School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Thank you, Dr. Dave, for the school board meeting recap. I was obligated to attend a different meeting last night and by the time it ended around 8, I was too tired to try taking on another one. I do hope there were several from the community in attendance; I also hope everyone understands that, as a school district, decisions are going to be made that will please some and infuriate others. It's important for parents, especially, to put their own interests aside and think of what's truly best for their children if they want them to have the best possible education they can in Elk County. If that means closing one or both elementaries and consolidating, then we need to decide the best way to pay for that plan. What is clear, or should be, is leaving things as they are isn't going to work much longer. Change is hard (and as Pam recently posted in Daily Enlightenment, is a guaranteed way to make enemies), but change we must if our school district is to survive.


I agree with you and Wilma that we can't go one like this.  I know that change is going to happen.  I just feel that the district might lose to many students right now if we close one or the other.  But if that is the only way that we can survive, than that is what is best.  I just feel that the board is doing a bad job of reporting the information to us.  But we haven't gotten the paper for this week yet there may be news in it about what happened at the meeting.  I have heard that there were positions cut already.  It is sad to lose the teachers that they cut.  I am very sad for one of them, she is an amazing teacher and will be greatly missed by all.  I think she is doing a wonderful job teaching our students. 

But at least they have given the teachers time to look for other jobs else where.  I just knew what the board had in store when they cut those positions.  I mean, are we closing a school and combinding them, are we going to 4 day weeks with the split, or what.  Do we need those teachers to fill teaching positions? 

There are so many questions and right now no true real answers for us.  I understand it is a hard decision and it takes time.  I am just a concerned parent.  I have young children that will be affected by the change and it just worries me.   I do have the education to teach my children if needed at home, but I feel that our schools are so great that they would benefit so much from them.  I guess I just worry most that there will not be a school in a couple of years if something isn't done soon.

I do commend the people that are on working so hard to come up with a plan.  They are putting lots of time and effort into making the best and right decision for all.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I heard a really good quote recently...
"People like change.  It's the transition that scares them."

If there suddenly appeared a brand new grade school in Howard that was equipped with all the teaches, staff, and equipment the students need, I doubt you'd hear 1 person complain about closing the old schools.

Also, I was out in Dighton last week (I believe they are a 2A school, too), and starting Feb 1, their kids have a 1 hour longer school day.  They will dismiss school for the summer on April 30.  It also sounds like they won't start back to school until after Labor Day in Sep (instead of the normal mid-August starting day).


Tobina, You are right about transition!  People just don't think things will work out for what they consider the best, so it causes them great anxiety.  Whatever happens, school will go on, and it will go on very well with a good education.  It could be so much worse for the students of West Elk. We are very lucky in this district to have good teachers and staff that do care about the children. 



The State of New York is also thinking about shortening all the activity seasons - by 2 or 3 games each - to save on money.

L Hendricks

In one school district, each teacher donated one day instead of laying any teachers or staff off


To my knowledge, I think they are to decide something on Monday at the school board meeting.  Does anyone know????
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

jerry wagner

They decided quite a bit at the last meeting.  They RIF'ed five positions (Rader, Miller, Jarred, Foster, and Rodgers) for the 2009/2010 school year.


Teachers can and maybe should teach two grades in each class.  My mother plus all country school teachers taught all eight grades.   This would mean cutting back on teachers, and I know that is a problem.   We would hate to lose  teachers but something needs to be done.

D Whetstone

Update following the School Board meeting on Monday, March 9th.

The Board voted (4-3) to keep both Elementary buildings open for the 09-10 school year.  Both will have Pre-K and Kindergarten.  1st-3rd grade will attend Severy and 4th-6th will attend Moline (Yes, 6th grade is being moved back to the Elementary program for now).

Take a deep breath.  Exhale. Try that again.  Now, consider the following before passing judgment on the above decision.

The long-term financial feasibility of keeping both buildings open is non-existent.  The consensus (as I perceive it) is to build a central Elementary school at the West Elk Jr/Sr High site in Howard.  This will be the long-term solution that will give our kids the best education.

To close one building, whether it is Severy or Moline, risks losing some students (could be a large number; may be a few) to other neighboring districts.  Once a central school is built, those students are likely not to return.

Five independent "consultants" evaluated both the Severy and Moline buildings/campuses.  The consensus of all five?  Both buildings are in poor condition. Neither is a good long-term solution.  Both could be continued to be used for the short term.  Two of the consultants favored Moline.  Two favored Severy.  The fifth said that either building would be fine for 1-2 years but favored Severy if for 5-10.  Some of the consultants put numbers (scoring) to the test.  The final scores may have favored one building or the other but only by slight margins.  Statistically, I don't think the differences were significant.  It would be splitting hairs to say one building is superior to the other.  I would suggest that those making arguments for either building (utility costs at Severy, elevator costs at Moline, mold growing in the Severy gym, roof repairs at Moline, plumbing repairs at Severy, etc, etc, etc) don't have much to argue. The bottom line is, again, we have two poor facilities.

The Board did form a Facilities Advisory Committee. The FAC did meet once.  They had by all accounts a good and productive meeting.  The largest number of members favored closing one building and consolidating into the other (I think some favored this as long as it was the "right" building).  But that number was not a majority. There was not a majority or clear consensus for any option.

I believe, in the end, the Board made the right decision.  They have their eye clearly on the long-term solution and that is to send a bond issue to the voters with the intent of building a central Elementary school.  This current plan, in my opinion, preserves the most students/families until that plan becomes reality.

No solution in the short term is good for all. I believe any short term option will make it difficult on everyone in some form or another. But I think this is the best of the options currently available.  We will all have to sacrifice and work to make the best of a difficult situation. But we can do it.  It is evidenced by many events in our "community" that when times are tough we can pull together and help each other. I think it is time for us to apply that same attitude and spirit to our kid's education.

Stay with us as we grow,

David Whetstone

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