Local soldier dies in Iraq

Started by Rudy Taylor, February 25, 2008, 03:56:40 PM

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Hard to not feel after that emotional experience....Feelings of pride for being an American and the patriotism.  Feelings of remorse for the family of our hero.  Feelings of hate for those who condemn him.

It is very important for everyone to understand that freedom is not free.  It comes with the highest cost of all.  Kiss and hug all of your loved ones that you can.  Know that is a privilege that we all take for granted too often.

I am very proud of my town, just as I knew I would be.

The Howard Fire Department would like to thank Dwight Winn for letting us use the flags for the fire trucks.  It made the roadblocks look very nice and it wouldn't have been the same without the large flags from the Legion.  THANKS DWIGHT!!!

Another Big Thank You to the townfolk!!!!  As someone who grew up here and lives here, I have never heard more positive things about our community than I heard today from police, military, and fire personnel.  Very proud day in someone's hour of need.



The flags the WEHS students had came from the classrooms.

Just before the bus left the school, Mr. Ireland and several students went through the school, borrwoing the flags from each of the classrooms. I thought it was a great idea!

And I was pleased the school provided the bus transportation for the students who wanted to participate but had no transportation of their own.

It was great cooperation all the way around.
This was all during lunchtime, so the schedule was adjusted for those who attended.
The kitchen staff had to change lunch schedules slightly.
Bus drivers were found.
Teachers volunteered to monitor the students on the bus.
Other teachers volunteered to remain behind to cover classes for the teachers and students who did not go.

I'm very proud of the school, administration, teachers and students.
I'm very proud of my town and my community.

Rudy Taylor

My son, Andy, and I were honored to be among those lining the streets in Howard on Friday.  Andy shot some good photos and I sent four of them to Teresa for whatever use she may find.  We'll also try to print color photos in the Flint Hills Express next week.  What a day.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


I first thought I would have the video done the next day. That changed as my computer was so full I couldn't work on another video until Kjell "cleaned it up"
So in the meantime, I got the extra footage from My daughter in law, Teri's camera. I got some photos from Rudy, and one from Devyn that I love and will use. ..and then since Kjell was going to clear my computer on Monday, I talked to John Robertson and Phil Schussler and they gave me some pictures to use.. and now I am waiting on a call back for some other pics from the family.

So I am working on the video and as soon as it is done, I will have it on here.. Hopefully before too long.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


This was posted by one of the Patriot Guards on their site.

MISSION COMPLETE There was a great turn out for SSGT. Mackey. The weather was good for a bike ride to honor a fallen HERO and his family. It was a day full of surprises. Surprise #1 When I arrived at the staging area at Bacani conoco, east of Fredonia, Ks. The first surprise was that the towns people had taken up a collection to pay for ALL of the gas for the Patriot Guard, Bikes and cages. I did not do a count, but I guess there were 250-300 bikes and 20 cages. (That's a lot of gas) Thanks Fredonia, for your support!! Surprise #2 At the riders meeting, after "Darkhorse" had maybe embarrassed his wife by giving her some well deserved recognition for coming up with this crazy idea to start the Patriot Guard in the first place, We were honored to have a one star General from the 3rd. Calvary stop by to thank us for our support of his and all of our tropes. Thank you Sir for the kind words. It was also announced at the riders meeting that SSGT. Mackey's brother was a (I believe) Master Sargent with the Kansas State Troopers and that they would be joining us to honor SSgt. Mackey and his family. Thank you gentlemen for your support. Surprise #3 The RC had about 50-60 of us form a flag line around the UG'S at the edge of town and while standing the line a group of teenage kids came up to join us, holding signs like "THE REAL GOD LOVES AMERICA" and "GOD LOVES OUR TROOPES". I had to go shake their hands and thank them for supporting our country. Surprise #4 (Well not really, after all this is the Heart of America) After we broke the flag line, we moved on to the cemetery to set a flag line there. Every intersection on the 38 mile ride was blocked with LEO support. Thanks to all of the City, County and State Law Enforcement that help make this a safe and honorable ride for SSGT. Mackey. As we rode across the rolling hills of Kansas, every intersection and farm house had people standing and waving American flags.

End Report With respect............ "Window" AKA "SHOT"
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

What a great report!  The people of Southeast Kansas did just a great job of honoring the fallen hero and his family.  Thank you all!

Roma Jean Turner

Wow!  What can one say, how powerful.  Again it reminds us of what citizens, being in one accord, can accomplish.  God Bless all of you who participated in this.

Judy Harder

I am so proud to live in this area...............thanks to all who got to go.
My heart was there..........and I can't wait to see the video.
God bless America
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Thanks for sharing this Teresa, those guys did a great job! I hope Sgt. MAckeys' family received some comfort from all that support. God bless each and every one!


The "In Memory " video of Bryant Mackey is up and on the forum in the video section of this site.

You know... I didn't know this brave soldier and had never met him.. but this was extremely hard on me to make this..  :'(
It touched my heart so deeply.
I hope I did him and his family proud..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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