School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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"They" don't have anything to do with who is voted into office.  That is like blaming the current administration for the election results.
Quote from: Catwoman on October 24, 2008, 03:24:11 PM
Quote from: Tobina on October 24, 2008, 03:11:15 PM
I don't qualify; I don't have kids... remember?   :P   ::)   :-X

Although, maybe that makes me the perfect candidate... no previous bias, don't have the history of knowing "what used to be", not originally from this area, and very opinionated.  Ha!   ;D
I would say that another Perk-fect person would be Patrick...but I think he'd turn my suggestion down, outright. lol  :laugh: :laugh: 
Tobina you don't have to have kids to be on the board.  You would have a better prospective with out the personal distraction.

People are not ready to hear what I have to say.  They are still living in the past.  They is still too much us and them...

As for me turning it down......
You would be wrong.


Go for it, Patrick...I really mean it.  You have the vision that the Board needs.  As for their not being ready to hear it...that's a personal problem on their part.  I know the content of the Board...and it's time for someone like you!  Get out, get running...and I'm sure you'll find that the citizens will back you.  Shoot...if I were still there, I'd be your campaign manager! lol  Let's see..."Vote out the turkeys that you have representing you...Vote in the biggest turkey of them all!"...hmmmmmm...needs work...maybe someone else better handle this. lol :laugh:


Quote from: Tobina on October 24, 2008, 03:11:15 PM
I don't qualify; I don't have kids... remember?   :P   ::)   :-X

I'd really like to knee jerk on that snippy comment ..but I am on a time schedule here and will be leaving soon... and my frame of mind is not very much on the "nice side" today.. I am sure when I get out and about I will cheer up immensely..
( for the love of the lord ...lets hope so)  ;)

Sometimes.. the young ones without kids ( who don't owe any one section or person anything ) make the best ones to see both sides of the situation.
So there, Tobino..(even though I publicly apologized to you) ..*didn't help cause it still sticks in your craw*..   I would campaign and be in your corner ..I think you would be an excellent one to set on the board.   

Patrick.. I think since you DO have kids in the school system and you are a cage rattler.. then you are just what they need in there. They won't like you very much of course..:D. but that might be for the better.. LOL .. 
(((It would tear down their little "everyone is bundled together in a nice little agreeing pen of bleating sheep" group..
New blood with new ideas and you 2 wouldn't be afraid to not only talk the talk.. but maybe make them walk the walk.  I will more than be glad to campaign for you both.. knocking on doors .. handing out fliers.. etc.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: angtown3 on October 24, 2008, 06:55:26 AM
I am glad that they decided to do this.  It makes perfect sense to have the information to look over before they make this decision.  But I think that sometimes they do hide this information.  I think they don't really like for the community to be involved.  I am not talking about the board.  Don't you see how mad Mr. Moore got when the community put their oppion in about the spliting the schools.  He turned in his resignation.  I think the board wants the community to be involved, but Mr. Moore wants them to listen to only him.  That is not how things work in life.  I don't always do what I want, just because I want to even when it comes to my business.  You have to have the input of others to help!!  Don't you pray to God, and ask for him to guide you!!  That is not thinking for yourself and doing for yourself, that is being a responsible human being!!  Asking others for guidance doesn't make you an idiot, it makes you better.  I know that Julie at the grocery store tries really hard to please her customers, I think that we, as citizens should be considered customers to the decision that the board makes.  Will they make each and everyone of us happy, no, but that is part of life.

Ok, I am off of my rant!!!
Truth is always good, no matter where you choose to post it.  And, you've just hit on one of the problems that West Elk has always had...there has always been an effort to control how information is given out and when it is given out.  And, yes...the man at the helm appears to get a little bent out of shape when his control is questioned.  He stated openly in his letter to the newspaper (and I'm paraphrasing here) that he is accustomed to being headed in the same direction as his Board and that when that isn't occuring, then it's time for him to take his ball and go home.  But, let's be honest here...the public and the Board have accepted his role in their lives...even given him more complete control, when they made him Sup. in addition to being the Dir. of SPED.  So, if he's accustomed to having control, it's a result of many years of shaping the events surrounding that control.  And, I can tell you that the man honestly believes he's doing the best job that he can for the district.  He's been tremendously active outside of the county, involved in various educationally-based activities.  So, you take the bad with the good...and try to make sure that the good outweighs whatever collateral damage is left in his wake. 


Quote from: Teresa on October 25, 2008, 10:23:55 AM

Patrick.. I think since you DO have kids in the school system and you are a cage rattler.. then you are just what they need in there. They won't like you very much of course..:D. but that might be for the better.. LOL .. 
(((It would tear down their little "everyone is bundled together in a nice little agreeing pen of bleating sheep" group..
New blood with new ideas and you 2 wouldn't be afraid to not only talk the talk.. but maybe make them walk the walk.  I will more than be glad to campaign for you both.. knocking on doors .. handing out fliers.. etc.

That would be like buying your own rope for the hanging...........Can I get a good deal on just one 50 caliber round?


Quote from: Teresa on October 25, 2008, 10:23:55 AM
Quote from: Tobina on October 24, 2008, 03:11:15 PM
I don't qualify; I don't have kids... remember?   :P   ::)   :-X

I'd really like to knee jerk on that snippy comment ..but I am on a time schedule here and will be leaving soon... and my frame of mind is not very much on the "nice side" today.. I am sure when I get out and about I will cheer up immensely..
( for the love of the lord ...lets hope so)  ;)

Sometimes.. the young ones without kids ( who don't owe any one section or person anything ) make the best ones to see both sides of the situation.
So there, Tobino..(even though I publicly apologized to you) ..*didn't help cause it still sticks in your craw*..   I would campaign and be in your corner ..I think you would be an excellent one to set on the board.   

I'm apologizing back to you, Teresa.  I didn't even remember it was you who said that about the kids; I was trying to jokingly give myself an excuse for not running.  Thanks for your vote of support, though.


It wasn't Teresa who made the comment about not having kids...the perpetrator of that rudeness will go unnamed for the moment. ::) 


No.. it was me, Catwoman.. Sometimes my mouth overloads my brain..  :-X
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hmmmm.  The post I read wasn't as far I know, you're absolved! lol  As far as mouths overloading brains...try to be a teacher in front of a class of 24, trying to mediate a situation while monitoring for behavior on the part of the other students!  It can get hairy sometimes!


The community came out in droves to listen to the board members discuss the new school proposal.  less than 1% of even Howard citizens.    >:(

If you have a problem with the school then get your 99%  of the couch.  If you want to know what is going on then get involved. 

The good news is that the architects hated the old grade school idea.   Just one more intelligent voice for the construction of a giant parking lot within a residential area.

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