
Started by Devyn-Leann, May 07, 2008, 09:04:23 PM

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I've about had it with my internet. I cannot believe that I am still stuck with dial-up out here when our tv's will switch to digital programming within the next year. Everytime I log onto the net it takes almost 3 or 4 minutes for a page to load. And if you want to watch a video - yeah right!! I do schoolwork online and have also worked online as a medical transcriptionist. I have found it almost impossible and have had to go to my mother's where she has DSL. I've called AT&T numerous times begging them for high speed internet, but there's not a fiber optic cable anywhere near our home!! We've considered satellite internet, but the instillation price was so high Billy about had a heart attack!! Someone help me!! Make a suggestion!! Tobina - do you have high speed out there? If so, who did you go with??

We use KITUSA. We've never had a single problem with them. I just want faster internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was very frustrating for me trying to figure out what to do when we moved out here.  Heck, my phone line still gets static and cross-talk when it rains too much, let alone get good internet!  I researched internet through the satellite TV companies, as well as other satellite internet options.  Since I'm on the computer ALL DAY and rely on it for work, I needed a good service.
I settled on Wildblue satellite (  It's one of the newest and best technologies for satellite internet.  I've only had good luck.  Expensive? Yes.  $300 for the satellite, plus installation.  But they are running a special right now for $50 off the satellite and free installation, which is great!  Packages from about $50.  My parents have the "value" package and it's very good.  I have the "pro" pack, and I could probably go down a level and still be fine.  My company helps pay for the service, though.  You can get it through rural electric companies.  The one my parents went through offered them a 3-month payment plan on the satellite, but mine didn't (at that time, Lyon-Coffey County was the closest provider).  You can look on the website and see where the dealers are and give them a call.
I don't know about going through Dish Network or whatever satellite TV you have; at the time I researched, it was not near as fast as Wildblue and cost just as much (except you'll already have the satellite).  I've heard nothing but bad things about some other satellite companies like Hughs (or Hughs Net).  I have quite a few customers who USED to use them, and have now switched to Wildblue.


Some new information on internet in rural areas... SKTC now has what they call "Air Cards", which are the same thing that the major cell phone companies advertise as "Broadband Internet Cards".  It is a card that you put in your computer (either in a special card slot or some are USB) and when you activate it, you get internet!  You can use it virtually everywhere.  I have a Verizon one through my company and I use it in hotels and airports and other places when I travel (stopping at a rest stop to check e-mails).  I believe it uses the same towers as cell phones, so whereever you can get cell service, you can get internet (and it uses any Verizon, Us Cellular, AT&T/Cingular, and Alltel towers).  The cost per month is still the same as satellite internet, but the startup fees are less.  The quote they gave us today:
$59.99 per month for unlimited service
$99.99 to purchase the card (w/ 2 year contract)
$250 (-ish, I can't remember the exact amount) without a 2 year contract to purchase the card

The card will come with software that you install on your computer to activate the card.  This would work well on a one-computer household, and the card can be used on multiple computers (but not at the same time).
The only disadvantage I see is that if you do have multiple computers, you could not use the internet at the same time.  With the satellite, you can use a wireless router (but another $40-60).
I heard about this card a month ago or so, but I think they just got the shipment of cards in TODAY and should have them available Monday.


Tobina, I have used an Air Card in my business laptop and it is great but I felt like it was very slow. It is great for traveling, I could use my laptop on the road and the coverage was pretty good, mine was ALLTELL. Most of the Motels have wireless or CATV connections available in the rooms.


Yes, my broadband card is a little slower than my satellite, and slower than DSL, but MUCH faster than dial-up!  I also use the internet in hotels, when they have it for free.  Some still require you to pay for it.  And some lower quality places that advertise free internet always seem to have network problems whenever I stay there.  So the broadband card has been a great backup in those cases.  I also use it in airports where it takes 10 minutes to get signed up for the airport service, and if I only have a few minutes to check e-mail it seems a waste to pay $10 (or more).
I've also been able to use my broadband card during storms when the weather makes the satellite go out!  So that's another plus over satellite, too.
Still not sure if it will get lots of uptake in rural areas, but it does provide another option for people like Devyn-Lynn who is looking for alternatives to dial-up.  The reason I found out about this today was that David was asking about satellite for his daughter so she can do her homework for school.  Since she's a senior this year, and the last child in the house, it seemed a little much to purchase the satellite and pay monthly fees for only a year.  This will be a good option for her to take the card with her next year to school, too (although the school will probably have free internet, too, but only on campus).

W. Gray

Tobina, or anyone else,

Are you actually using Verizon wireless broad band from within Elk County?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Warph; yes, I have Verizon broadband and Verizon mobile service.  I use mobile service all the time.  I use broadband only when my satellite is out (raining, snowing, or electricity is out).  It's not quite as fast as my satellite since it's roaming, but better than dial-up!

Rudy Taylor

The big economic stimulus package which Congress will receive by the end of this month is supposed to create jobs for expanding broadband internet into rural areas of the nation.

Don't hold your breath about that one.  But at least it is given high priority in this package.

Elk Countians definitely need better internet service, especially those residents living in rural areas.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

W. Gray

Thank you Tobina [even if I am not Warph]. That is good news.

I passed up having an internal Verizon card installed in my laptop because the Verizon web site says that they have no wireless broadband service in 67349.

But, they also say they do not have cell phone service in 67349 and my Verizon phone works quite well there, especially since they installed the extra towers last year.

Being able to use wireless will beat trailing a 600-mile long Cat 6 cable each time I come to Howard.

Rudy, Qwest, here in Colorado Qwest is taking no chances and has sent a formal four-page request to the Obama transition team asking that Speaker Pelosi (who is drafting the mother of all giveaways for the new President), include money to expand their broadband wireless in Colorado rural areas.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Rudy Taylor

Sure hope all this stimuli works.

I'm supportive but quite concerned about my great-grandchildren paying for it.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

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