School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Hmmm...there have been more changes in the District than I knew!  My, my, how time changes everything! (lol)

Diane Amberg

Today's kids probably wouldn't even give it a thought on a hot day. An adult should have changed their minds for them.


Ah, but then you'd be "damaging their psyche" by stifling their individualism and squashing their inherent 1st Amendment rights, since mode of dress has become, these days, a form of my day, I HAD NO RIGHTS.  My family wasn't a parents ruled absolutely (albeit lovingly).  The kids these days would absolutely faint if they were faced with the same type of expectations that my parents had!  You had better believe it that some adult should have changed their minds for them.  But, in defense of those parents, 10 to 1 no parent knew what those ornery kids had on under their outer wear!


 ??? ???Shrinking enrollment,  loosing quality teachers, raising the LOB, $5 gas, and all we want fixed is the dress code?

Catwoman're going to have to get used to how these threads shift, from time to time, off of the central subject.  I believe these were only side one is trying to take away from the main idea of the thread, believe me.  Sometimes we just take a little break from all of the angst, anger and befuddlement.  And, being the papa of three absolutely beautiful girls (who someday will undoubtedly have the figure, thanks to their mom, to wear bikinis), you'd better be taking some may just drive by some day to witness your ornery daughters (trait inherited from their father!) having a little more fun than you'd prefer! lol


Quote from: john61 on July 18, 2008, 04:45:13 PM
I would just like to know why the school dance team had a carwash in front of the church in their bikins.  Not appropriate and very disrespectful.  Just been listening to the ladies talk about it!

Had to give them something to talk about......

Most of the car washes I have been to involve swimsuits as there is water involved and from time to time people get wet.

I like banana's


I guess I need to write something as I have been asked several times about my resignation from teaching 6th grade.  As of today, I have not resigned.  Last June, with the board's first decision I was informed that I would teach 6th grade.  I was the last teacher contacted about the change. It was my understanding that that was my job assignment and I was thrilled.  I love teaching 6th grade and thoroughly enjoyed myself and was excited about the coming year.  It came as quite a shock last week that since I had no seniority and someone else wanted 6th grade, I would not have the opportunity to teach 6th grade.  I was told at the time that a 3/4th combination was left.  I was not interested.  I have not resigned and as far as I know have a continuing contract with the distrcit.  I love these kids and am very sad that I will not have the opportunity to go with 6th grade to the high school.  I would like to thank all of the people who have given me positive feedback and support.
  You never know, it could happen!

Diane Amberg

Hi Sally, it's good to hear from you. I taught a 3/4 split and it wasn't too bad, but those were the kids I had the best feel for any way. I wouldn't have wanted 1st or 2nd. I know what you mean about having a 6th grade preference. If they are the kids you relate to best, then it's a real shame they took that option away. I have been following all this with great interest. I wish you good luck.


Hello, Sally...

I am sincerely hoping that you are a member in good standing of NEA...if so, and you are tenured, and are not in the process of being RIF'd (Reduction In Force, done when positions are reduced in number or eliminated completely), then make them find you a position...I am hoping that your refusal of the secondarily offered position doesn't constitute a resignation on the face of the wording in your teacher's contract with 282.  Your NEA membership allows you access to free legal counsel...and since they offered you the 6th grade position first, without respect to the possibility of others' seniority, you might have legal grounds to fight the position being taken from you.  Of course, the political fall-out from fighting this will be consider carefully before you choose that option.  As I seem to recall...the upper mucky-mucks (and their friends) take offense and remember it forever if you bring in the NEA. 


By the way, Sally, you need to be wary of posting here on the site...there are those who are monitoring this site who have access to both the Board and Superintendent...posting could be very hazardous to your professional health...don't give them any ammo...make them have to deal with you fairly.  Good luck...I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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