Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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Wilma, over 1/2  of the crude oil we use is controlled by  foreign governments, so there is no way to freeze half of it. Why should the government freeze the price of gasoline so Americans can continue to be the most energy wasteful nation on Earth. Should we freeze it so people can continue to drive Hummers that get 6 miles per Gallon, or so they can drive 10 cylinder vehicles.  I feel the same way about reducing or giving a holiday on the gasoline tax, I am opposed to reducing the tax, we need it to keep up the Nation's highways and why should we reduce taxes so people can burn more gasoline and continue to drive vehicles with oversized engines. The world and most especiall the American people needs to accept the fact that oil is a non-renewable energy source and someday it will run out completely. We have 4.7% of the world population and we use 25% of the world oil production. We have made China, India and Japan big energy consuming nations, we gave them our jobs and they are now they are building automobiles at a fast pace and with that they are consuming huge amounts of oil and using more each day. No other Nation on earth has as many 6,8 or  10 cylinder vehicles as we do.


everyone is being hit by the price of gasoline.  They talk about buying the new "hybrids" and vehicles that get 30,40,50 mph.  That is all fine and dandy.  IF I HAD THE MONEY TO BUY ONE OF THOSE VEHICLES, I WOULD HAVE THE MONEY TO BUY MY GASOLINE WITHOUT BITCHING ABOUT THE PRICE.


Frank, I know all that.  I am just one of those bitchy people that like to blame everything on someone else.  But I can say this, my vehicle gets 23 to 25 mpg.  I can fill it and park it in the garage and 2 weeks later it is still full.  But right here in Howard, I see these big  pickups that have to be using a large amount of gas, being driven around the block.  I see the same vehicles go around the same corner a dozen times a day.  And I wonder where are these people going and what are they doing that they need to make that many trips in the same direction every day.


Wilma, I understand, the problem is not going to be solved overnight. I believe in the old saying that"Necessity is The Mother Of invention", from that I think we will see renewable souces of energy, better electric engines/cars and successful Hydrogen fission. Before all of that happens there will be lots of pain in the coming years. I have long advocated  a taxing program that I think would reduce energy consumption, although it will take a few years; announce that beginning in 2010 or 2011 that  a tax of $10,000.00 will be levied when you buy a new 10 cylinder vehicle and $10,000.00 tax each year you tag it, $8000.00 when you by an 8 cylinder vehicle and $8000.00 tax each year you tag it, no tax on 6 cylinder vehicles and tax rebate whenever you by  a four cylinder or less vehicle or a Hybrid. The forgoing would need to be fined tune but the principle would certainly bring energy consumption down in the coming years.


Funny what the Government can regulate and what they can't.  By the way Frank, I am driving a 8 cylinder vehicle of which is paid for and has been for several years.  Maybe the high taxes should be on the people that have the money to run all over God's creation instead of those that just want to go back and forth to work so that we can eat one good meal a day.  By the way, without buying a new car, I do get 28 miles to the gallon.  MY LAWNMOWER IS ILLEGAL ON THE US HIGHWAY.  I don't know anything about stimulating the economy, but I am helping stimulate the Oil companies.




I have to say that I am very fortunate and don't have to drive very far to work.  But we run a farm and to you know the money that we have shelled out a good amount of money to even spray our pastures.  My husband usually custom bales hay, not going to happen much if any this year.  He owns a diesel tractor and at 4.00 a gallon, the people that he bales for just can't pay the price.  It is going to really hurt us.  He made money on that and that is money we are not going to have.  It really hurts.  I run a daycare and thank the Lord that we have a grocery store in town.  I don't know what I would do if I had to go out of town every week or even two weeks to get groceries.

But I will tell you what we have done to conserve gas at our place.  We buy all that we can LOCALLY!!  So the prices are a little higher, who cares.  When it cost 75.00 to fill up my van, I am saving gas!!  We have purchased to little toys, that is what I call them, but they save us money.  We have a mini truck that is not highway legally, but we can use it around the farm, to put out mineral and even to feed some of the cattle.  We use it to also make trips to town to get parts and such.  We have purchased a newer 4-wheeler.  This is to also cut down on gas usage.  We use it also with the cattle operation.  It helps but it is not the cheapest way either.  We had to spend our savings to purchase these.  That is what really sucks!!  But we are trying to just get by!!

I know that people that have to travel to get to work are really hurting.  What used to cost maybe 25.00 to 30.00 a week has went to about 100.00 or more.  I just can't imagine!!  So, what is these people to do???
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Good for you Angie!  More people need to think like this.


I believe that we, the people, should ask, no demand that the government should help bring back the passenger trains that use to travel around to small towns or bring back the bus service (greyhound bus) that made stops at small towns so we can travel back or forth to Wichita and other larger cities for our Dr. appointments and other appointments that we need to keep.  The price of gas is going to be so high that those who are on limited budget can't get to a Dr. appointment or to therapies that will keep us healthly.  I travel to Wichita once a week to Dr. appointments and therapy sessions.  I would like to see train service here or bus service.  The vehicle that I drive gets 23 to 24 gallon per mile.  I, also, go to Wichita State University to volunteer in an Archaeological lab for two hours on the same day that I have my Dr. appointment.

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