  That is not thinking for yourself and doing for yourself, that is being a responsible human being!!  Asking others for guidance doesn't make you an idiot, it makes you better.  I know that Julie at the grocery store tries really hard to please her customers, I think that we, as citizens should be considered customers to the decision that the board makes.  Will they make each and everyone of us happy, no, but that is part of life.

Ok, I am off of my rant!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


So... aren't there some positions open for school board seats?  Who's running?  (HINT, HINT)


Quote from: Tobina on October 24, 2008, 10:12:26 AM
So... aren't there some positions open for school board seats?  Who's running?  (HINT, HINT)
You're on the right track. 


They would never vote me in!  They fired me and I just don't think they like that I have an opinion.  I like to look at all the options and weigh things before I  decide.  Plus to tell you the truth, I think this system is in such a mess that I wouldn't want to be on it.  You can go ahead Tobina!!!  Or Pep!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I don't qualify; I don't have kids... remember?   :P   ::)   :-X
Seriously, I did get asked to consider, but I'm not sure I'm ready to be involved in that hornet's nest.  I've got enough stress in my life already.  Plus, I know there really aren't "qualifications" to being on the board, but I really don't know enough about the school system to feel like I would be an informed contributor.  I sure don't want to be perceived as being "spoon-fed" information from the current administration. 
Although, maybe that makes me the perfect candidate... no previous bias, don't have the history of knowing "what used to be", not originally from this area, and very opinionated.  Ha!   ;D


Quote from: Tobina on October 24, 2008, 03:11:15 PM
I don't qualify; I don't have kids... remember?   :P   ::)   :-X
Seriously, I did get asked to consider, but I'm not sure I'm ready to be involved in that hornet's nest.  I've got enough stress in my life already.  Plus, I know there really aren't "qualifications" to being on the board, but I really don't know enough about the school system to feel like I would be an informed contributor.  I sure don't want to be perceived as being "spoon-fed" information from the current administration. 
Although, maybe that makes me the perfect candidate... no previous bias, don't have the history of knowing "what used to be", not originally from this area, and very opinionated.  Ha!   ;D
Believe me...compared to a few on that Board, you are abundantly qualified.  And, it is obvious that prior knowledge of the educational system is absolutely not a prerequisite to becoming elected.  Actually, the Board needs someone like you...perhaps you need to sit down and really think about doing this.  I would say that another Perk-fect person would be Patrick...but I think he'd turn my suggestion down, outright. lol  :laugh: :laugh: 

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