Jury Service Summons

Started by Marcia Moore, September 29, 2007, 07:31:39 PM

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That's ok Bonnie..
In this case, I wouldn't make a good unbiased juror either.
I could really get on my soapbox on this, but I am so dang tired that I can't wiggle, so I want to go to bed.
But let me say this.. about this case.

The scum bags that take other people lives just because "they can"  ( policeman or not) are a waste of oxygen.
I don't want them on death row.. and I damn sure don't want to be paying for them while they are in prison.
What ever they did to their victim.. let it be known through out the land  ( as a law) that the same will be done to them...... IF they make it to courts and don't end up with ..................................................................

Okay... You know??  I need to take a biiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggg breath and settle down.
Sometimes I get very over passionate about issues... and before I end up with a 10 page rant...and  being branded on here for thinking like a barbarian head of a vigilante..I better just not say any more and turn my computer off and go on to bed..
I am just not the person to respond to this. Nope! I'm suuure not!

Once again... I wouldn't be an unbiased juror.
Scott Cheevers didn't care about Matt Samuels.. .............or his kids......or his wife.......or anything. >:(
I would hang his sorry ass from a high limb!

Now.. I will go to bed.....  :-X

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And when you find that high limb, Teresa, let me help you with the rope.  And now I am going to shut up about this, too.


OK, I want to join in on the soapbox fun, too... (plus I'm trying to get above "Junior member", hee, hee)  ::)
The thing that irritates me the most is people TRYING to get out of jury duty... it's like a game to figure out how to get out of it!  (Although I've been guilty about doing that, too.)  I agree that I would hate to be on a jury for such a high-profile case like this; I would really have to examine my conscience.  But for any other court case, if "I" were the one on trial, I would hate to look at the jury and think, "these are the only people who were dumb enough to NOT get out of jury duty... and they have my fate in their hands??"  That's a pretty scary thought. 


Then I think that the best way NOT to have to look out at the jury is to stay on the right side of the law..
I think that is where my happy behind will be..   ;D  hahaha
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Marcia Moore

     I am not trying to get out of jury duty.  I was simply wondering what good excuse might qualify for "if your presence is required elsewhere for PUBIC welfare, health or safety............"


We know, Marcia.  I missed the PUBIC the first time I read it, too.  As I have said before, I read what I think I see.  I think it is funny, too.  I am thinking that you are probably one of the best people to be on the jury, but your job might excuse you whether you want or not.

Reminds me of when I was working for the county attorney in Elk County and living in Greenwood County.  He was reading the list of prospective jurors one day when I heard an expletive from his office and the words, "How did she get on this list?"  He had found Wilma Weyrauch listed as a prospective juror.  He had forgotten that Wilma B. Weyrauch was the Register of Deeds at that time and lived in Moline.

Aunt Wilma and I were confused in this way from the time she married my husband's Uncle John.  Even after I moved to Haysville, I got her mail in my rural box.  Her son lived on the same route that we did and some of her mail was sent to him.  Our carrier would see the name, Wilma Weyrauch, and put it with our mail.  We used the same pharmacy at Derby and they would file my new prescriptions under her name because it came up on the computer first.  I think we got that straightened out after she died.


Wilma, you think that was a problem??? There was a Florence E. Smith living in Eureka. We both banked at the same bank, I won't mention the name, but she was much wealthier than I and I got her tax information one year.  Needless to say I returned it to the bank "president" and informed him this never should have happened.  Now on to Scott Cheever - I hope he has given his heart to God, cause I think Greenwood County is gonna have his ASS - prisoners who spend years and years on "death row" at our expense?  As Ron White, the comedian says about Texas, and I think Kansas should do the same thing.  Other states are building new prisons to house death row inmates and his state is putting in an express lane.  If you are charged with capital murder and there are more than two credible witnesses, no appeals, no years on death row, no nothing, you go to the head of the line. Now, I gotta go fix supper.

Roma Jean Turner

I actually think I would really enjoy being on jury.  I think it would be interesting.  However, being totally self employed I would have no income at all and if the case went on very long it would be quite a hardship.  I just simply write a letter stating my situation and I have always been excused.


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on October 01, 2007, 08:03:43 PM
I actually think I would really enjoy being on jury.  I think it would be interesting.  However, being totally self employed I would have no income at all and if the case went on very long it would be quite a hardship.  I just simply write a letter stating my situation and I have always been excused.

In Texas most employers don't pay for jury duty.  You get paid 6.50 for reporting to jury duty but it cost 7.00 to park.

My mom got called for jury duty once and they called her for a murder trial.  The attorneys were grilling her about the death penalty in which she told them she could not sentence someone to death (her reasoning, unless she was willing to kill the person, she couldn't force someone else too).  The judge didn't believe her and threatened to throw her in jail for contempt of court.  After much arguing and pleading my mom was fed up and told the judge to put her in jail.  The judge dismissed her at that point.
Born in Texas with Kansan Blood


Many years ago I sat on a jury for a law suit that involved up till that time the largest monetary amount ever filed in the state. It took a month to hear the testimony, much of which was useless. I thnk my pay was like $325.00; I bought a new washing machine and paid my father $100 for taking me back and forth to the court house. We weren't sequestered and it was very hard not to talk about it. The stress got to be evident toward the end of the deliberations, folks were snipping at one another. I don't think I would want to serve on a murder trial, but would consent if called; that is one of the duties of our citizenry, the other is voting. Should we all deny those duties we would soon have anarchy. My heart goes out to all those folks called to serve today.

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