
Started by W. Gray, February 20, 2008, 09:37:19 PM

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Quote from: sallysigner on February 24, 2008, 05:57:30 PM
anti-Christ description, uhm------sounds like it might describe the one we have now.

Bush? You talking about the selling us down the sh** road?  ( NAFTA and the Amicus Brief against gun owners.)  That Bush?
Like I say.. I don't think it is the Republicans and Democrats alone that has caused it..or  will undo what has been going on for the past hundred and before years... It is a combination of everything.
I DO think it has gone too far down.. Not being negative.. just honest..
Change? Of course I would love to see change.. but what kind?
I think we're going to have to have live through another depression before we can even have a hope of righting the imbalances.

Understand too, that when I debate or talk.. I am never angry at anyone.. I take nothing personally. We all have our opinions.. If we didn't, we would be robots. We are not going to agree a lot of the time. I wish each and every one had a "solution" to make the world a peaceful loving place to live. But neither I nor you nor anyone really knows how to do that.
It is because we can not control the world and the people in it.
The war we are fighting now is a multitude of "wars". It is an "oil" war.. and a hate war. Like I said.. They hate America and have said time and time again.. they want America gone and will do whatever they can do get the job done.! How can you fight that? And how much can you ignore?
Plus... we are in the middle of a 1,000 + year old religious war( which there is no winner)
Once again.. no way am I mad or angry at anyone on this forum or any one person who happens to disagree with my viewpoints. Quite the opposite. I am passionate about my country and ............
I am angry at the system and the people who are in control of our lives... who are pulling the strings in Congress..playing us as chess pieces in their political games.
THAT is what I am frustrated and angry with.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I want to make something clear; I have always tried to vote for the person I thought would be best for the country. I am a conservative democrat. I did not vote for Bill Clinton, that Arkansas administration stunk to high heaven and a couple of tours in the Whitehouse didn't improve the smell at all. In retrospect, I wish now I had voted for Al Gore. He has matured into someone who is trying to good in the world. I did vote for George Bush, both times. Had I known of the oil agenda and how the American people would suffer, I would have done differently. The test of a president is the country better or worse when he leaves office. The times cannot always be to blame, and I believe the country is NOT better off for his having been in office. I believe that his lack of intelligence is basic to the failure of his administration. I too supported the war, and naievely assumed we would perform the mission and then get out. GW wasn't as smart as his old man however, and didn't have sense enough to know when the party was over. He's got a tiger by the tail and can't turn it loose. In the meantime our young men ane women are dying every day for no specific reason. We should also complete the mission in Afghanistan, Russia went broke trying to tame that monkey. I still think Barack Obama is very intelligent and has the potential to be a great president. Charming doesn't make anyone the anti-christ; I guess we don't need to worry about Hillary being the anti-christ if that is the criteria.

Kjell H.

The funny.... let me rephrase... the sad thing about politics is that the word change is like a magic word to all of us. We love that word. And that is all it takes for people to move in a different direction.. Simply one word... No need to explain or define what change is? Heck, let's change..... go for it. Who cares about consequences. Who cares about the fact that you cannot change politics and principles from one day to the next, from one term to the next.

Political campaigns are highly guided by consultants and marketing experts. They know how to run campaigns, but have no clue about governing. They are like castrated tomcats. They can howl about it, but they cannot actually perform.

We buy the rhetoric, we buy simple solutions, because we don't have to stop and think ourselves. We forget about history, we forget about principles, but most sadly we even forget about the principles this country was founded on.

I am a conservative and I don't hide that fact. I don't hide the fact that none of the candidates on either side is appealing to me.

But..., I rather support McCain and disagree with him 20% of the time than disagreeing with Barack or Hillary 90% of the time. These or not my words, but the words of Newt Gingrich, a man I highly respect. Take a listen to what he says about change:


Marshal Halloway


George Bush is not an Anti-Christ, you may not agree with his policies and what he has done in office but he is not an Ani-Christ, in fact he is the opposite.
Frank Winn


Frank. You are right..
He is a Christian.( whatever that term means) .regardless of the lousy job he has done..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


My point is you can take that description and put it with anyone you don't care for.  I'm sure I'll survive the election no matter who gets elected or takes the office.  Now I will leave the rest of you to agree with one another.  Give em HELL Harry!.


The country could use Harry Truman right now. He was a man for his times.


Harry did agreat job but I would rather have Ronald Reagan now. I think in his first term Ronald Reagan was the best President in my life time.


I heartily agree; he had a fine political machine behind him! He was smart and savvy, too bad his health failed, but it was handled nicely.


In my lifetime, there have been 3 great presidents, FDR, Harry Truman and to a lesser degree, Ronald Reagan.  FDR took on an impossible job and performed it well in spite of being physically handicapped.  Harry Truman was inexperienced when he was forced into a job that no one expected him to ever have to do and he performed well.  Ronald Reagan will always be to me the movie star that saw a need that he could fulfill and went about getting into the position to do it.  I liked the fact that as governor he kicked people off welfare that were freeloading and I hoped that he could do more for the nation.  I think that he knew how to play the part of a president and did so.  He presented the personality a president should have and Nancy knew how to be a lady as well as a First Lady.  Alas and alack, we just don't seem to have the people any more that think the nation comes first.  I think John McCain comes closer to this than any of the other candidates.   I am not saying that this is who I will vote for.  There is plenty of time yet and I am waiting to see how things proceed.

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