School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Well said PEP!!  We need options and no one seems to be giving any.  I for one am attending Monday night to see what our school system will do.  I feel like I failed my kids.  My kids don't really understand what is happening, but still as a parent I feel that we are failing them left and right by not allowing this to pass.  Even my husband who never says much has been worried about his issue, alot!!  That says something!!  I can't wait till this time next year, my taxes will be, well I will have to get a loan to pay them off.  Much higher than if the bond would have passed!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


angtown3 and ADP
there have been quite a few options posted in the 2 threads concerning this issue. They won't work, not feasible?
Almost two thirds of the voters say the bond issue won't work, is not feasible.

Lets find out why the bond didn't pass and revise it and try again.
I am a stick in the mud conservative and I don't like change. Some of my problems with the bond are
Why move the bus barn?
We will save 500k a year by closing 2 schools. How much of the 500k will go to repaying the bond?
Get the cost down to 2.5 or 3 million and I'd vote yes.


Hey oki- that is what I have heard alot of people state.  I have to be honest, I am not sure exactly why they are moving the bus barn and such.  I would guess that it has to do with where they would put the play ground and such.  But I hear what you are saying!  Maybe that is an option.  I think what they will do with the money they will save from closing the two school is my guess put it into the portables, and the high school.  I might be wrong. 

I didn't mean to offend anyone.  I again think there is no win-win in this situation.  I am just glad that my children have the teachers that they have now and have had!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: okiemon on November 06, 2009, 07:08:33 AM
angtown3 and ADP
there have been quite a few options posted in the 2 threads concerning this issue. They won't work, not feasible?
Almost two thirds of the voters say the bond issue won't work, is not feasible.

Lets find out why the bond didn't pass and revise it and try again.
I am a stick in the mud conservative and I don't like change. Some of my problems with the bond are
Why move the bus barn?
We will save 500k a year by closing 2 schools. How much of the 500k will go to repaying the bond?
Get the cost down to 2.5 or 3 million and I'd vote yes.

I'm with you okiemon.  5.5 million seems like a pretty big chunk of change in light of...
 1.  Declining enrollment
 2.  Declining/aging population
 3.  Increasing taxation in other areas
 4.  The very real possibility that the state will make consolidation moves regardless of what we do locally.
 5.  The potential of serious life changes that could be brought on by 'health care reform' and 'cap and tax'.

Aside from the 5.5 million being excessive, imho, I'm concerned that with such a big move having been considered that there was so little real publication of the 'plan'.  We heard about it quite by accident.  And no, I have better things to do with my time than sit with my arms folded at every board meeting just waiting to see what's next.  I never cease to be amazed at the way formal matters are presented to the public... usually by the ole grapevine and usually at the last minute (re. the slick brochure promoting the bond that was mailed out AFTER the date to register to vote).  Public servants need to know that their responsibilities include keeping their constituency well advised.  If that means they need to increase their postage budget a bit, then so be it.

I couldn't help but notice the 'selling tactics' used to promote this last bond.  Things like 'only $8.00 a month'.  In professional sales and marketing, that's called breaking it down to the ridiculous.  People won't worry about it if it only amounts to the cost of a can of pop a day.  Slick, but not real informative.  It's a selling ploy.  I don't like being 'sold' something.

I, too, believe some sort of centralization of the schools is a good answer to many things.  I think a sealed bid process might be a better approach to getting competitive price options.

Ok, I'll rant more later.  Just some thoughts that crossed my mind.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



I happened to hear about the bond issue through Steve as I don't generally frequent the Howard board, but knew nothing of it.  We don't subscribe to any papers, so I guess it might have been in the local paper.  

momof 2boys

All board minutes are posted in the paper.  Paula McAlister has even posted some on the forum.  Yes, I agree the meetings can seem rather long and "boring", but if you want the information it is up to you to go get it.


Quote from: gina on November 06, 2009, 08:30:59 AM
All board minutes are posted in the paper.  Paula McAlister has even posted some on the forum.  Yes, I agree the meetings can seem rather long and "boring", but if you want the information it is up to you to go get it.

WHOA!.... I'm sorry, but that only goes do far.  Especially in a county with only 3000 residents.  The responsiblity to 'get the word out' on the biggest of issues (like spending 5.5 million dollars of the taxpayers money) rests primarily with our elected representatives.  Government works for US, remember?  NOT the other way around.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Generally speaking, unless a person's children go to that school, most people don't attend the school board meetings do they? 

momof 2boys

I agree.  What other ideas did you have about how to get the information out there?  The best way to get information to the public is through the media, which in Elk County consists of the newspaper and bulletins put up in public places.  This was done by the district.  What other alternatives were there?  Just curious what you think, I'm not being judgemental by any means.


Quote from: gina on November 06, 2009, 08:43:08 AM
I agree.  What other ideas did you have about how to get the information out there?  The best way to get information to the public is through the media, which in Elk County consists of the newspaper and bulletins put up in public places.  This was done by the district.  What other alternatives were there?  Just curious what you think, I'm not being judgemental by any means.

I gave a suggestion in an earlier post:  The US Mail.

Yes, 1700 registered voters x $0.44 is $748.00 (Assuming 1st class postage is used. There might be cheaper govt rates.)
That cost would allow the mailing of a 1st class letter consisting of up to 5 pages.

Maybe the board could budget for a couple of mailings a year at this rate for those times when something really big is being considered.  Knowing beforehand that public hearings/discussions are taking place on critical might engender some more attendance at the meetings.

Further, if pre-notice is required to speak at a board meeting, just attending 'at will' kinda short circuits public comment.  No?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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