School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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No guarantees. Just your boys and the rest of the men and women of the US armed services which has served us well..


Gina,  Backup, slow down, this is not a personal slam on your show........I am not complaining one bit about your class room or what you teach or how you teach it.   

What I really am asking for is the entire school to, in mass say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning before you do anything else.

I think that some things need not be forgotten.  A daily reminder if you will that you have the luxury to teach two classes at the same time and the God given ability to do it so well only because someone else is there keeping us safe.

If it means that my children go hungry, then so be it, it is more important to say the flag salute every morning than eat a meal.  And at home, yes, then pray before every meal....can't even sneek a bite or Christina will come unkorked on you...

Keep up the good work.   

Don't take me so seriously.........

momof 2boys

PEP, I have never in my life taken you seriously. lol


I know this is going to probably irk some, but in my humble opinion, saying the Pledge is akin to remembering to do something else...say THANK YOU.  Yes, it is the duty of parents to teach the social morays that exist in our time.  However, teachers also try to inject some of that into their teaching because, contrary to those 'teachers' who just show up and draw their pay, real 'educators' are not only teachers but mentors...people who teach the WHOLE child, not just the academic one.  And, one of the things that must be taught to children is how to exhibit not always just be a taker but also give something a simple 'thank you'.  I have noticed that exhibiting gratitude seems to be a dying art form within about the last five years...instead, there's a real air of entitlement that seems to be thanks required on the part of the receiver.  This word would be an easier place to live in if we had more givers and a few less 'entitled' people. 

Jo McDonald

I agree whole heartedly, Catwoman, and I definitely believe that the Pledge of Allegiance should be said EVERY MORNING before classes begin.  I also believe that all parents would want this to take place, as all children need to know and remember how we must show respect for our flag and our country.

  May God  always Bless America !! and those that are defending our freedom each and every day.


I have a cute story on the Pledge.  My kindergartener came home yesterday from school.  I asked all the normal questions and stuff.  When all the kids have left the daycare, we were in the garden checking it out, and I noticed she was holding up a piece of grass, telling her little sister, "This is how the Pledge goes," she started it out.  I asked her if she did that at school and she told me that someone in her class got to hold the flag and they all got to say the Pledge.  It was really neat!!! :laugh:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


 :o  What did you guys do today that makes the paper?

What would a new grade school in the old grade school look like?

Why can't we build a grade school where there used to be a grade school?

We could call it the Moline/Severy North/South Middle/Elementary School.  All the teachers would be required to live in Moline or Severy.  The bus drivers would all have to live in Grenola.   Janitors will have to have some residence in Elk Falls.   Students would be called MSNSES's. 

Now let's all just try to get along.


Angie, I did remember the pledge but forgot the attendance. ???(First day was hectic)  But I hope your little one had fun!


Quote from: gina on August 21, 2008, 05:28:48 AM
PEP, I have never in my life taken you seriously. lol

If you are expecting any love from brother dear then I have failed you!!! Maybe if you were a CAT skid loader you'd have a chance.


Good Lord.. There is 2 of them thar' Perkins boys...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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