"Sprue," anyone?

Started by Bonnie M., September 04, 2007, 05:07:36 PM

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Bonnie M.

Since the condition called "Sprue" seems to be fairly common I'm wondering if any one of you have experience with  gluten-free cooking?  Our son-in-law has recently been told that he has the condition, so can't have anything made with flour.  He LOVES bakery products, etc., and, since I'm probably the one with the most time, I need to start finding recipes.  I know they have all kinds of products available, but I haven't been to a health food store yet, so thought I'd get a head start, if I had some recipes.

We were in Euless, Texas, for the last five days or so, and attended the 50th. wedding anniversary of my sister and brother-in-law, Patsy and Larry Hoover.  They were married at the Longton United Methodist Church,on 9/01/57.  Our son, Mark, was born 50 years ago today.  Times surely does fly!  And, we have had lots of fun!

Thanks for any of you who might have the recipes.



If you go to Google and put in Gluten free cooking, there are gobs of sites.  Of course, nothing is as good as "tried and true" recipes from someone who has gone through the experience of experimenting with recipes.  Good Luck!!!

Bonnie M.

Thank you.  I had looked on "Google" and did see some things, but, as you said, nothing is as certain as those that have been successfully tried and enjoyed.

Rudy Taylor

As a diabetic, I'd be interested in your recipes. I don't have many problems staying away from sugar (well, not much anyway). It's
the bread and pasta that turn into sugar that really cause my problems, causing irreparable damage to my feet.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Bonnie M.

Rudy, I'm going to get in touch with a friend of mine who lives in Independence, Ginny Kelly.  She was diagnosed with Sprue before we move out here, so it's been more than 20 years ago, and I know she will  have "all kinds" of recipes.   I'll share the info with you!

So, stay tuned!

Rudy, I read your book while on the plane flying to and from Dallas, and I loved it.  I'm going to order one for a cousin of mine who grew up in Wayside, Russell Davidson, but I'll do that on an e-mail.  So many of the things you talked about in the book happened in our growing up days, 14 miles west of Elk City, in the "Hale" community!  Now, that's "country!"


Judy Harder


Welcome back. I heard you had  a great time and lots of pictures.
Do you remember that Ruth Royse had problems with the diet that you are talking about.
You could get ahold of her. I don't have a telephone number for her, but I am sure that Jack or Velva would.

Glad you made the trip and got back home ok. Talk to you soon.
Hugs and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Bonnie M.

Thanks, Judy,

I'll check with Jack and Velva.

Jack kept us posted on the results of the Dyer Softball tournament.  It sounds like everything went well.  It is always SO MUCH FUN!

Stay well.

Jo McDonald

Hello, my friend,
I have Phyllis and Neal Osborn's telephone number -- you could call her and she would be able to let you know how to contact Ruth. 
It is 620 329 4434.

  So glad you had a wonderful trip -- glad you are home safe and sound.  Looking forward to an email telling me ALL.

Bonnie M.

Thanks, Jo.

Here is the answer I received from Ginny Kelly:  " There is a book "The Gluten Free Kitchen" by Roben Ryberg and it has great recipes.  Go to your local health food store and they will have all kinds of good things.  It is so much easier to get things now than when I was diagnosed."

So, "where there's a will, there's a way!"

I'll send you some pictures of the anniversary, via "e-mail!" 

And, Rudy, I heard from you daughter, and we'll be conducting a bit of business, regarding sending your book to my cousin.  Thanks.



I saw Ruth over Memorial Day weekend.  She lives close or perhaps with Laneva.  I believe it is up around Florence or Herington, but can't remember for sure.


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