Prayers needed in Texas

Started by Ms Bear, March 18, 2008, 09:35:08 PM

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Ms Bear

I know how positive and powerful the prayers from the Forum members are and today my mother needs your prayers.  My mother, Helen Draper will be 90 years old on the 2nd of May and this morning she fell while she was getting dressed and has a fractured hip.  She is in the hospital and the Dr wants a Cardiac Assessment because of her Congestive Heart Failure and then they will schedule the surgery for later tomorrow or Thursday.  She will be walking after the surgery and will go to Rehab after two or three days.  Hope things go the way he plans.

I had already left for work and when the Senior Center Van came to pick her up she didn't come out so the driver let herself in the house and found her laying on the floor.  She called an ambulance and then called me at work.  She is not in pain and was resting well, had eaten a good lunch and dinner and was comfortable when I left to come home at 9 pm.

Thank You


Ms Bear,
I pray that God's direction be with your mother and with you. I am reminded of this scripture:
    "Trust  in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknoledge Him, and he shall direct your paths."    Proverbs 3:5-6

You never know what the day will bring, but the Lord does. A perfectly ordinary day may end with glory or grief, or it may end like a perfectly ordinary day usually ends.  All you can do is put your trust in the Lord, and live today and tomorrow in the belief that the Lord knows how everything will work out---even if you have no idea.  He will show you which way to turn. He will guide and protect your mother and you day after day after day. He has a plan and even if you don't know or understand it, just trust in Him. Blessings, peace, and grace to you and your mother.



Thank you Susan.
I just repeated that prayer and added a bot of my own at the end.

I hope your mom gets better Ms Bear.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

My prayers are with you, also. 

Judy Harder

Mine too, are with you.
God bless you and your mother.
He will, you know.

I just know something good
is going to happen.
In His time.

Angels on your pillow    Lots of Warrior Angels
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Prayers from here also. My mom broke both hips within 11 months. They had her up and on a walker right after the surgery each time. With physical therapy, she did fine. Think positive thoughts. 


Your Mother is in my prayers also.

Roma Jean Turner

  I'll be praying for your Mom as well.  Keep us posted.

Ms Bear

Thanks for all the prayers.  Didn't get to have the surgery today.  Had to wait for a Cardiac Assessment and then her Sodium was to low.  They finally rescheduled it for 6 am tomorrow and fed her dinner about 5 pm.  When the night nurse came on the blood work showed her Sodium was even lower so she was back on the phone with the Dr. and we will know in the morning if it has come up enough to go through with the surgery.  Right now it looks like it will be tomorrow but probably not early.

She is fairly comfortable for the most part.  Hasn't taken anything for pain yet.

We both appreciate your prayers and encouragement.

Ms Bear

Ole Granny

Prayers for your mother continue.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

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