How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Roma Jean Turner

So many creative, industrious folks on this site.  I was a total slug again this weekend, but just enjoyed it.  The dogs are asleep in the recliner so I'm sitting here watching TV in my office chair.  Funny how things end up.    :laugh:

Diane Amberg

I have some snowmen, snowflakes, and icicles that also stay out until spring. Tobina, how did you like Key West? Around here our lawn folks plow snow during the winter. I hadn't heard about the outdoor decorating.


They've done that in Midland, TX for several years.  Trouble is, they start so early that sometimes people have their Christmas decor lighted before Halloween.  It is understandable that they must start early to get them done, and especially when they light up the huge Live Oak Trees, but wish the people wouldn't turn them on until the appropriate time.



Hope everyone had a wonderful day.  I got quite a bit done.  Got my toys for the 12 little ones in our family made.  Then I started on making  gifts for the women in the family.  I think I'll make a couple batches of Peanut Brittle and then go to bed so I'll be ready to hit it at Sigma-Tek tomorrow.


The amount of peanut brittle you make is unbelievable. I make it too.. but no where near that many pounds of it.  :o

I haven't yet decide what I am going to make in my "give away baskets".
I haven't made peppernuts for a few years..( they are such a pain in the you -know-what..) but I may do that. Plus I will add
peanut brittle , cinnamon rolls and some kind of cookie and maybe some homemade cheese crackers.

I love to bake and usually I just keep adding and adding.. but this year I will keep it to these few things, as I have added a few baskets to make..

I just went outside and it is so crisp and cold out. After being in the cold garage for awhile (digging around in the freezer for some shrimp for the linguine I am making for supper.. I have to say that when I opened the door to come back inside.. I was so grateful for my warm house. It makes me once again appreciate and give a silent thank you for my home.

Oh yeah.. my day was good.. got the house all cleaned and vacuumed and mopped .. some laundry done.. an hour and a half massage given and some paperwork done.. had time to spout of on the forum today and now I am cooking supper and getting ready to do the True Value Hardware's bookwork. Then I will walk up to the courthouse and see if my camera will not be too cold to take some pictures..
Hope everyone else had a good day. ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

Any of you that might have simple craft ideas, please share,

Diane, the Wild Animal Park has the "Festival of Lights" each year at the Park, for the last three weeks in December, and they have all kinds of crafts for children to do.  I'm trying to think of something easy, one is just simply stamping brown paper with stamps of Christmas designs, to be used for wrapping paper.  (Now, that's pretty simple!)  Another is using the cut outs from previously used Christmas Cards, and gluing them on wreaths.  Of course, they decorate cookies that are already made, and just simple things like that.  They make things out of the spools that thread comes on, they're always asking for the tubes that wax paper, paper towels and even T.P. comes on, for using in some kinds of crafts.  I'm sure you've done all of those things.  I wish I knew how to do more crafts, and I'd just be glad to share that information with you!

Sally, what gifts do you make for the children, and what gifts do you make for the adults?  You just really "put me to shame," as I never did/could "make things!"  I can be "in charge" at gatherings, and I can get a lot done, just not crafts and the such!


Judy Harder

boy have I had a day.
I decided to go to Walmarts today. It was time to pick up my meds
and today is a day that my favorite beauty operator works and I needed a hair

I had to wait about forty-five minutes before she could work me in so I headed
back to Pharmacy and looked around a little, saved my main shopping till after the
haircut.  Lots of stuff to spend money on and I love to window shop.

After she cut my hair.......of course she washed and dryed it.........I headed to the main
part of store for the stuff I really food and toilet paper and things like that.

Also needed some special Christmas cards for special and dad and my daughter and sister and brother
the rest get generic cards.  Then grandson's birthday is the 15 and needed to make one trip this month do it all.

Spent a little time in the grocery area........just needed a few things........but everytime I moved I had to go around
a buggy and people.
Kids were screaming and I needed a nap........and just kept getting colder then longer I was there.
I swear it was warmer outside than in WalMarts today.

I stopped at the deli and bought me some fried chicken livers to bring home for supper and spent several minutes just leaning on the warm and oh so toasty glass case. I could have stayed there the rest of day. LOL
Had to get gas so I am good to go to Topeka when Christmas gets here.....if weather and all works out. I will spend it home for the Holiday.....
when I got back to Longton I had been gone almost 6 hours....and boy is this body ready for an easy chair.......

that is where I am is too early for bed.......but I won't be staying up late tonight.

I did have a good day and now I am going to have a comfy evening.

Have a good one to all of you and see you tomorrow.

Hugs and God Bless,
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I got 4 batches of the brittle made last night.  Made 2 more before I went to work this morning.  I got 2 more done before I went bowling tonight.   Guess I'll hit the hay for now and make a couple more before I go to work in the A.M.  Tomorrow night I'll finish my women's gifts and Wednesday night get serious about Peanut Brittle if the weather cooperates.  Everyone have a wonderful  Tuesday.
Teresa, how many lbs. do you get out of a batch?


Quote from: sallysigner on December 03, 2007, 10:08:30 PM

Teresa, how many lbs. do you get out of a batch?

I have no idea. I make mine in the microwave because it is fluffier and I get a good batch every time.
I use 1 cup of peanuts to 2 cups of syrup at a time. But I don't know on the pounds part.
I do know it doesn't last very long..  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Well, this little gal isn't going to do anything for Christmas, except work.  I think we will be working 11 hour days 6 days a week before Christmas gets here.  Business is good at  Our family Christmas will be at Mother's on the 23rd and I'll get home at 6:00 a.m.  There won't be any of the Janet cooking any Christmas stuff, but my sister Patti and her daughter, Teresa, took good care of Mother for Thanksgiving and I think they will do the same on Christmas.  I'll be lucky to be awake enough to be at the dinner.  I believe that we work up through Christmas morning, but I won't know that until probably a few days before.  From this house, folks will be lucky to get Christmas cards.  I'll be glad when Christmas is over and I can go back to my normal Monday through Friday shift with Saturday and Sunday off.  Yeah.

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