David Oakleaf preforming after CMA Awards TONIGHT!!

Started by Teresa, April 14, 2008, 10:42:52 AM

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I don't like the blond twins.
If David wasn't on there, I would be rooting for
#1 Joey and Rory..
#2 Catlin and Will

But even if Dave doesn't win.. his career will be 100% boosted with this.
On Idol, they say that even the 3rd place contestant gets a record deal.
And I know that before this Duet...some big names was looking at Dave for his music and his songwriting abilities.. sooooo
win or lose.. I think our David is on his way to the top!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



Check out the blog site for the duet people. This one is Davids.. I posted.. Betcha he would love it if more of us left him an encouraging post. So how 'bout it everyone.
Lets show our hometown boy that we are rooting for him.  :)
( I know he checks it often too)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Just got on David's blog site and I see that several of you have posted.
Thanks for that and I know that David will be pleased as all get out to see the support from "back home".
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


Yes he did    :'( and I didn't think that they were off key. ( but maybe my ears are partial to him..  ;) )

Anyway.. he has a great attitude about it and it has gotten his name and face out there with lots of big name people.. which is good.

In the country music world.. I think everyone now will know "Oakleaf"...  :)
The girls darn sure will and I know that the "right people" have their eye on him too.  :)

I wish him all the good fortune he can have.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

Yes, David Oakleaf will only become bigger as a result of his appearance on this show.

And it never hurts to have someone like Naomi Judd wanting to smooch you.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Yeah, I was never impressed with the partner they put him with.  They never seemed to "click".  David is a great performer on stage, but the partner seemed very nervous.  They may have looked good together, but they didn't ever come across as being a duet.  Hopefully David will find another partner (or get back with his old one) or move on by himself and continue to succeed!  He's got the talent and the look, that's for sure!


Yes!!! they were out of key and David needed to either wear a different shirt or use different deodorant. But this kid has a stage performance that is out of this world. No wonder Naomi likes him so well. David will go a long way, I just hope that at some time he will let the nation know where he is from. As far as another partner, David could get along just fine by himself. I cannot say enough about his stage performance, not only is he fun to watch but he makes you want more. 
It was great to see Sam and Becky there, I know they are very proud of him and they should be.
I just wish Helen Vinette was here to see what his has done with his music.
Army Mom


who won last night, or am I going to have to wait for a re-run  ???

Judy Harder

Flo, I don't know,

But, this morning on the Country Music station they said they were going to
rerun the final show tonight and all this week.

I am sure someone will know.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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