Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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Quote from: frawin on September 11, 2008, 06:02:45 PM

Steve, Using Nuclear energy for power sources is not what I was referring to. My concern is the WMDs that are a result of Atomic, Hydrogen and now Nuclear. We are talking about weapons that can destroy the population of entire countries, I think the world would be far better off without any Nuclear capabilities. Such capabilities are quickly falling into the hands of countries with leaders that would have no problem using such weapons even if it destroyed them as well. The Muslim world would not hesitate for one minute to use them on Israel and others that I won't mention now.

I do understand your concern on that.  But that is one specific reactor that produces plutonium.  At present there are only a handful that i know of in operation in the US, Savannah Ga, Knoxville Tn, Boulder Colorado are three that i know of. I don't think we are doing anything with the plutonium right now that is produced except storing it and we don't have to produce it with these reactors.
But there are several around like one in Downtown Atlanta Georgia, yes they have one smack dab in the middle of Atlanta, and the sequoiah reactor on the tennessee river upstream from chattanooga are two that i know of that do not produce plutonium.  They however do produce cobalt from the rods and other isotopes that are commonly used in todays medical treatments.

I really am excited over the third generation plants and the future ones to be built if we can ever get pat this fear of them as a country.  shoot imagine a grid of them that produce our power for the entire nation.  Their not too far off from nuclear fusion, i remember a few years ago the science lab at MIT fused molecules together and created enough power in that fusion to light the city of detroit for a hour.  Thats off of a drop of sea water.

As for the nuclear missles and destruction capability, that genie is never going to be put back into the bottle.  The only way we can assure that it will never be used on us by a stable country is detente.  The fruitloops in the middle east, they don't care one way or another so it will take All nations working together to keep them out of the terrorists hands.  I think that we will gain co-operation out of those bigger nations in that, IF terrorists gain those weapons, they are not only going to try and use them against us, but these other nations too.

Personally if the terrorists do get ahold of them, we should issue a warning to give them up, or face a targeting of 5 islamic holy cities. Peer pressure.  I wouldn't even give them the names of the targets, just let them wonder if Medina, or mecca go up in a mushroom cloud.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Gas jumped 11 cents overnight to 3.49/gal here in Wichita.


QuoteAs for the nuclear missles and destruction capability, that genie is never going to be put back into the bottle,

True statement, that. I agree it has great potential for good. I also wish the guy who had this idea had lost his train of thought before it ever became a fully formed idea.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: Catwoman on September 12, 2008, 06:57:32 AM
Gas jumped 11 cents overnight to 3.49/gal here in Wichita.

guess they haven't heard oil is down.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well, anytime there is a hiccup from the Gulf, the prices shoot up.  No news there.


MURPHY'S LAW - The price of fuel goes down right after I fill the gas tank and goes up just before I need to fill again.

Diane Amberg


Just saw on CNN fuel is goin for over five dollars a gallon on the east coast, places like north carolina........
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I expect there will be some investigations into this; I remember when 9/11 occurred, they did a lot of price gouging here in Kansas, and those guilty of it were punished by the state. And well they should, it is disgraceful to take unfair advantage of a situation.


Yeah some of that went on down here, there is one station in Anderson that is still closed down. Nobody else will even open it because they made people so mad.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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