How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Yesterday was fun. Marty was home from work and cleaned out even more of the garage.  Then he tuned up the lawnmower and sharpend the blades. Good thing too, I had apparently run the center out of a bearing and didn't even know it ~ I'd have probably started a fire next time I mowed if he hadn't caught it.  Mark at Cooksons had a replacement bearing though, so the mower is up and ready for me to abuse it some more now. 

I hauled a load of packages to the Post Office of books that I'd sold on eBay.  Then borrowed my sister's steam cleaner and did our carpets.  Made a venison roast in the crock pot and we all pigged out for supper.  Squirt made a new friend, a cute little dog came over to play and he/she looks a lot like Squirt with a bobbed tail.  They got along great ~ she usually has a good time with other dogs, unless we go outdoors, then she thinks she has to chase them away for some reason.  Don't know if she doesn't want us to play with them, or if she thinks it's her job to keep them out of the yard when we are looking.  She's a funny little thing.  Anyway, we stayed inside and watched them through the window ~ almost as good as a movie.  :D

This morning Marty left for Denver with his friend Kirk, and they'll pick up Lonnie in Wichita on the way. Nephew Tony and I will keep busy scraping the house while he's gone... maybe...

There's a Chamber meeting at noon at Poplar's, and a Foundation meeting this evening.  Sometimes I think I'd like to get a full time job, but where would I find the time?  ???  ...  ;)  Just kidding, I owned & ran a business while raising 2 kids and keeping active in the community for years (Marty did help :)) ~ I know the time is there if you want and need it.  I'm getting a little spoiled right now with spare time, but I think I'll just enjoy it while it's here.   8) 

Ole Granny

The main shrimp is about 2-3" long and it is butterflied (the tail is kept on).  Then they put a ball of crab and shrimp stuffing on top of the main shrimp where it is biutterflied (this ball was about 2" diameter). Then they batter the whole thing and fry it.  Mmmmmmmmmmm.  I love living on the coast!

Sounds wonderful.  May have to try that.  We do the salmon with a crab and shrimp stuffing.  Pretty tasty.  Somehow it always seems to taste better if someone else does the cooking.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Diane Amberg

 That giant shrimp sounds good to me also. Sometimes I chop up shrimp and add to my crab cake mix too, very tasty. Years ago the shrimp boats would come in to the docks at the New Jersey shore and they would cook fresh whole shrimp in huge kettles right there on the docks. Yummy.


ask me about my day today !!  :D I was about the same as yesterday, EXCEPT I received a 5 page, hand written letter from a cousin I have not seen in 61 years.  I was 6 and she was 8.  Her dad and my dad were brothers and they lived in Idaho.  Only time I remember seeing any of them was when they all came home for Grandma and Grandpa Edwards' 50th wedding anniversary and that was in 1946.  Made my day, it did.  And how was yours?

Diane Amberg

 How wonderful! I gather she doesn't live close by. Does she internet?


She lives in Eureka California, does not internet, does not type, does not drive

Diane Amberg

 But she writes, what wonderful  a reconnect for you. The years must have simply disappeared.


I keep wanting to ask how your job is going out at the high school?  Is it a challenge? I bet you have to keep eye open quite wide, huh?
I have 15 students this year in first grade (11 girls-4 boys).   We are doing routine, routine, routine before I do academics, academics, academics.  It goes so much smoother for me that way.  And everything connects back to respect for learning, others, and yourself.  It will take about 2-3 weeks before they truly buy into really trusting me, knowing me, and falling in love with me.  Then.....well, then......I can teach them just about anything.  Not to mention the fact, that there are far fewer discipline problems.  You don't want to disappoint someone you love,  you know?

Today was our 5th student day and following that I worked high school volleyball for about 4 hours.  Long day, tired, but good to see different aged kids.  Since I quit directing the high school plays and my own children have already graduated from high school, I don't get to see those young people quite as often......
           So how was the next person's day?


My day was FANTASTIC!
We bought a house and we will be moving.
Closed the deal this morning.
Only looked a few days ago and moving was the last thing on our minds .. let alone buying something.
Sunday evening we were having our evening walk, and I saw some houses empty and mentioned I would like to see inside them.
So Monday, we just took the morning to look at a few houses that were for sale.. and the next day decided that this one was just waiting for us to give it some wonderful energy and personality. So we did it!  :D

It is a little house here in town  on S. Pennsylvania and although it isn't a whole lot bigger than what we have now,
it is still bigger and has the extra room we need to be able to get the office back in the house
and have a guest bedroom /massage room. We are so excited.
We should be totally in by November 1st and I hope to be able to start moving in a couple weeks. We are not going to stress too much ( yeahhh righhttttt) about trying to move real fast, as I have a 6 month old baby attached to my hip most of the days and we have our other work and I have massages that still need doing.. but I think since it's only a block and a half from this house it will be easy to move all my Indian stuff ( and I have A LOT) without wrapping it in paper, and making sure it is packed good before moving it..... yada yada yada...

The not so good part of my day was Mason went to the Dr and he has some ear infection and some congestion . Bless his heart. Rochelle has been so sick with this bad chest cold and Derek kinda started getting it, so it was inevitable that he would get it.
They put him on antibiotics and hopefully he will be good as new before long.
I have to share this picture of him (sitting in my fountain playing in the water)..
and also of Ashley and the ones with her mama and daddy..on her first day of school.( kindergarten)

I guess I should have put one up of Rochelle and Derek too. I'll do that later on when I take one of the 3 of them together.
Now really... don't I have a beautiful family?  :) I am so proud of all of them...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Kjell H.

It's 1:35AM and I just got home after a 15 hours work marathon up at the office. T has already given you the scoop about us moving to another house, so all I can write about is just that looooong day at the office.  ;D

So here goes:
Video editing, video editing, video editing, phone calls, phone calls, phone calls....
coffee breaks, coffee breaks.... I think I had lunch, can't remember....

and then this evening it was uploading of content on Down Range TV and the Outdoor Channel web sites.

I got the job done and tomorrow I'll take the day off.

T made cookies today, so I reckon I'll treat myself with a glass of milk and some tasty samples....

Good night...

Marshal Halloway

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