
Started by T. Sackett, December 12, 2007, 05:51:36 PM

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Bonnie M.

Well, guess what!  I like Sauerkraut, too!  I like to put some brown sugar in a skillet with the Sauerkraut, and "cook it down" to where there's very little liquid, and add polish sausage or hot dogs.  I don't think any of our children like Sauerkraut, though.  Of course, only one out of three of our children drink coffee, so "what do they know?"

Judy Harder

I too like fried okra..........the crunchier the better..............One year I grew it and I did can it.........made
pickles.......added some hot-peppers and garlic to it and had to hide  some of the jars to last the winter.

Another way I like it was cooked it with tomato's and made a sauce and (I don't remember all the spices I added) but,
jalapano peppers and garlic and onions were in it...and this was so good, that even my picky eaters would eat it.
Went good on a cold day......just add the corn bread.

Last time I fixed polish sausage I added saurekraut to it and with the left overs ( for one person I do tend to eat left-overs)
I fixed me an acorn squash with butter and brown sugar and put the sausage in the center of the squash and feel that I invented a new dish.

That was my Thanksgiving meal come to think of and I must remember to buy another acorn when I go into town.
I grew beets and canned them too. Altho you do get stained doing them, nothing better and to harvard them is another way to use them.   This late at night and I am ready to eat.

Maybe I just better close down and go to bed.......LOL......there is always tomorrow.
:D :D :) :)
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Ooooh, I love sauerkraut fresh out of the can or jar, but I don't like it heated or on hot dogs or sausages.  I like the raw cabbage but not cooked cabbage.  I'll pass on okra in any from...................................


Oops, that last post should have been "in any form" just in case the spelling patrol is on active duty!!!!!!!


Well---------, since you have already caught it, I will just let it pass if you can.


My husband tells me that I'd like okra if I'd ever tasted some his grandma made.  The fact is though, that I had some of the slimy stuff once and I haven't tried it ever again (in any form).  

You're right, Tobina, I never thought of myself as a picky eater, but when I stop & think (or read the forum) I see there are lots of things I don't like or won't try.  In my defense though, if you only knew some of the tricky ways my family has tried to get me to eat stuff I don't want to eat, you'd understand.   HA!

However, I do love sauerkraut, liver & onions, mushrooms, pickled beets, turnips, cream of wheat, and lots of other foods that some folks don't.  There are things like parsnips, asparagus, frog legs and gooseberry pie that I'll eat but won't go out of my way for.  I won't eat raw fish, no matter what you call it; but fried catfish is one of my favorite foods.  Calf fries & brains, fish eggs, crawdads I'd never eat on purpose (Ha!) and I don't see the point in spending all day cooking a tongue and mixing it up into sandwich spread, when you can just do the same with ham in a fracion of the time...  But I know "waste not, want not" and maybe some people think of it as comfort food.  My goodness, I am picky!

T. Sackett

     Joanna, I will agree with you about the okra, as there "t'aint no way I'm gonna eat that stuff!"  I've tried it a couple of times, and that was enough to last me for a lifetime.   And speaking of the spelling police, I thought the general idea of this forum was to relax and have some fun and overlook the mistakes of others.   :-\   I just hope they don't begin a "grammar police".  :o :o :-\ :-\
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!


Oh, no.  No grammar police.  Never ever ever.  I was raised in a family where spelling and grammar were very important so that we wouldn't sound ignorant and trashy.  Sorry to say, my grammar has slipped tremendously since then.  Married an Elk County hillbilly almost 60 years ago.  But 5 years as a legal secretary, using an old electric typewriter where if a correction had to be made, the whole page had to be typed over, taught me to proof read everything.  And I am talking about an office where documents (especially court documents) had to be perfect before they could be sent out.  I cannot read anything without spotting the misspellings.  And to my eye some misspelled words do say ignorant or at the least careless.  If you are careless in one thing, you are inclined to be careless in other things, also.  I can't do that.


Well, there ya' go!  We was raised to use bad grammar on purpose so as not to sound all uppity around our hillbilly friends.
;) :D ;D ;) :D ;D ;) :D ;D ;) :D ;D ;) :D ;D ;) :D ;D ;) :D ;D ;) :D ;D ;) :D

Just kidding!   (I sure hope my Mom doesn't read this, she'll skin me alive!)

T. Sackett

Well...........I'm makin a list and checkin' it twice, to decide who gets a corncob in their stocking on Christmas Eve!  ;D ;D
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!

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