Prayer Needed

Started by Judy Harder, January 22, 2008, 10:31:02 AM

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Judy Harder

I am asking you who pray to add my cousin Sharon Stovall to your prayers.
Sharon and I were almost litter mates........she is 5 months older than me and when
we were born our dads were serving in the Navy during the second world war.
Her dad was pastor to the crew and my dad was a carpenters mate.

Well, our mothers were best friends and mom and I stayed with Sharon and her mom for a time.
Literally we grew up together until my family moved out of the school district.
her dad is the reason I believe and like to share my faith.

Sharon survived cancer about 6 or 7 years ago.........but, she is now going through the next step.
They found a mass behind her bladder and she has some spots on her liver and they took her to KU-Med and
a trying to decide what to do.

They were going to try to shrink the tumors with Chemo, but they think they need to operate as soon as they can
that the cancer won't shrink with the chemo.

I figure that if and when they open her up...the news won't be good...........I really hope I am wrong, but
we all know this kind of cancer is not the kind to have.

Please add her to your lists (and her family) she has lost so much in her lifetime.
Her husband died when her 3 girls were under 10 and she never remarried..........her oldest daughter died a couple of years ago from MS and her mother just last year.....also Patty one of her sisters died about 4 years ago.,........she was a spina biffida patient and that is another story........but Sharon's father has been dependant on her for a long time and He also needs prayer.
Him being a minister is keeping him in good stead.....but he still needs our prayers.

I know this is a long message, but this family are just another reason I am who I am........and yes, I am hurting...........but, with Gods help we all will get through this.

Thanks........and AOYP............
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ole Granny


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend and family.

Bless you.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Diane Amberg

Judy, I am so sorry. Prayers from here also. Please keep us informed.


Oh Judy, I  am so sorry you are hurting.. Know that God and the angels are listening ..
Will send silent healing prayers your way and also to your "family".
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Prayers are on the way! God bless you.

Rudy Taylor

Me, too.

Friends hurt together, don't we?

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Our prayers are with you and your family and friends Judy,
we do believe that  miracles happen every day..

Ms Bear

Roma Jean Turner

I'll be holding them in love and light as well, and you to friend.

Judy Harder

Hi everyone,
Here is tonights update  on Sharon....Peg is her sister  and I think I will just keep posting the notes when I get them.............I just thought you all might like to know how she is doing. AOYP

Sonya talked to Sheila tonight and found out the latest on Sharon.
Her cancer doctor is Dr. Fleming. Her surgeon will be Dr. Oscapula (sp?). 
They did an MRI last night and found out the tumor is larger than they first thought. It has spread to her liver and is attached to her pelvic bone and other vital organs. She has blockage of the bowels and they will be putting a colostomy bag on her in the near future.
She will be seeing a GYN-Oncologist some time tomorrow. They will need to try to shrink the tumor as it is too large to remove it now. She will be getting Chemotherapy because the amount of the radiation would be too much for her body to handle.
She will be getting 2 units of blood tonight as she is getting pale and her hemoglobin is at 7 1/2.
They took her off the IV that had dextrose and potassium because her blood sugar was running very high. They are giving her plain potassium now. They changed her insulin to MPH insulin....don't know for sure what kind of insulin that is, but that is what they are giving her.
She did walk 75 feet today and sat up in a chair for awhile so that is encouraging. Sheila has been staying at the hospital with her since she was admitted to KU Med.
That's about all that we know for now. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and putting her on your prayer lists.
Dad is staying with us and overall is doing pretty good. He says he wants to call and talk to Sharon but he needs to be able to keep himself pulled together and he doesn't think he can do that right now.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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