Visit to Elk Co Roma Jean

Started by Roma Jean Turner, October 21, 2007, 09:32:26 AM

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I'll miss you too..and I just hate that!
Kjell and I have to be in California..( 35 miles from the fires) filming for the weekend..

Hope I get to see you next time.. ( I have a hunch that you and I will share some common beliefs)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

I would guess that we share a lot of common beliefs.  I look forwarding to meeting you guys down the road.  Please be very careful out there.  We will all look forward to hearing about it when you get back.

Bonnie M.

Kjell and I have to be in California..( 35 miles from the fires) filming for the weekend..

Teresa, where is the location of your filming this week-end?


Roma Jean, what time and where will you be having coffee in Howard?  Maybe first daughter and I could come visit for a bit.  Poplar Pizza doesn't open until 11:00 but Toot's is open from early morning till late night.

Roma Jean Turner

  Wilma, I'm not sure exactly what my plan is yet.  Would it be possible for me to call you?  My personal e-mail is if you want to e-mail a number to me.  I will have my cell phone 417-860-6752 which I believe will work down there.  It seems to me that you said you lived across from the cemetary.  I know I want to stop by the
cemetery and try to find my great grandparents.  I'm guessing I would be working my way to Howard by mid afternoon.  Anyway, sorry to be so indecisive at the moment, I would love to meet you and the elder daughter.


Roma Jean, I live across the street from the County road department on Walnut.  Just look for the house with the ramp.  You are welcome to just drop in if you wish.  Use my facilities or whatever.  I'll be home all day.  I'll e-mail you the address and telephone number.


Roma Jean, gosh, am I embarrassed. :(  I thought you were coming today.  I have to go to Wichita tomorrow and won't be home until mid-afternoon.  If there is a blue minivan in my car port, I am home.  If not, I am not home.  And I was going to clean house just in case.


I had a nice surprise this afternoon.  Roma Jean called and said she was on the way to Howard.  She came by and first daughter and I went to the cemetery with her.  She found the grave she had been looking for.  Then we toured Howard, pointed out the many places of interest then had an early supper at Poplar Pizza.  For all you people who couldn't meet her, Roma Jean is a lovely lady.  I hope she will be back soon.

Ms Bear

I have Sprint and I lost cell signal right after I crossed the Kansas State Line from Missouri and didn't have signal again until I got almost back to Missouri.

Hope you enjoy your visit to Howard and Elk County.  I hope to go back again and be able to spend a little more time.  The book at the cemetery is a great help and it is a very nice cemetery.


Judy Harder

I had a nice visit last night with Roma.

I really enjoyed meeting a new friend.

Roma, thanks for including me in your trip.........Hope the rest of
your trip goes well.
Hugs and God bless....Judy
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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