DSL in Howard

Started by indygal, December 20, 2007, 07:38:31 PM

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I'm grateful to all who shared their opinions, suggestions and experiences. I think we'll stick with AT&T (at least for now) since they do offer DSL service in Howard. Terrell downloads some pretty big files and I just like really fast service! This way we can keep the same email accounts, too. If we have problems, it's good to know SKTC also offers phone/internet. I'm so spoiled...I don't think I would ever go back to dial-up (unless it was the only option). What a drag that was!

Janet Harrington

Let me add my two cents worth.  (Which I will do whether you let me or not).  I have had both.  I went from SKT to ATT because I wanted more speed.  Now, I am back to SKT because the pricing is great.  The speed is just what ATT had.  I have no problems with SKT and I only have to pay one bill, instead of two.  That is great.  I have the package with cable, internet, and telephone.  My files download very fast and I really enjoy what SKT offers.  The other wonderful thing about SKT is the service man lives right here.  As long as he isn't on vacation, service is very quick.


For those of us out in the boondocks, I've had very good luck with Wildblue satellite internet.  Yes, it's another satellite you have to buy and put up, but I had no other choice when I moved out here.  I went through Lyon-Coffey County Electric, but I think someplace in Winfield or Ark City offers it now, too?  Although I've received calls from ATT about getting internet service through the phone line, when I pressure them about EXACTLY where I live, they say, "Oh, no you can't get it".
When we lived in town, I used DSL through SKT and was very impressed with the speed.  You can also buy a wireless router for $30-50 and then have internet wherever you want in your house (I'm lounging on the couch right now).  Just remember that if you're in town, you should use a password (and change it every so often) so someone doesn't "borrow" it.

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