Elk River Festival

Started by Jody, September 20, 2007, 08:56:18 PM

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 when is anyone going to put the Elk River Festival on the calendar?


 :) The Elk River Festival is the 29th of this month


what has the foreum got against the Elk River Festival?   I am very disappointed in all you foreum members from Howard.YOU SHOULD BACK ANYTHING  GOING ON IN !! HOWARD!   iS THERE A CONFLICT I  DON'T  UNDERSTAND?   i THINK SHIRLEY BLACK IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO HOWARD IN A LONG TIME!         

Jo McDonald

Jody....don't you subscribe to the FlintHills Express?  Rudy Taylor has the FULL SCHEDULE of th Elk River Festival printed in this weeks paper.  The Forum does not do paid advertisements..


iGET THE PAPER ONE WEEK AFTER IT GOES TO THR POST OFFICE!  don' t exactly get the latest  news!


I wouldn't mind putting the events on the forum. I will see what I can do about that.

Shirley gets on this forum ..but only as a lurker.. I can't seem to get her to join in and post.. but it would be nice if she would ..that way she could share all the things that she does..and keep us informed better of the Howard stuff. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

Shirley is quite busy right now, as a mother, medical professional, business owner and civic leader.

Plus, she's preparing to send her husband off to Afghanistan in the not-too-distant future.

So, if she's lurking ... hi, Shirley!  You're appreciated.  It takes all of us working together to create an
informed community.  The forum is playing a fine part of that process, and hopefully our little newspaper
plays an important role, too.

We're living in a more complex society than ever before. It means that we get our information from a
variety of sources, but it requires some flexibility and "change" in the way we view the process.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Very well said Rudy. Thank you.
There are many in Howard who do wonderful civic work. It takes more than one to accomplish tasks and I am afraid I am guilty of not having the time to be much help sometimes.
But hopefully bringing the forum to Elk County has taken off a few of my black marks.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hope everyone comes out and checks out the Cookson Brothers 5 time award winning Chili!!!


Now if that isn't a deliberate advertising plug, I don't know what is..  ;D

But they DO make  awesome chili! So it is probably to your benefit to go and have them dip you up some. Better not be at the back of the line though, cause you might miss out.
Their chili goes fast, and people come back for more.

There are several fun events and I will see if Ashley and I can't win a cake this year in the cake walk. We walked and walked and walked last year until we were dizzy and never won anything.. So we got tired and left.
Then her Mama ( Teri) walks up ..takes Ash and puts in her measly quarter and bingo.,. she wins some cupcakes!
I donated a cake... and I spent enough quarters to buy 3 cakes.. and got zip!  :P

But this year will be different. I feel the luck swirling around me.  ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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