School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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I agree, Marcia.  Rudy did an excellent job on the story, as well as his editorial.  Very good points, and I hope everyone takes them to heart.

So, I didn't get as much of a reply as I thought I would to my question about why Elk County has 2 school districts and has anyone thought of combining them.
So, here's another one for you... why is the Junior High (7th and 8th graders) in the same building as the High School?  Why not move the 7th and 8th graders to Severy, along with the 5th and 6th grades, and have Moline be 1-4th?  That would also save on gas; as now, the 7th and 8th graders have to be bused after school to Severy to have sports practice anyway.  I also think that Junior High students are too young to be that much a part of High School, and the "goings on" of High Schoolers.


then what would they do with all those empty rooms at the highschool?


Good question.  I am trying to see what the positive and negative aspects of doing this would be, or if anyone shares the same opinion about Jr High and High School.  I guess if I were to try and answer that question, Flo, I would suggest that they turn them into community meeting rooms.  I see a great separation between community and school, so this might help in closing that gap.  As well as give high school kids the opportunity to participate in community groups, meetings, etc.  I bet the government class would love to have the experience of participating/ listening to county commish meetings, city meetings, Rotary club, Lions club, etc (examples only).  And those organizations might like a change of venue.  Or, to save on electric bills, the District offices could move into those rooms.  Any other ideas?


Some of those empty rooms could be used for additional classrooms.

Right now we have one teacher that meets in the cafeteria because she doesn't have a classroom.

I know when they were talking about hiring an extra English teacher and another math teacher, there was concern about where those classes would be held. Removing the junior high students would open up some rooms.

We also don't have a good health room. Students that are sick often sit in the office.
There's a little tiny room that used to be the health room, then it was used for ISS, sometimes it's still used for both, but it's also used for storage - that's where a lot of the extra paper for the copiers is stored.

Question, though - how many of the junior high teachers teach high school classes? I know Jim Madison teachers government to the seniors, for instance.

And PE - that's another group of classes with cross-over teachers.


I urge all parents, members of the communities, and tax payers to attend the meeting that is going to be held in July to attend it.  It is important to voice your opinions.  We need to stand together as a community of people.  I don't care if you agree or disagree with what is going on, but we need to think about the children in this community, not our own selfish selfs.  I think that our students are given a wonderful education.  We have a group of amazing teachers and the changes affect them to!!  We need to support them also!! :angel:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

momof 2boys

i also urge all to go.  I am afraid we are going to lose a lot of good families from the Severy and Moline areas because of this decision.  It is extremely hard for a family to have to send their children to three different schools, and that is what is happening to quite a few families in this district.


Where would those families from Severy and Moline go to school if they left the district?

momof 2boys

I know of atleast 2 families with great kids in Severy that plan on sending their children to Eureka, and as for Moline area those in Grenola can go to Burden as the west side of Grenola is in Burden school district and buses run through that side of town.  Sedan busses will pick up at county line, that is where many in that area are looking.


Hmm.  It seems to me that having them go to those other schools would mean just as long (or longer) of a bus ride.  And encountering the same issues that they face with West Elk and different schools, etc?  Is it really a benefit, or just a matter of principle?

momof 2boys

No, I don't believe that it would be a longer bus ride.  Eureka is only 15 minutes from Severy.  Sedan, only about 10 miles from Belknap corner, I'm not sure of Burden from Grenola.  A major issue is continuity.  Sending your children to three different places is a major issue for kids and parents.  I think you probably don't realize the various trips parents have to make to schools for picking up a sick child, leaving early for doctor or dentist appointments, parent/teacher conferences, as well as many other incidents that pop up during the year.  To have to go to different schools to pick up all of your children and keep track of all activities that may be occuring at different places is a huge inconvenience. 

  Once we lose these families I don't believe we will get them back.  The families we are losing were here for the long haul.  They had attended school here as children.  They enjoyed the fact that the was one continuous flow from grade school to the high school.  That is why they are looking elsewhere.   It is so their children will be all at one place.  I think unless you have children that will be shipped off to 3 different locations, you don't realize all of the challenges that you are faced with.

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