Odd request...but help needed!

Started by indygal, April 25, 2008, 02:58:14 PM

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Hi Everyone!

This may sound like a strange request, but I'm hoping you can help me out. I'm putting together a poison prevention display for the health fair on May 3, and I would like to borrow some items (rather than buy them ... when you read the list, you'll understand why).

The display will contain "look alikes"...either packaging or products that resemble each other. Some items I already have, but many I don't, and hate to spend a small fortune to buy them just so I can use them for a two-hour display.

Here's what I'm looking for:

Ex-Lax (the kind that looks like a chocolate bar....just need one or two of the small squares)
Dishwasher powder (that looks like sugar)...about a tablespoon
Two Sudafed tablets (the small red ones)
Bleach powder (white) that looks like lemonade mix ... about a tablespoon
Moth balls (just one or two, about the size of miniature marshmallows)
Miniature marshmallows (just one or two, white please)
A can of Rave hairspray in the blue/white can
A can of Lysol spray in the blue/white can
Comet cleanser in the green can
Tic Tac breath mints (just one or two...white please)

Any item borrowed will be returned! You can either drop them off at the Farm Bureau office any time Monday or email me and I can stop by and pick the items up (in Howard, that is!)

Already thanking you for your help!


The only thing I have is the Comet . but you are welcome to it.

I have Tic Tacs.. but I use the cinnamon ( red) I might have some white ones, but I don't want them back..
Fell free to just pop them in your mouth and use them if you want to.. but please do not bring them back to me.. hahahahaha 

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I have a box of moth balls left over from spring cleaning!!!

Diane Amberg

Lynn, that will be a very useful display. We made up a 3 panel poster display at fire school with the "look a likes" attached and the cans and things on a table in front. Once we got our heads together, I was amazed how many things we came up with. I'm so pleased you are doing it! :D


Devyn, I'd appreciate borrowing those mothballs if I may. Are they small, like mini marshmallows? That would be perfect!

Speaking of mothballs, I knew Teresa wouldn't have any of those left from her "under the house" fiasco last year....LOL (Ouch! That's one sharp elbow you've got there! LOL.....just kidding!) The can of Comet would really help me out with the display. Not to worry about the Tic Tacs ... I won't return anything I've eaten......eww......

Thank you, Diane, for the compliments but I can take absolutely no credit for the display idea. It was something a predecessor of mine did a few years ago (I'm guessing) and there were some items left in the storage room. The Farm Bureau Association heavily promotes poison awareness/prevention, so this display is just one part of its educational program. I do agree that it's important and I'm pleased to be able to bring that information to the public. You're so right ... it's amazing how many products and packages resemble each other.


Lynne, you are more than welcome to my mothballs. In my opinion, they resemble small hard candies, but I could also see them as a marshmallow. I'm not sure when I will be back to town - as Lane and I are both ill, Lane worse than me. But it could be Wednesday afternoon. Would you like me to bring them by the FB office?


I am pretty sure I have moth balls and miniature marshmallows and the red sudafeds. I will send them with Perry tomorrow on his way to work. He usually hits Howard by noon. I won't need any of them back. I don't have any currently but there are green rat pellets that could look like candy to a child and would do damage to children or animals.
The test of a man's character is not what he does in public but what he does when no one is looking.-author unknown
My job is to be the best me that I can be for myself and the glory of God.
-M. Scott Peck


Lynne, this morning Kelly stated "Oops, just ran out of hair spray" - guess what? it was Rave.  I asked for the empty can and she looked at me like I was nuts.  ;D  I explained and anyhow, if you need it, I have it and will get it to you.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Hi everyone!

Thank you for your many offers to help with the poison display.

Flo, I can definitely use that empty can of hairspray.

Devyn and/or Bette, I'll be in the FB office all day today, so if you can make it into town with the mothballs, that would be great!

I do already have the red Sudafed pills, but if the red-hot candies are still available, I could use those.

Teresa, I found a can of Comet.

I found some dishwashing detergent powder, but I would be happy if someone would be willing to loan a can of Lysol spray (in the blue/white can).

Again, I know it sounds like a goofy request, and I appreciate all your offers for help. It just didn't make sense to me to buy all these products for a two-hour display. Thanks, everyone!

I'm still hoping someone will have some extra Ex-Lax (the kind that looks like a chocolate candy bar),

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