District Court News (Feb. 11, 1903)

Started by T. Sackett, February 15, 2008, 05:00:49 PM

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T. Sackett

     When we went to press last Thursday the jury was deliberating on the John Abbott rape case.  This was the third trial of the case.  The first trial resulted in a hung jury, in the second trial he was convicted and sentenced to the pententiary for a term of ten years.  After serving about six months he was granted a new trial and let out on bond  Now at the end of the third trial he is a free man,.  The alleged victim in this case was a little eight year old girl.   Abbott's disgusting evidence in his own behalf in the first trial tended to prejudice the jurors against him.  We have been informed that he has left the county. He was defended by Ike Lambert of Emporia.
     The Santa Fe confessed judgement and will pay J.A. McHenry and L.H. Hayner $50 each because a brakeman called the wrong station and they got off at Longton instead of Moline.
     The case of the State vs. Harve Dunham, who was charged with the murder of J. L. Lansdown at Elk Falls a few weeks ago, was on trial Friday and Saturday, and after short deliberation the jury returned a verdict that the defendant was guilty of murder in the second degree, the penalty for which is imprisonment in the penitenitary for a period ranging from ten years till life.  The particulars of this murder are familiiar to our readers.  Dunham and his brother-in-law Glenn Scott, had had some trouble over land with Lansdown.  All the parties renewed the quarrel, when Dunham struck Lansdown over the head with a heavy whiskey bottle, producing injuries which resulted in Lansdown's death a few days later.  It is the general opinion that Dunham had no thought of committing murder when he struck Lansdown, but having employed King Alcohol to assist him in his difficulty he must suffer the penalty of keeping bad company.  Glenn Scott who was with Dunham at the time of the row, and who is under bonds charged with the same offense, will not be tried at this term of court. We understand Dunham's attorney will make application for a new trial.  Sentence has not yet been passed on Dunham. This was a hotly contested trial.  Dunham was ably defended by Sol. L. Long and John Marshall while County Attorney Ayres, J. A. McHenry and Keenan Hurst just as ably conducted the other side of the case.

     Ed McDonald of Longton, was acquited of the charge of selling liquor. (Wonder if the jury really thought he was innocent?)
     Ray Humphrey, who was convicted of robbery, was sentenced to the reformatory.
     State vs. Homer H. Harvey, seduction, was continued by consent to the May term.
     State vs. Miley McBride and Ed Hall, dismissed as to McBride, continued as to Hall.  ???
     State vs. J. A. Hughes, dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
     Ella Flagler was granted a divorce from L. H. Flagler.
     Marsena Colyer was granted a divorce from Curtis J. Colyer.
     Court adjourned Saturday until Wednesday.
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!


Vonder if the Dunham mentioned in this article is related to Barock's grandfather?

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