Henry Jacobs Seriously Injured

Started by Teresa, December 14, 2007, 04:01:53 PM

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Yesterday Henry Jacobs went out by himself to their farm place with the skid loader to cut wood. Now I don't know if he was getting off the skid or getting on.. but he slipped on all the ice and hit the engage gear and fell under it and it crushed him.
He managed.( how I don't know) to crawl out and was hanging on to a log he had cut down.
This happened about 11:00. Marjean got to worrying about him late in the afternoon and drove out to check on him and found him. He was all but frozen ..plus with the injuries.. it is a wonder he is still alive.

She called 911..and they took him to Greenwood Hosp. and from there life watched him to Wesley Hospital in Wichita.
What I know so far is he had a crushed pelvis and hip on his right side.
Doug Hanks is going to make a few calls for me and will get back later on with information. I wanted to have an address so we could all send cards to him. And it goes without saying that special prayers will be sent his way.
I will keep you updated when I find out more.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thanks for the information, Teresa!

I just talked with Henry and Marjean's daughter at the hospital (5:30 p.m. on Friday), and they are very encouraged that Henry is going to have a complete recovery.   His pelvis is fractured in 5 places but not crushed as they orginally feared. After numerous x-rays, his hip was found to be  NOT fractured.  Hopefully he won't have to have any surgery of any type.  He was suffering from Hypothermia after being out in the elements for approximately 4 hours and entered the hospital with a body temp of 88 degrees.  His body temperature is now normal and he doesn't seem to have any frostbite injuries.  He is truly a LUCKY MAN to be alive, and I heard him say in the background during the phone conversation, "Just tell everyone I'm going to be fine!"  Typical Henry!!! 

His address is:

Henry Jacobs
Room #422 - Building 4
Wesley Medical Center
550 N. Hillside
Wichita, KS  67214

I'm sure he would enjoy hearing from all his friends.

Karen Indermill


Karen:  Thank you for the update and address.  It is good to hear that Henry isn't as broken as they thought.  He will be all right.  His parents didn't raise no sissies.

I hope that everyone that has to go out alone to do something will think about this.  Nobody plans to have an accident, but it is good to have someone that knows where you went and when you should be back.   


Henry had his cell phone with him, but it was damaged during the accident and he couldn't use it either to call out or receive calls. 


Thank you so very much Karen for this update. I appreciate it a lot. Doug Hanks didn't call me back so I hadn't heard anything after my first post.
This forum is a wonderful place for many things but the main one is things like this.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

Oh, my, I didn't know about this. Please keep everyone updated.  We do appreciate it.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Teresa on December 14, 2007, 11:16:34 PM
Doug Hanks didn't call me back so I hadn't heard anything after my first post.


Rudy Taylor

TaTa, get that angel off your site if you're gonna make stinky remarks!

But I got the point, and I agree.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Ta Ta's a stinky stinker.. Ta Ta is a  stinkerrrrrrr.....

**I don't have an angel on my picture..so I can say anything I want! **  :P
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Nope.  Ain't taking the angel off my picture.  I am an angel.  I don't have to and I'm not going to.  nah nah nah nah!!!! :P :P :P :P :P :P

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