
Started by W. Gray, June 05, 2008, 11:28:17 AM

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W. Gray

Temperature was in the early 40s when we arose this morning.

It is 49 at noon.

I have a call in to Al Gore asking what happened to global warming.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Rudy Taylor

It's no longer global warming.

Now it's "climate change."

With that terminology, Al Gore will always be right.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


BAD weather cells will be surrounding us tonight and into the morning hours. Derek and Danny told me that this is the perfect conditions ( since 1976) for huge tornadoes.
Hopefully it will pass us with little or no wind. but the general census says "somethings  gonna happen".
I'd rather be prepared than not. .
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I went out ridin' earlier, and the wind about blew me off my dang horse. It's getting dark here now. I hope Billy gets home early. I hate being here alone with the "baby" during bad weather.


Well...  :-\
just a heads up..
(dang you Tobina   :( for making me have to post this)  ;D ;D

All of us Cooksons are getting together for supper and playing Baggo and cards tonight.. sooooooo listen very carefully and make sure you know if the siren is a fire or a tornado.. LOL LOL

I'll make the daughter in laws go out and do a "go away bad stuff" dance.. lol
The Gods like the young ones better than us old hags out there stomping under the night sky.. LOL

((Ohhh I do crack myself up sometimes.)  ;D ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder

I thought me hurting like I have been all day was due to me over working in my garden this morning and all that I did yesterday.

Well, after watching the weather and all that, I find that I must be predicting what is to come.

My arthritis has been running amok and I have been popping pills like crazy (ok, just what I am allowed, but more than I usually take)

Batten down the hatches. I hope it fizzles out before it gets here,  but I am making plans to hide out, too.

God watch over you and me and keep us all safe.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Amen to that!

Stay away from windows and outside walls.

and if you are crouched down in an emergency situation.. grab something to put over you.. a sofa pillow off the divan.. a heavy blanket or something in case of falling objects  . It might protect your body a little bit. Keep your phone with you too.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Stay safe you all. I've been watching your weather too.


We got lucky out here. Just lots of wind and rain. Rain guage was blown over by the wind, so I am unsure as to how much rain fell. The wind was terrible. It split an old tree at Chip and Nancy's house, and threw a large swing made of logs into the circle drive. Not any damage at our place since our trees are just babies. I brought my hummingbird feeders in, as well as my hanging plants. Neighbors had a truck pushed off of their driveway the other night when it stormed. (No damage to it.)

Today looks to be a much nicer day...No wind!!

Judy Harder

good morning to all.

I just finished rehanging my outdoor stuff.

I didn't take down the hummingbird feeders, but I did move a potted tomato out of the weather and am happy
to say that I don't see any damage.

We did get 1 inch of rain here in Longton. Now that isn't official..........this was out of my rain gauge.......and
I haven't been out to see if limbs are down but here at housing all is calm

It seemed that after all the hype on television and warnings that the storm was fizzling out by the time it got to Longton. Praise the Lord!

Our firechief, Bruce Beem had been out in the firetruck and driving up one street and another and announcing to all that the storm was coming and when I heard and saw that I was just so proud of him for doing that.

Now for is just beginning and I don't think I have to do anything. Just hang out.
Have a good day, you all.......and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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