School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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It was brought to my attention today about some changes that are going on in Moline and Severy Grade Schools.  Moline and Severy Grade Schools will both house Preschool and Kindergarten classes in each school, but Moline Grade School will have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades at there school and Severy will house the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.  I just wanted to know what every one thinks about these changes? Come on people just speak up and let me and everyone else know, I really don't care, I was just wondering your opinions!!!  This means that if you have a 1st grader and a 4th grader, the 1st  grader will go to Moline and the 4th grader to Severy, no matter where they live.  So, I know there have got to be some opinions out there!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I do know that it costs quite a bit to keep up the two grade schools. They are both very, very old and have to be repaired constantly. However, this plan isn't going to help that at all.

I'm not sure how this program is going to help costs at all. They'll still be using almost the same amount of energy to power the buildings. And fuel? I think they'll use the same, if not more!! West Elk has students who come from Elk Falls, Grenola, Fall River, Piedmont, and Belknap. I think if this plan really goes through we will lose many students to Longton, Burden, Sedan, and Eureka.

I would really like to see a centralized grade school at Howard. I think it would solve our problems tremendously. I know it wouldn't be a cheap project (a new school at Valley Center was almost 54 million dollars). But I do think it would be well worth it.

My child is still in pre school and can still go to Severy. So I'm not really upset about it...YET. But when he gets to first grade, I do not want him going all the way to Moline. Sure, Billy works there everyday, but I'm either home or in El Dorado everyday. Keep in mind, my home is not far from Severy. I would feel more comfortable with him being 7 minutes away from home versus 30 minutes. And when I have more children, I don't want them split up. I think that's terrible.

And what about the teachers? Are they going to lose them? The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade teachers at Severy, will they be gone since those children will go to Moline???

I'll try to find out more today when someone from the school visits for Lane's speech program.

I think all they'll really accomplish is ticking a lot of people off.


I was at the school board meeting when this decision was made. The discussions were private, but the vote was public and it was not unanimous.

They will save money on the teachers - instead of two teachers for each grade, most grades will only have one, I think.

I doubt if the busing is much different from what it already is. They will just be more full.


I just spoke to Ann Mitchell about it. She said they lost 4 elementary teachers this year. That's a big blow! They won't be getting rid of any teachers, just sending them to a different grade...Trying to fill in the gaps I guess. They'll be sending a letter out soon. They're going to try it for this school year.  :-\

I'm all for that but I still wouldn't like my Severy kid going all the way to Moline.


I don't have kids yet and this decision does not affect me, but I do have a comment about this situation for Elk County as a whole.
A very large reason for this decision was the loss of all the teachers and the increasing difficulties they have in hiring new ones.  Elk County AND ALL CITIZENS are really going to have to start working hard to make this area more appealing to outsiders (teachers, workers, potential employees of local businesses) before any positive changes will happen.
Too bad this is going to be even more of a wedge between all the communities rather than a wake-up call to the entire area.


I agree, Tobina. As a newcomer visiting the Moline and Longton elementary schools for the first time, I was charmed by the small class sizes and personal attention the students get. But the reality is the tax base can't support a class size of 4 or 5 children. I do hope the teachers will be able to keep their jobs in some capacity, but I also understand the reasons for consolidation. I also agree a good solution would be to centralize a school in Howard for the entire county, as that could help with fuel expenses.

I don't have school-aged children but I have an investment in this community, and schools determine its future. There must be some way to attract people to the area, but without decent jobs (which translate into taxes) it is going to be a real challenge.


Another option that was discussed kept the schools the way they currently are, but each teacher would teach at least 2 grades at the same time.  So, 1st and 2nd graders would be in the same classroom taught by the same teacher, etc.  Apparently, there has been some research done on this method, though, and teacher burn-out rate was typically higher.  Teachers in a teaching situation like this would only last an average of 2 years. 
Either way, I know this had to be a very difficult decision for school board members.  Many of whom have children in school and will face the same issues as the rest of the community. 


I agree Tobina. I think that would definitly "burn out" a teacher.

That reminds me of a teacher teaching all ages of school children waaaay back when my grandmother was in grade school.


Burnout huh?  Guess the teachers of my day were somewhat tougher .  They taught 2 grades and had careers of 40 or more years.  Maybe they were more dedicated to their professions.  I FEEL THE BLAST COMING!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o ???


In my school years I attended only one school that had one grade to one teacher.  All the others ranged from 8 grades in a one room school to 2 grades to a room in a city school.

I am wondering what Margaret Gragg or Agnes Miller would have to say about this.  I think they have done it all.

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