How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Rudy Taylor

Tell All to hang in there.  We'd all be improved with a bit of internal pruning.

Prayers are going up from this end of Kansas.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Judy Harder

I almost forgot to write this. I had a great walk this morning.

My dog has learned to tell time and he knows when it is time to go for our walk.
This morning as you know, was pretty foggy and I put off the walk, I thought, until it burned off.
But, Scooter wouldn't stop bugging me so we headed out while the fog was still covering the area.

I usually walk north of Longton, on the old road that went to Busby, before the new one was built.
Mainly cause when I get across the highway from there to the Hitchin creek the only things I need worry about
are the cows in the pasture and that I stay out of.
As I got to the tree line this morning, The first thing I see is this gigantic spider web covered in dew and I just had to stop and enjoy the beautie of it.

Continued down the lane and each and every tree had some form of cob-webs in it.
The best one was a dead hedge tree that at each junction had a web..........some were about 2 inches around and several were the size of queens necklaces.. Each one had beading of dew on them and the fog in the back ground and the light hitting them, made me so greatful that I had eyes to see and that God granted me the pictures today.

I kept wishing I had a fancy camera to capture that on film.............then I decided I couldn't do that well if I took the pictures.

But, for the rest of my life I can remember the picture in my mind.
The dog got his walk, I did my daily exercise and got a bonus besides.

After the start of the week and the rough time I had, this just made it all worth while.

I don't know if any of you enjoy natures gifts, but I just had to share this. I wish I had a necklace like one of them.

I think if I remember right, once upon a time there were collors made out of lace that looked like cobwebs and altho I thought they were beautiful........they just can't compare.

Now, I am closing out the day and saying good night and I hope you all have a peaceful one.

Hugs and God bless.....Judy 
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

My mother's first daughter took a picture of a spider web with the dew hanging on the web.  It's hard to see as there are ghostly blobs in the picture.  Mother says they are fog droplets.  I think they are ghosts.  You decide.


I imagine that they are fog droplets.. but I would like to believe that they are angel orbs.

I took these today at 9:00 this morning...
The cobwebs... and then the other one is a ground spider. I would tap on the ground and she would run out of her hole and see if I was a tasty morsel.. I timed it right when she would run out and if you look close you can see her.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder

thanks, Teresa,

that was exactlly what I was talking about.
I can stand for hours and watch a spider work and have been known to help
an indoor spider catch his  fly (by swatting it) and
I warn spiders as long as they aren't on me, they may go about their lives and
I don't even mind cobwebs in the corners...........LOL.....if anyone tells me they are there
I tell them where the broom is  and that I was keeping that for a Halloween decoration.
I do enjoy God's nature and when my eyes see something this special, I just want to tell the world what I
saw and Now, I have.........nice to have someone to share my world............even on line....
This forum has just added a spark to my day.

Thanks for letting me in and now you all have a great day.

I better start mine. Tomorrow (Saturday) I head for Topeka for the weekend and then Monday I must go to KU-Med in Kansas City to check with the cancer doctor.

I could use all the prayer you all want to spend on me. It has been 7 months since I was up there and each time I go I just get a little scared that they will find cancer again.

I don't sense anything, but once bitten twice shy.
And I am not use to driving and all that traffic is another reason that I cower when I head up there.
Hugs and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Jo McDonald

Judy...I will definitely send up a prayer for you --for a CLEAN check up and a safe worry free trip.  I imagine your anxiety is very real at a time like this...but hopefully all will go well for you.
  Sending you long distance Hugs and Blessings

Roma Jean Turner

Me to...Judy.  I'll see you surrounded by healing light.


Thanks for sharing the pictures of the spider webs.  Aren't they fasinating?  It is so amazing how an insect can create such
mystical/magical images!  I, too, enjoy watching spiders work  just as long and I'm watching them work----outside!!


Jo McDonald

This is how our day went ~~~ busy as usual -- and then this afternoon DeeGee and his wife drove out and wanted to have "Show and Tell" and I am telling you those two are Garden Growing Gurus.  lol   He is going to put pictures on the forum of what they
brought out to show us.  AWESOME !!!  Then they told us they had a 38 # watermelon in the fridge in their basement and wanted us to come  to their home and they would share it with us.  MY WORD !!  They cut it in half and gave us one half and it is ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS !!!  I AM RICH !!!  watermelon - enough to fill me up. and those of you that know me well, know that it takes a LOT to do that trick.  Anyway - she showed me her crafty nature -- beautiful quilts- cutesie things - crocheted things ... on and on and on  NICE PEOPLE  giving and sharing .    Just wanted to publicly THANK THEM 
  Have a great week end --- hope to see many of you at Russell's sale.

Diane Amberg

 The spiderweb photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them. Al is a little less spacey today "butt" still very sore, as expected. His throat and uvula are still a bit swollen so his family Doc prescribed some mild steroid to take the swelling down, but not enough to bother the healing. He says it feels better already. He had a restless night, so we are both tired this evening. I think fall came to stay this afternoon. The last two days we had record breaking heat here. 92 and very humid. This afternoon a dry cold front came down from Canada and dropped out all the humidity and now it's back down to 66. It won't get hot again.

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