School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Local schools ought to remove themselves from the public school system that the State
and Federals oversee.  Why have a desire to be a part of their socialist agenda.     

jerry wagner

Quote from: redcliffsw on November 06, 2009, 10:09:34 AM

Local schools ought to remove themselves from the public school system that the State
and Federals oversee.  Why have a desire to be a part of their socialist agenda.     

Blah Blah Blah, "some ultra-rightist stuff".... anyway it isn't really constructive to the conversation.  Ideas that would resolve the situation and are plausible would be helpful.


Quote from: redcliffsw on November 06, 2009, 10:09:34 AM

Local schools ought to remove themselves from the public school system that the State
and Federals oversee.  Why have a desire to be a part of their socialist agenda.     

I would vote yes... but there's a snag or 3(thousand).  Laws that the people allowed to be passed over the years would preclude that action (both on legal and financial grounds).  Years ago, school systems began taking large amounts of money from the federal and state governments.... all to improve the quality of education.  Well, that started the addiction.  Now we're hooked and probably could not meet the mandated educational requirements imposed by state and federal authorities without that money.  Look at the recent bond issue and see how much federal/state money was being counted on.  We aren't self sufficient enough to do what you suggest, I'm afraid.  

I would gladly make a yearly contribution to assist in supporting a quality PRIVATE school, but could the parents afford the bulk of the tuition?  I doubt it.  Would teachers unions pitch a bitch?  Count on it.  Will the parents get vouchers to help wiith the schooling?  Not as long as the dems keep fighting against them.  Hell, look at our own county... the powers that be want to close schools and hope private entities take the facilities and use them for something... as long as it's NOT for a school.  Self serving, to be sure, but that's the way it is these days.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jerry wagner on November 06, 2009, 10:32:01 AM
Quote from: redcliffsw on November 06, 2009, 10:09:34 AM

Local schools ought to remove themselves from the public school system that the State
and Federals oversee.  Why have a desire to be a part of their socialist agenda.     

Blah Blah Blah, "some ultra-rightist stuff".... anyway it isn't really constructive to the conversation.  Ideas that would resolve the situation and are plausible would be helpful.

Ultra-rightist?  I'm not so sure.  Socialism, marxism, communism, capitalism and other ideologies are all definable, and actions in favor of one or the other are measurable.  The idea of a state/government run school, health plan, etc. DO lend themselves to fitting a socialist formula.   

Idea 1:  Make the public schools teach good constitutional classes and civics again.
Idea 2:  Return to an emphasis on a more positive approach to the US and the successes therein over the last 200 years.  Yes, Ben Franklin was a whoremonger who left fatherless kids all over the east coast and Europe.... but I'm thinking we need to focus more in schools on what he did that advanced our republic at a public level.
Idea 3:  Recognize that ideologies on both extremes (left and right) exist, need to be acknowledged, but don't need to be followed.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

jerry wagner


The idea of a state funded and overseen but locally ran school is not a socialist ideal, there are few steps missing before it would become socialist.


True Jerry, but if we keep letting bureaucrats and power hungry politicians 'do their thing' we'll get there eventually.  Most such movements are incremental and can take years to come to fruition.  Inch  by  inch, day  by day.

Not too many years ago the idea of a teacher/professor in the US expounding the merits of communism as positive and indocrinating kids into believing communism or socialism trumps what our founders formulated would have resulted in a job termination, if not worse.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


True there, Patriot.  Yet the initial indoctrination was after the Civil War to teach the
Southern (and northern) children that they should never ever "rebel" against "Federal authority"

Jerry Wagner- Your kind has a grip on this country, by and thru the public schools as one of the your strongholds.
Yet, from the beginning it was never meant to be.

jerry wagner


My kind, LOL..... I am glad that I have a kind.


Quote from: redcliffsw on November 06, 2009, 11:08:21 AM

True there, Patriot.  Yet the initial indoctrination was after the Civil War to teach the
Southern (and northern) children that they should never ever "rebel" against "Federal authority"

Jerry Wagner- Your kind has a grip on this country, by and thru the public schools as one of the your strongholds.
Yet, from the beginning it was never meant to be.

Well essentially that is what happened.  The north had to "indoctrinate/re-educate" those who lived south of the mason dixon because they were thinking independently.  The north couldn't have dumb redneck southerners dictating prices on the products they were buying and brought about the war of aggression against a soveriegn nation.    So once everyone was recovering from the losses, the Northerners took advantage of it and raped the economy of the South as it was just getting back on its feet. But they couldn't succeed with it without the re-education of the dumb redneck hicks down there. So they forced Government schools  on the people.

Now its 150 years later, and they just about have succeeded not only with the south but the entire country.
Now you have three kinds of people.  The takers which include everyone that sucks up every public resource, welfare, uses laws to protect honest folks to prevent evictions and services from being denied and then they leave town without paying the bills, then  you have the independent thinkers those who managed to escape the indoctrination that was supposed to teach them to be a good citiizen that voted the right way and for the right party and that government will take care of you if you can't, they succeeded despite the odds and forge a path ahead.  Then you have the folks that kinda fell in the middle there and are totally frustrated cause they can't seem to get ahead yet they keep taking from the government teat. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Whew! Sure not a lover of mankind are you?

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