
Started by Devyn-Leann, March 03, 2008, 09:01:10 PM

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I USED to be almost as persnickety about my house as Devyn, when the kids were still at home. But I have laxed out a bit in my old age. LOL But I still change the sheets 2 times a week and get on my hands and knees every night to wipe my kitchen floor down..  ::) ::) ::) soooooo..
I still like a clean house and I keep it that way. My cupboards are organized but not labeled. but I don't mind doing any housework I like it in fact..always have.

ohhh yeaa.... there is a but in there..

I HATE  and I mean HATE and DETEST doing laundry. I'm better now. I used to really hate it more than I do now.. My mama and sister loved doing it.
My house was big and the washer and dryer were down in the basement. with a "hamper chute" that opened with a straight shot to the big basement commercial laundry hamper. ( This held LOTS of dirty clothes.. ( hence.. I didn't feel I had to do it as often  :-[ ) Out of sight..out of mind..
And we had lots of clothes.. thank goodness.  ::)

Mama and Sherri would listen to me grumble about being behind in laundry... so  they would drop in and actually do some for me and take some home with them..  ( I am talking here... like ahhh being behind with 14-15 loads backed up.
Horrible..  :-[
I mean it.. I am embarrassed about it to this day.. but I HATED it! LOL LOL ;D  ( Did I tell you all that  already? HaHa)
I would rather have gone naked than have to do it. But like I said, Mark and I and the kids had lots of clothes.. and it's a good thing or we probably would have gone naked  ;D

Anyway.. they would catch me up on it.. and I would swear I would keep it up after that and I would do good for awhile.. but then......................................................
And yes. I had 2 boys and a husband.. and they NEVER did laundry ..( didn't know how until they left home ) **I'm ashamed of that too. LOL**
Now they help do laundry.  :)  and so do I. I don't mind it as bad now and I keep it done up for the most part.. but I still despise it!

Other than the evil laundry, I love to do housework. I wash dishes by hand and don't mind cleaning the fridge or the bathroom or doing outside work..  I LOVE a clean organized house.. makes me happy..  :angel:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


as far as housework goes, yep, I got some.  My motto has always been "clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be comfortable".  My biggest problem is "clutter" (the I'll put it away later syndrome).  I do worry about tobacco smell (yes, Teresa, I still smoke) so I go through a lot of febreeze on the furniture, carpet and drapes.  I can't smell it, but always afraid someone else can.  Living alone I don't have a lot of laundry or dirt to clean up.  I do have a dishwasher and only run it every 2 or 3 days, but I do enjoy it.  Especially at holiday time.  I want to be in with the company, not stuck in the kitchen washing dishes after I spent all morning cooking.  Have a self cleaning oven, so no problem there.  Now, if I could just find a current market for the penicillin that I am growing in the refrigerator, I'd do just great.  Housework fascinates me, as the saying goes.  I could just sit for hours and look at it.   :angel:


About the only thing I really enjoy anmore is putting liquid gold on my oak furniture.  It makes the wood look so pretty!  Most of the other things cause my back to hurt.


Ok, after reading Teresa comments and Devyn I know that I am a terrible housekeeper.  I don't like it and would rather be outside the house.  I am however, trying to get more work out of the girls.  I am trying to be better because I don't want them to be like me, when it comes to housework.  When I was growing up, I didn't really have to do much cleaning, and I think that is why I don't like it now.  I am better now that we moved to Granny and Grandpa's place, because they do come and check on how their old house is being taken care of.  I respect that and them so I try to keep the place picked up.  The only rooms that really need attention now are my room and the girls bedroom.  I am so ashamed of the girls bedrooms that I am glad that they are upstairs.  I am a packrat also.   I need alittle of Teresa and Devyns organizational skills. I am getting better, but man it is hard.  I commend Teresa and Devyn on their good housekeeping skills, Could you rub some off on me??? :-[ :-[
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

momof 2boys

The dishwasher is the greatest invention on Earth!!! LOL!!! I washed dishes by hand for years.  My boys would beg me to either play with them or watch them do something, and there I was chained to the sink. I love that I can now load the dishwasher, and then spend the remainder of my time hanging out with my guys!

Bonnie M.

