How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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I am sure that Al appreciates your "humor"  ::) ( yeah his expense)

But I sure do!   ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I had a great day today. Started with finding all the good stories & great pictures on the Forum this morning.  Then I went to Severy to substitute for the 4th grade teacher, and we got to go on a Field Trip!  How great is that!  We went to the Old Iron Days at Fredonia.  The kids had a great time and I loved all the displays & presentations of farming & pioneeer life in the past.  We didn't even have time to see it all, we were enjoying things too much to rush, I guess.  I know several of the kids were going to try to get their folks to take them back to see more.
Anyhow, after that I came home & made some cakes for the cake-walk tomorrow, now I'm winding down and catching up on a little paperwork.  I have a dozen things on my list for this weekend, so better get things wrapped up here.
Have a great night!

Diane Amberg

 So where is everyone? I hope you are all out enjoying the beautiful weather.  Al is a bit better today but still very sore.  His throat is good and the feeling of electric shocks has stopped, but he's still very sore and can't get as comfortable as he'd hoped.  But as he says, there are so many people so much worse off, he won't complain,  If you go outside and point your ear to the east, off in the distance you should be able to hear the Philadelphia Phillies fans roaring in glee.  The Phillies just won the National League East Championship and they are about to come unglued.  They haven't made post season baseball play since '93, so they are elated.  It looks like they will play either San Diego or Colorado on Wednesday, to see who goes to the World Series.  They have had such an inconsistent season, I would never have thought they would have made it this far. There will be a lot of cheese steaks eaten in celebration tonight!

Bonnie M.

There wasn't much joy in San Diego today!  It's bad enough for one team to lose, but for both teams to lose important games.....come on!

We enjoy the Padre's and the Charger's games, hardly ever attend in person due to the expense and hassle, but it's fun to watch them play, and it's just a whole lot more fun to watch them WIN!

W. Gray

No joy in Mudville again today?

Fogg (Colorado Rockies) vs. Peavy (San Diego Padres), 4:30 PDT, October 1, 2007, on TBS.

The end of this game will spell doom for one of these teams--at least until next year.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Bonnie M.

The game is on, it's not looking good for the Padres!  Well, what do you know!  The Padres just had a grand slam home run!  So, the score is now 4 to 3!  "Stay tuned!"


My day was...  BUSY~~~ what a surprise!... NOT!!  :)
But was up early.. had to be ready to close on the house at 9:00 and so Mouse (Rochelle) brought Mason up to me and we closed on the house.. ran some local errands.. and then went home.. fed and bathed him .. put him down for a nap.. Called Kjell ..he ran home from the office to stay here with him while i went to the bank.. Post office.. Hardware store and took the truck up to Lanning's to leave for some work that needed done on it.
I walked home .. Mason was awake.. so I fed him lunch.. gave him another bath.. packed some more stuff, did some laundry, finished some paper work and put him down for another nap. I called Kjell again. It was 3:00 and I had to leave at 3:30 to get the Dr. Rose Wilson  ( my chiropractor) in ElDorado by 4:30. So he tied up his loose ends and came down to keep Mason for an hour and a half until Rochelle came to get him at 5:30.
I got myself all put back together and found that I need to take lots of B6 cause I am retaining water in my ankles.
B6 is a natural diuretic. ( I didn't know that)  then went to Pizza Hut a couple pizza's and came home. Got home and Kjell and Mark had moved and unloaded both of our deep freezers into the garage at the new house. So I started packing some more boxes of stuff and Kjell took them to the garage and unloaded them. And now, he is up at the office working and I am finishing up some stuff here. Just went out in the dark and cleaned out the truck as we have to leave at 8:00 in the morning to go to Wichita. We have to go get a million things at a million different places so we can start to do the work that we want to do on the inside of the house starting on Wednesday.
Soooo.. THAT was my day.  ;D

Busy.. but rather boring to those who have to read about it... lol
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

 Not boring at all Teresa, but ya tired me out just reading about it!  I wish I had your energy and metabolism. Your busy work at your new place sounds like fun.  It must be bigger than your old place?

Diane Amberg

Bonnie, sorry about San Diego, I watched some of the game and for awhile I thought they might win.  We could have cheered against each other. ;D  I'm afraid Colorado is going to give our Phillies a hard time on Wednesday. If anybody could beat them it would be the Rockies. We shall see!

Bonnie M.

Yeah, I guess, the Padres just "did the best they could do."  There was lots of "wailing in the streets" in San Diego, I guess.  It's always been my belief that the best team wins, so, that's evidently what happened last night.  I was kept pretty busy, switching back and forth between watching "Dancing with the Stars," and the game.  I couldn't believe that the game went on for as many innings as it did.   Oh, well!  The sun still came up this morning, and it's a beautiful day!  Good luck to "your team," Diane! 

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