Kansas Weather is At It Again..

Started by Teresa, December 22, 2007, 12:41:41 PM

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Mother Nature is once again reminding us that she DOES have the last say in our outside conditions.
Yesterday was shirt sleeve weather ..at one time reaching a beautiful 68 degrees..
Today it is 28 and dropping. Combine that with hard straight north winds, freezing rain mixed with sleet and heavy blinding snow surrounding us in almost a  100 mile radius..and you have Kansas weather.
My sister Sherri  and Tania, my niece are traveling here from Mullinville ( by Dodge City) and they called when they were in Pratt and said the snow was so thick and the winds so harsh that they couldn't see the front of the car.
At that time Danny, being in Heston Ks text his brother Derek with a picture that showed snow so thick in the air it looked like a mass of cotton.
Tania just called and said that they were now in Wichita and the storms were worse than when they were in Pratt and the roads were very very bad and icy.
Rochelle said her mother is coming from Chanute and Yates Center and she is driving about 25 miles an hour.. said it was horrible .

My deck is iced up and the wind is just howling. It is a good day to be inside. I am making cinnamon rolls, oatmeal cookies, chocolate chip cookies, peanut better cookies and gingerbread cookies.
I think though that when Sister gets here, we will plan on calling up to Poplar for supper and playing cards tonight.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


That sounds like a good idea but will they deliver???
:o :angel:

Diane Amberg

Our weather is typical Delaware winter today. It's about 47 and gloomy overcast. We have a warm up for Monday and then another cool down, but no snow for Christmas.


Teresa, what are peanut better cookies?  Are they better than peanut cookies?


My sister and niece got here safe and sound. But they said that weather was HORRIBLE and there were lots of wrecks all along the way. Hopefully this will move out before it gets really bad.

Peanut butter cookies with a small piece of candy bar in the middle of them.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

Teresa, I actually had tears in my eyes, reading about your sister and niece out on the Highway with those horrible conditions!  I am SO THANKFUL that they arrived, safe and sound!   

And, all of your baking sounds WONDERFUL!  I'll bet they were so happy to step inside of your home, and have the aroma of all of that good food, plus the warmth and love that surrounded them! 

I hope that people can stay in through the rest of the storm.  It's been a long time, hasn't it, since you've had those weather conditions.  Is that what you call "blizzard conditions?"

Stay safe!

Judy Harder

Is that what you call "blizzard conditions?"

Bonnie, this is as close to a blizzard as I want to get.
And, thank the Lord, I don't have cattle, chickens or any other reason
to have to be outdoors.

Bad enough opening the doors long enough to tie dog out. I may let him run
later if it doesn't ease up......but he tends to hit the neighbors and eats anything they
have out for their own dogs and other pieces of what he calls food, but I call ICK.......and
when he comes back in, it isn't a pretty sight.

I think this was the rain you all were getting last week. I know we needed moisture, but 3
Sundays in a row of being snowed or iced in, is enough.....I am waving the white flag..
:'( :'( :'( :( :( :( ::) ::) I need to be able to get rid of this cabin fever.
Hugs and God bless AOYP
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I work at the Chanute Hospital...and I left Howard this morning at 5:30 a.m. to come to Chanute and
the roads were great....this afternoon the wind was blowing the snow in from the north so hard you
couldn't see nothing....Lyle and I was suppose to go a company party this evening at Martin Farm Power
where he works and he called and I am not getting on the road with these two boys of ours just to
eat STEAK! And told me to go to my own house for the night and NOT to drive back to Howard...
Thank the Lord we own a home in Chanute and one in Howard for times like these....by the way
we had a terrible Roll Over early this evening that came in through ER....when I left work at 6:00 p.m.
tonight...ER was packed. Hope everyone stays in and out of this mess.

Diane Amberg

Teresa, may I please come stand in your kitchen and sniff? It must smell heavenly. I know the city snow plow driver, I bet he'd drive me there for some of your cinnamon rolls.
Tessa, what do you do at the hospital? Be careful on those roads, we can't afford to have our hospital folks banged up, you're too important.


Yum! I'd like one of those rolls please! I didn't even empty the trash today, only stuck my head out the back door to shake the kitchen mats. Our mail is still at the post office, just too bitter to get out! I spent the day doing the usual stuff, plus helping hubby get his wrapping done; I supply him with drawstring bags and boxes with lids. Then I made a mincemeat pie with homemade mincemeat. I froze the rest of the recipe for later. This evening I wrapped my gifts to hubby and caught up with some ironing, as well as repeatedly opening the back door for the tomcat who just knows that the next time it opens the weather will be better. He finally went out for about two minutes, when he frantically was crying to be let in. The bird feeders will need to be filled tomorrow as they really got a lot of customers today. We keep a washtub of water under the exhaust of one of the outside furnaces, it never freezes over and the fountain (very small), goes all winter. This supplies a water source even in the coldest weather. Sometimes we have a hundred or more goldfinches at the feeders and the tub. Entertaining for us and the tomcat! Hope you all are warm and cozy tonight, blessings!

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