School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Yes, that is Tonovay.  The flea market is in the old gymnasium.  After the Tonovay school was closed, the buildings were used for, I think it was the 6th grade out of Eureka.  Tonovay had consolidated with Eureka.  The kids were bussed to the school every day.  I don't remember how far, but at least as far as Moline is from here.  Then the classrooms were torn down and the gymnasium eventually turned into a flea market.  The last time I was there it was so packed that it was hard to get around in.  Also dirty.  I have been to other flea markets that are housed in old school buildings.  They are neither heated nor cooled and generally dirty as no one in charge does any cleaning.

W. Gray

That big gorilla out front came from Burrton, Kansas.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Run for school board?  Have you people ever really heard my views.  Earl (my grandpa)was a man of little bs and a lot of hard work.  If it too damn dry to raise crops you picked up rocks all day  out of the pastures to stop the erosion that would eventually come when it rains.  I hope to continue by picking up rocks with my skid loader.  Work smarter not harder. The rains or winds will come. 
If you beat your head against a wall for so long all you will have is a headache.  If you use a big ass hammer you can knock in a new doorway in no time. 
Sidenote: any one wanting to practice knocking down walls just stop by the drugstore and ask for the need a new doorway into the new building to the north area.   byoh...

:police:When I rule the world we will have a different way of life. Mark my words before the end of this decade we will have one school.  My uncle always said it is easier to get forgiveness than permission.  We will all eat spicy chicken and call it tatanka that flies.  The roads will all be graded to keep the rain around for all to enjoy for  a while.  The closed schools will be a memorial to those who have graduated before us.  I will call these grand and far reaching accomplishments the "PEP RULZ"   

  • No More whining.
    You can have no more school buildings than you have citizens to pay for them.
    You must pay taxes to complain.
    You must pay your taxes on time.
    You must vow to never shop at Wal-mart again.  Not even for underwear.  I am sure that Bentonville has a wonderfull school.
    All extra curricular activities will become secondary to hard core book crackin' stay up all night to figure out what Seaton was saying studing.
    If you stay out late because of a game you must make that time up increasing your I.Q. by how many points the other team scored.
    You must come daily to pay omage to the soda fountain and take from its ice cream freezer.
    If you are late to class you have to mow the yard.
    If you flunk a test you have to run for student office.
    If you get caught cheating you will be quartered and fed to the FFA goats.
    FFA will hay the school and lake property in square bales to give the students the rural experience.
    Students with the lowest GPA will be asked to top out the barn to bring them up a level. 
    The school gym will be unlocked to the public.
    The caffeteria will actually cook every meal from scratch.
    Two words  ....   TRUCK FARM           .....fresh is best.
    New classes: at vo/ag   Bus repair 101.
    at renewed business Intro to creative block grant writing.
    :police:If you accept my terms then I'm your guy.


L Hendricks

PEP - How many Mt Dews have you had at 5:30am?  Frank was needing more male hormones on here - I don't think he was bargaining for this... I like the idea of lowest GPA gets to stack out the top of the barn...Can count on you to think outside the box...


Patrick, I have read that 3 times and I think the answer is "PATRICK FOR " let me read again before I finish that.


Think those RULZ are good, except the "stack the top of the barn" - that low GPA student may be studying harder and trying harder than the highest GPA, but things just by nature come harder to some people.  Notwithstanding, think maybe PEP may just need to put this name in the next school board elections.  (You may want to keep that "big ass hammer" handy, however, if you do  ;D)


Quote from: pepelect on July 16, 2008, 04:36:56 AM
FFA will hay the school and lake property in square bales to give the students the rural experience.
Students with the lowest GPA will be asked to top out the barn to bring them up a level. 

That single idea would increase the GPA of the school to about a 3.7 average overall....Hell, they would be putting us in the National newspapers.

Anyone who has ever had that task would agree, by the time grades came out again you would find a way to not be at the bottom :)


Quote from: frawin on July 16, 2008, 07:49:32 AM
Patrick, I have read that 3 times and I think the answer is "PATRICK FOR " let me read again before I finish that.
"PATRICK FOR ELK COUNTY PHILOSOPHER". In all seriousness Patrick, I think you would bring some fresh ideas and lots of knowledge regarding new construction and/or remodeling the facilities, and I think you and your wife have certainly proven that you are willing to invest in the future of Howard and the area, and that you care about saving the schools.


Quote from: DanCookson on July 16, 2008, 08:09:32 AM
Quote from: pepelect on July 16, 2008, 04:36:56 AM
FFA will hay the school and lake property in square bales to give the students the rural experience.
Students with the lowest GPA will be asked to top out the barn to bring them up a level. 

That single idea would increase the GPA of the school to about a 3.7 average overall....Hell, they would be putting us in the National newspapers.

Anyone who has ever had that task would agree, by the time grades came out again you would find a way to not be at the bottom :)
I have topped out to many hay barns on a hot day, it would definitely help the GPA Average, it is not just the hot roof and no air it is the roofing nails bitting you.

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