Good Night All

Started by flo, April 01, 2008, 11:54:39 PM

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Diane Amberg

As far as our snow goes, it's getting hard to measure because it's all still here and it's starting to pack down on top of it's self.  We got about 18'' near here, with some getting a bit more and some only about 7'' or so. It still looks like a lot. We have more coming Monday night.

Ms Bear

I got about 5 flakes on my way to work yesterday morning but today was very sunny and almost warm.  Nice enough that the greatgrandkids got to go ourside for a wonderful few minutes.  They are going home tonight and I will miss them but will also enjoy the quiet.

I just can't imagine how all of you deal with the weather there.


Ms. Bear, I would not want your humid summer weather, but I guess we all get used to what we live with. It was like early spring here today, everybody was outside, even inventing reasons to do so I imagine. I spent a little time in the yard, darned rabbits have pruned the shrub roses I put out last year. Guess I will have to pack them with barbershop hair next year; that is if any have survived. Ted used to tell me that it worked anyway. He always bragged about the roses in Texas, how pretty they were. I also made a trip to the cemetary, said hello to the robins I met there, and installed the little solar powered lights I bought for the graves. To let them all know how they light up my life. Happy Valentines' Day everyone!


It was a beautiful day here in SoCal, almost 80 degrees.  We had our children and their families over plus an added bonus of one of my son's friends from high school and his wife and two children.  The reason for the celebration was:  Celebrating the Chinese New Year (in honor of our beautiful Chinese daughter-in-law), Valentine's Day and my wife's upcoming birthday all at once.  In the Chinese tradition, we had Chinese food and red envelopes were given to the children which contained money, another Chinese tradition.  She also provided us with our upcoming horoscopes for the year of the tiger.  She is not really all that traditional, but considers it fun to have a party for the Lunar New Year.  They have all gone home now.  Thank God for the peace and quiet!!!!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Ms Bear

Edie, I don't know about Texas roses.  My husband kept the yard looking like a park and roses everywhere.  They were very pretty and bloomed almost year round but I have managed to kill all but three of them since he passed away.  It is about all I can do to keep up with the mowing.  I think I have even killed his Azealeas but I will replant them.

I am still getting up to ice on the windshield in the mornings but it warms up later in the day and was actually very nice when I got off today.

I am glad everyone there has survived the cold and bad weather.


Jo McDonald

We left here on Jan. 31st and spent the month of Feb in south Texas.  The weather was frightful--- cold, rainy and just plain that a word???  We went to Old Mexico for a couple of days, enjoyed that a whole lot, and our friends that we have spent the past 15 winters with were there, so that was GREAT.  Super Bowl Sunday was a Blast!!!  We danced, had cook outs, happy hours, played cards and just had lots of fun.  BUT -- the last two weeks, were NOT so much fun.  I started feeling bad on Sunday the 14th - I had a mountain oyster fry for 14 friends, the next day, I could not speak a word, and was that way for two days.  Coughed, and ran a temp and ached all over.  that continued for a week, and before I could get well, Fred had the same thing, only I do think he was a bit worse than I was.  We went to our Doctor there and he prescribed us some high powered meds, and put Fred on some steroids, to protect his heart valve from all the hard coughing, plus 3 other kinds of meds.  By the time we had taken all we were supposed to, we both felt better, just in time to pack up and come home.
  We left the park yesterday morning at 10 AM  stayed the night in Greenville, TX then come on home today.  It is great to be back home, and thankful for our safe journey, and the love and friendship shared.

Bonnie M.

I'm glad you made it home safe and sound.  Sorry you were both sick for the last couple of weeks.   Those are situations we just don't seem to have any control over!

I know it's good to be home.  After all, "There's no place like home!"

Ms Bear

Jo, I am sorry you had to be sick while you were here in Texas but glad you are better.  This seems to have been a much colder and wetter winter than usual, ready for some nice warm sunshine.  March has come in cold and wet but will probably go out very windy. 


I've got flowers! Beautiful yellow jonquils!


I have had crocus for a couple of weeks now, but that is to be expected.  I was wondering if anyone had jonquils blooming as they usually are earlier than this.  I will have to start looking for buds on mine.

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