The straw that broke the camels back!!!!!

Started by Teresa, February 16, 2008, 12:22:30 PM

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If this doesn't make your blood rise to the boiling point, I don't know what  will!

MY GOD!! Has the world taken total leave of their senses??!!??!!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


When was this broadcast?
Is he talking about the Immigration bill that got defeated in congress last summer? Or is this something new?

Diane Amberg

It has to be at least a year, (or close to it) old. Look at the streamer running across the bottom.


thats what I was thinking when I saw that a barrel of oil had reached a "new" high of $85.00 but I could not tell if he was talking about the bill that got defeated or something new


Yeah, the price of oil was $65.00 then and it closed at $95.10 yesterday. There was also a reference to some May meeting in the crawl. All sorts of looney bills are introduced in congress, we can only hope that sanity prevails in the end.


Yesterday, Feb. 25th, I was having my coffee and reading my local paper.  There was an article concerning proposed bills for the next election.  There were no less than 20 of them dealing with illegal immigrants mostly on trivial things.  However, the one that got my dander up was entitled------College Aid for Illegal Immigrants.  Senate bill 1301 by Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles and Assembly Bill 2083, by Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, would allow illegal immigrants to be eligible for scholarships at state colleges and universities. 

Some years back we passed a proposition that allowed children of illegal immigrants to attend public schools without the fear of their parents being deported after they had signed up for school.  This one was okay in that it kept them in school and off the streets.  But to take away scholarships from legal citizens in favor of illegals?  No, I'm sorry.  This one ain't gonna fly!!!! >:(
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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