I thought of something.....I really kind of enjoy doing the laundry!  And, I don't mind doing the dishes.  Even though we do use our dishwasher when we have "company" for lunch on Sunday, so have more dirty dishes to take care of.  I'll have to admit that right now I'm enjoying the luxury of having someone clean house for me, every other week.  I still work part-time, so I use some of the money I'm earning, to pay a housekeeper.  And, it is a luxury!  Kind of like "eating out!"  When those of us who are of a different generation were raising our children, we didn't have the money to "eat out," and I've never gotten over the feeling that eating out is really something special.    


I enjoy a clean house, too!  When I lived by myself, my house was always clean and orderly and got cleaned once a week.  Now that I live with a "boy" and we live in the country on a farm, my house cleaning has lapsed.  Everything is still very neat and organized (except for hubby's desk...grrrrrrr), but I don't vacuum or sweep or clean the bathrooms as much as I should...but I don't have as much time as I used to, either (what happens when I get kids???).  Laundry gets done every weekend, and my hubby usually does at least a couple of his own loads during the week. 
But gals, I LOVE the dishwasher!  I have a tall one, so I can fit almost EVERYTHING in it... and I do!  Cookie sheets, mixing bowls, etc, etc.  I can't stand to handwash!  We had to do that for a year when we lived in town after we were first married.  Once I got my dishwasher, everything went into it before going into my cabinets!  Washed those tea stains right off everything.  Maybe I wasn't a good handwasher, but I felt my dishes were much cleaner after the dishwasher took care of them.
I also love to organize things.  I get that from my grandma.  I usually can't start a project until I organize the room/area that I'll be working in first!


Well, I'm riding the fence on this one.  I love having a clean house, but certainly don't work at it like some of you do!  I don't mind doing dishes by hand, it's kind of soothing, but wouldn't give up my dishwasher.  I feel a strong need to have my countertops cleaned off and if I didn't have a dishwasher I'd be washing & drying 10 times a day (or be irritated about it).  As it is, I can stick random cups & bowls in and have my countertops & sink clean most of the time.  This means that I do empty it promptly when it's finished ~ so I can put my latest coffee cup or drinking glass inside!

I don't like dusting; "Dust is a protective covering for furniture" don't you know!  I actually only think about it when someone is over and I see them writing in the dust. "You may admire my dust, but don't write in it." HA!  I don't like cleaning the bathroom, but really can't tolerate a dirty toilet, so I just do it and try not to think about it. 

Laundry is okay, we got a new washer & dryer last month and it's almost fun now!  We'll just see how long that lasts!  I don't mind ironing really, but I'm not good at it so I make sure the clothes I buy are all washable and no-iron. Both my grandmothers did laundry for a living so you'd think I'd be good at it, but I never thought to have them teach me to iron. Come to think of it, my parents were both good at ironing all the dress ruffles when I was a kid, so maybe I'd better get one of them to teach me.

I don't like cleaning the refrigerator or the stove, and I put it off till they are really desperately UGH.  By then it takes ages to get it cleaned up and put back together.  Windows are the same, I can never get the streaks inside and out both; and there's never a stopping place so it's easier just not to start.  I try to get them and cobwebs and wiping down the woodwork in one big job at least once a year.  Floors are my worst chore though.  I can sweep the entire house and feel really good about it, but it only lasts as long as the vacuum tracks in the carpeting ~ HA!

Quote from: Tobina Norris on March 04, 2008, 07:25:25 PMI enjoy a clean house, too!  ...  I usually can't start a project until I organize the room/area that I'll be working in first!

Boy! That sounds like me too.  I want to devote a whole block of time to cleaning the entire house.  I don't usually do a little at a time, which would be too easy!


I, too, like to make a big job of housekeeping, so let the whole thing go until it has to be done.  Each to her own way.


I really don't mind any part of housekeeping.  I don't enjoy it when I get 'way behind like when we moved and the ironing stacked up, or when I broke my wrist and couldn't use my right hand.  But, here is a trick to cleaning self-cleaning ovens racks I found out about many years ago and it really works.  Instead of cleaning the oven racks in the sink (or the bathtub as I've heard some people do).  Take the racks out, put them in a heavy garbage bag.  Spray Easy Off Oven Cleaner inside the bad, tie it up and leave it overnight.  Take the racks out, hose them off and finish cleaning them, dry them off.  If you leave the racks in the oven while it is cleaning, they will turn black.  I like my racks to stay shiney. 


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