Another Request for Prayers

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, February 15, 2008, 02:36:40 PM

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Hi All!!!  I am writing again to ask for prayer request for Adam Town.  Adam is my brother in law, and he went in to get his knee fixed.  Most of you know that Adam had an accident when he was really young. I am not sure how young he was when he got his knee hurt.  He has lived with it like it has been for over 20 years, and he went to see a doctor in December, because the pain was getting to be to much.  Anyway, he went into the Hospital, not sure the name, but it is a surgury center on Webb Road, on Tuesday February 12 to get his knee repair.  He had to have another surgury today because some of the stuff that they have done was not looking good.  He is not physically very good.  He has not eaten, and is becoming dehydrated.  He is a stubborn boy and his mom made it over today to take care of him.  Most of you know Julia Town, and she will get him better and get the doctors under control, too. 

I just think that he has other things in his life going on, and can't concentrate on himself.  We really all need to pray for him.  He has 3 kids that he is raising by himself.  I just wanted all to know that he could really use LOTS of PRAYERS.  He is going through alot with trying to get his knee back together, and that is really what they have to do, give him a new knee cap and such.  I don't really know the major details but when I know more I will post them to let all know.

Adam Town works for Rus and Deanna Jones in Longton.  He has young kids.  PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Prayers for this family from Moline!

Judy Harder

Adam is one of us here in Longton. Kids go to school here and he comes into the cafe
to eat lunch with the rest of us.

I will make sure he is on the prayer chains here. I didn't go to cafe today and won't the rest of the weekend.
Not feeling that great.
This blankety blank weather is doing a number on my arthritis and not sure if I am fluey or just achy from the

Susan if you read this maybe you can tell people at Longton Methodist when you come to town.
God watch over Adam and his family.
They are going through a bad patch, but we know You will see they get through all they must.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Prayers from here for all of them.

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