Prayer Request

Started by sixdogsmom, September 08, 2007, 02:15:22 PM

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Janet Harrington

Melba Tindle will go on my prayer list today.  She has had such a tough time every since that horrible accident way back when.  We should pray for Joe also as this has to be a trying time for him, too.


I went to call on Melba Tindle yesterday in the Independence hospital.  She was having a hard time, but accepted a prayer said for her.  My heart goes out to her as it sounds like she has been through quite a big.  Please keep her on your prayer list.


We might also keep Rex Bantz and his wife, Liz in our prayers as Rex is facing more surgery in the near future.  No details as of yet.

Judy Harder

I heard today from my pastor, Dave Sanchez,  that Joyce Fell has Breast cancer.

Lets keep her and Doug in our prayers, also.

She has dealt with cancer before, so the worry will be double.

Hugs and God bless,
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Frank will be checking in to the hospital on Thursday about 5:00 A.M. for back surgery.  This will be his second back surgery.  Please put him in your prayers and also the surgeon as well.  We have a lot of confidence in the surgeon and feel that eveyrthing will go well, but would appreciate it if you would remember him.


Ole Granny

Frank and Myrna,

Prayers have already started but I am also including Myrna. 
I will be thinking of you.  Let us know how it goes.

Love, Alice
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Jo McDonald

May all of our prayers be answered for all those that have requested them. 
I have been wondering about Bill Watkins.. does any one have an update on him?
Frank and Myrna, may your prayers be answered and Frank can be pain free again.

   I am including everyone on the prayer list in my thoughts and prayers.


Thanks, we appreciate all prayers.

Has anyone heard anymore from Rex Bantz?


I have heard just today that yesterday they removed some fluid from his lungs as he was quite conjested and having trouble getting comfortable.  Not able to do a whole lot of talking due to the surgery and will probably remain in ICU at least another 5 days if not more.  They did have him sitting up in a chair as of Sunday. Liz is staying pretty close to him and to my knowledge has only been home once.

Janet Harrington

I haven't heard anything about Bill Watkins, but I know that Shae' is back at work.  I'll send her an e-mail and find out.

Prayers go out for Frank and especially Myrna.  Sometimes I think it is harder on the spouse when the other one is ill or having surgery.

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