Started by Wilma, November 17, 2007, 09:24:57 PM

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Bill Reed

Thanks for the photo and video work on this for those of us not in the area anymore.  It is sad to see the building gone.  I knew when I lived there that the condition of the building and the amount of kindling throughout the building that it was only a matter of time.  I have not been in that building since 1995, and am amazed it lasted this long considering conditions.

I would like to say that, as a former volunteer fireman for Howard and other places, that the hard work and dedication shown through long hours, sweat, and determination were truly put to the test I am sure and that the answer to the call to action is an example of what sense of community is all about.  A true testament to the fine people of Howard.  Great job to all involved.  With a fire of that magnitude, the lack of injury and the saving of surrounding structures is a great example of the dedication and training of the fire department. 

Thanks again for the information, photos and video, and the forum that places me back in Howard when I read the names and posts of those I have not seen for years.

Bill Reed

Jo McDonald

Hi Bill.....what a pleasure to see your smiling face, and to read your post.  I never make Mexican cornbread that I don't think of you.  Hope all is well with you and that you will enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.
  Jo and Fred


Thanks for all the information and cool pictures!  We must have just left town (eating at Poplar's) before the fire broke out and didn't hear about it until this morning.  Glad we don't live down the street anymore! 

I must say, though, it was very handy to have the U-Haul place in town during Chuck's move and then my move.  And Dorothy was the friendliest person to us; she greeted us and welcomed us to Howard. 

Who and what is the house South of the building?  As old as it looks, it's lucky that didn't burn, too.


that building is Dorothy's as well and it is also filled to the rafters with stuff


Ahh.  Well, maybe I should rephrase and say... it's "lucky" that it didn't burn.  I bet if it wasn't for the video store next door, maybe the firemen wouldn't have been so careful about not letting it "accidentally" spread to help prevent them from making a return trip in the future???   :-X    ::)

Diane Amberg

Hey, don't say that!  Vacant, abandoned buildings can be dangerous for fire fighters too.  The whole idea is to stop it where it started.  It's just safer for all concerned. Expansion is not what you want, especially when there are exposures involved. It looks like your guys did a good job. If the building was not worth saving, then an exterior attack would be fine. Was it occupied in any way? I gather Howard has no female firefighters? Pity... ;D ;D We had a potential bad one this morning ourselves... Old apartments with a common loft. A ventilating fan on one end of the attic caught fire and headed down the attic with nothing to stop it. They hit it fast and hard and stopped it beautifully. Relatively little damage and no injuries...a good stop.


Oops; forgot we had the fire marshall watching over us.   ;D  My comments were just in jest; I hope you could tell by the smiley.  My penance was to add $5 to my bill at Cookson's this afternoon to help defer the cost of the water they donated.

Diane Amberg

I always know a good jest when I see one. Thanks for donating to the water fund, that was awfully nice of you. It's easy to get dehydrated even during cooler weather when you're dealing with a fully involved working alarm like that. Does Howard have an auxiliary to help?


It is very sad that the Hotel burned. Can someone let us know how Dorothy is? I am sure this is very upsetting for her.
Army Mom


Dorothy had no insurance on the building or the contents.. and she says it started on the front porch and is saying it was arson.
The fireman think otherwise.. BUT...........She has insisted that the fire marshal come and investigate.

The city (since they/we will be the ones stuck with cleaning it up) wanted to go ahead and push all the rubble up and finish burning all the charred wood etc and get it dozed up and cleaned up.
She refused. Her opinion is the wood can be salvaged and sold..... and she wants to sift through all that , cause there might be some jewelery in there that can be saved and sold...............
::) What-ever.......... ::)

I don't mind saying publically what everyone is saying around town....... that something better change with the other building that she is in ( by Lannings..) or we are going to have another fire and let me tell you.. THAT one will be one that the town won't recover from.
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