School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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D Whetstone

I agree with Liz and have to restate - it would be best to call Debbie Stange and discuss with her.  If there is a different solution, she can't fix unless she knows what are the concerns.  If there is no better solution, she would be able to explain why it is so.


Well, I kinda was upset yesterday, but feel that it is best to try it and see how things go.  You never know until you try.  I know that her teacher will tell me if she feels that this is to much time on the bus.  But it won't matter about the getting up time, if she came with me it would be the same.

I will what till I see how she reacts first, and if it works out great!!  If not then I will discuss it with Debbie.  She did tell me that they had to rearrange the bus routes!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


My daughters came home from the first day of school and I began the usually drill of who sat by who on the bus.  What was the new kids names?  Was it PE or Music?    What was for lunch?   

Then the weirdest answer:  Did you say the pledge of allegiance?  two No's and a yes.   

The sixth grade and combined 3/4 didn't say the Pledge?   When did we turn communist.  Did the bleeding heart liberals and the ACLU come to town and set up camp?   I think they would get the same response as the Phelps gang from Topeka.  We have trees, we have rope........RED NECK TECH.

Francis Bellamy would roll over in his grave:  "I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the Republic for which its stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

I believe that in times of war we should have everyone in any school say the pledge of allegiance every morning.  Your fellow Americans are putting their life on the line for you to have the right to say:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

exit stage left..............


I'm with ya on that one!  If they don't say it, does that mean they don't have to learn it either? :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

momof 2boys

For your information PEP, I am not a communist.  I am a teacher that had over a million different things going on the first hour of school and believe it or not the Pledge (as well as lunch count) slipped my mind.  I did however, manage to get your daughter fed. 

There have been many times in my classroom when I have lectured my students on the importance of the meaning of each word in the Pledge.  I do believe your daughter was in my classroom last year and we discussed how it was important to think of those who fight for our freedoms while we recite the Pledge.  This was during the time that the Mackey children had lost their father in Iraq. 


When it comes to religion, birth control, patriotism, morals, etc. if you teach it at home then the school shouldn't have to do it for you. If we let the schools concentrate on reading, riting, and 'rithmatic we will be better off. Once we do that then we can add all the other important topics.


Quote from: dnalexander on August 20, 2008, 09:49:31 PM
When it comes to religion, birth control, patriotism, morals, etc. if you teach it at home then the school shouldn't have to do it for you. If we let the schools concentrate on reading, riting, and 'rithmatic we will be better off. Once we do that then we can add all the other important topics.
It takes less than 1 minute out of each morning to say the pledge.  No excuse really to not say it :)  Its all a matter of prioritiees.
I have three sons in the military, they get up at 5 am every morning stand at attention and salute the flag when the flag is raised every morning. :) I figure if they can take time in their busy day to do this, we can too :)
And yes I do say the pledge as i put up my flag on my front porch :D
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I agree with you 100% Steve; we should never be too busy to forget this. God bless you and your sons, and God bless America!


It is important, I have posted as much information on the flag, patriotism, and U.S history as anyone on here. Just not the job of a school to teach Flag, pledge, religion, patriotism, birth control, morals that is your job as a parent. Again if you do it yourself and let the school teach reading , writing, and arithmetic we will be better off.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on August 20, 2008, 10:24:22 PM
I agree with you 100% Steve; we should never be too busy to forget this. God bless you and your sons, and God bless America!

God has, he has kept my sons alive so far, and i live in the best country on earth one where he gives me freedom to say what i want to say, to live how i wish to live, and the guarantee that no one can take it from me. :)
Im as poor as a church mouse  but i'm the  richest man on earth :)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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