Poll: Boards on the Forum

Started by Teresa, June 05, 2008, 01:34:27 PM

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What boards ..if any..on this forum would you like to see taken off.

1 (3.8%)
1 (3.8%)
1 (3.8%)
None of the above
24 (92.3%)
I'd like to have a board added.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: June 12, 2008, 10:18:36 PM


I have received a couple of concerns about these boards that are on the forum.
2 have complained about the politics board
5 have complained about the religious board
11 have complained about the "games" on the misc board.

My answers each time have been .."If you do  not like something on that particular board.. don't open that thread.
Just like TV. if you don't like a show.. don't watch it..but there are some that do like what goes on in that section..so we keep them up...until something is decided on.

But .......................................Kjell built this.. and we can take it apart.. or add to it.. or change it if that is what the majority wants.
But just like anything. You have to get your opinion out there and vote.
And I promise you that nothing anyone says will be taken personally.. and each vote will count and the majority rules.
This poll will run for 7 days.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I say leave it like it is. I visit several sites on the internet, and only look at what I am interested in. It might be possible to block certain threads? I don't know, but it might be an option.

Dee Gee

Just leave all boards open and the users to not to read / open them if don't like what is being discussed.  There will be some people that complain about certain item just like any open discussions.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Let it be.  Nothing wrong with any good debate.

Jo McDonald

For pity sake ---- if something offends someone, then move on to something that doesn't offend --- Life is full of different opinoins, and if everyone had to think alike, it sure would be a boring ole world.

    Leave the boards as they are  --- I for one like different view points.


It's not advisable to mess with human or mother nature....or....tinker with perfection. The variety of the boards seems very well balanced to me. Like any picnic, party, or other gathering of Godlings there are going to be many conversations. Rather than demonize or deny those with different interests or those who speak that which you don't wish to endure, just move to the next table and get on with your good life. Live and let live?


 >:( let it be,let it be,let it be ...............................no one need's to be mad some people like certain thing's some people dont, if you dont like something obiously the righy thing would to NOT PAY ANY ATTENTION to it and LET IT BE
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


So who's forcing people to read all these boards?  ???

When I go to the library I don't read EVERY book there. (Jim thinks I try,  ;D  ;D  ;D)

I don't like some of the threads, or the tones on those threads, so I quit reading them.
We are NOT all alike - viva la difference!


Ole Granny

Ditto with Mom70x7!

Also, I respect Teresa and Kjell's right to handle the board as they see fit.  If the games are removed, I won't play them.  But I will still enjoy the forum.  I, for one, have always enjoyed Teresa's sharp witted and colorful posts.  Now don't read into this that I think she is sharp with her words.  It is her witt that I enjoy.  Colorful in print and humor.  I miss her when she is trying to behave.   ;D ;D
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Rudy Taylor

Sounds like we have bored boarders on our border.

Leave 'em be, I say.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

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