How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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my day yesterday was very uneventful.  Arose about 6:00 a.m. - had my coffee and morning news fix - showered then while my hair dried played through the songs for church on the organ, plus played a few more for my own enjoyment.  Visited with a daughter on the phone.  Attended church, came home, made a bite of lunch, done a load of laundry, wet-jetted the kitchen and laundry room, took an hour's nap, and that's about it.  Spent a couple hours reading the forum and played a few games of pogo.  There's how I chat with my younger sister, Susie.  Just fixed spaghetti for Marvin for supper so not a lot of clean-up there either.  Might add that that sweet little Evan that Joanna was talking about is my great-grandson and is a live-wire for sure and wouldn't have him any other way.  Now it is another day and will be going to work in about 15 minutes.  Have a wonderful day, all.

Bonnie M.

"Bonnie, congratulations on your anniversary. You must have been 10 when you two got marreid! "

Somewhere around ten!

"Congratulations, also, Bonnie, on the anniversary.  And what a wonderful daughter-in-law.  You are truly blessed."

I need to say that it was our daughter, Karen (Crosslin) who made the quilt.  Her husband, was so pleased with the results, and we all cry when we're happy in our family, so he had the camera ready and probably got lots of good pictures of us "carrying on!"

Teresa, I wish we had some of your good beef!  Having our freezer full of our own good beef is certainly something we greatly miss, living out here.  And, rocking the baby to sleep is....."as good as it gets!"

Jo, I can imagine how beautiful it is around your place.  "Where the deer and the antelope roam!"

Have "another good day," you all!


My yesterday started with an Astros game!    My husband and I and his son all went to the game thanks to my brother David who gave us the tickets.  We got to watch them retire Bagwell's #5 Jersey and everyone got to boo the Astros' general manager.  He lost his job today along with the manager Garner.  After the game, my husband took me out to eat Pappa's Seafood  where I had the largest stuffed shrimp of my life.  I actually had two or three full popcorn shrimp in the stuffing of my big shrimp.  After that we went to my parents house for a short visit, then home to collapse on the couch.
Born in Texas with Kansan Blood

W. Gray

I was sorry to see the Houston Texans let Bradlee Van Pelt go this past week.

Van Pelt was an outstanding Colorado State quarterback but just could not make it with the Broncos or the Texans.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

giester2, If what you ate was that big, how could they call it a "shrimp?" ;D


My day today?  Left town just before 8:00 and arrived at the doctor's office an hour and half later.  Not bad for from Howard to Derby.  Had to wait half an hour to see him.  Had a good talk and decided it was time to remove a pin that had been put in my ankle 17 years ago.  He also explained to me how much prescription pain killer he would have to prescribe for me to get him in trouble.  Think I will stop worrying about that.  Came home with a new prescription for it.

Shopped my favorite Wal-Mart at Derby, went to Dillon's to get the only kitty litter that we can find that is flushable.  Visited my credit union, shopped Hobby Lobby.  Came home so tired that I swore never to go to Wichita again.  That will last about 2 weeks.  Doing nothing now except relaxing until bed time.  Hope your day was more satisfying.

Judy Harder

[b I almost didn't write anything. My days are so much the same that if I tell what I did today all I would need to do is copy and paste it tomorrow.
Oh well, I did go to WalMarts today. I was out of a few things and knew I would be involved the rest of the week and I don't like going on a weekend... so I went this morning before it got to hot.

While at WalMarts I got a hair cut. (couple of weeks ago, I colored it........went from a salt and pepper color to a medium auburn.
Talk about a change. I almost don't know myself when I look in the mirror. LOL

so, I will stop looking in the mirror.

After I got back home, I spent time on computer doing my daily games and then got back into a book that I started Saturday. I will finish it before I go to bed.
While unloading the car I reinjured my sciatic nerve and it has been talking ever since. I did pop a couple of good size pills and will take more before I go to bed.

That is my day. Later this week there will be more to talk about.
I keep score for the Dyer Softball tournament here at Longton and that starts at 8 Saturday morning and will end Sunday night after the last game is played. We have 8 teams that must play each other round robin style..
More about this later.........I am heading back to my book.......Bedtime isn't that far off.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Carol (aka Nana 02)

My weekend was busy as usual, didnt do much Friday after work because it was pouring rain, between friday evening and Saturday morning we got about 5 inches of rain here! Saturday i got up early drank my morning coffee and then headed to Rogers, AR  (about 10miles from here) and went shopping at Khols, they were having some fantastic sales and Im a clerance rack kinda girl. I then met my Daughter, son in law and 2 grandsons for breakfast at IHOP. Headed home and we decided to go to the Race Track in Siloam Springs for the evening. (stock car dirt track). That made for a long night. My son in law sold his car last season and is in the process of building another one for next year. Not partial or anything  LOL but I do have to say he is very talented when it comes to driving a race car and has won many feature races.  I kept the grankids over night on Sat. and on Sunday was able to do some swimming in the pool.Then spent rest of the day with the normal chasing after the grandkids, laundry & housework. They went home early afternoon and then Me & my husband made the weekly run to Wal-Mart for groceries, came home cooked dinner, cleaned up the mess and relaxed for awhile!!
Me & my Mom are flying out early Friday morning to Shreveport for a family reunion and will return home monday evening and then I will be taking a few extra vacation days from work (tues & weds. just to rest) another busy week ahead of me.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 27, 2007, 06:23:20 PM
giester2, If what you ate was that big, how could they call it a "shrimp?" ;D

The main shrimp is about 2-3" long and it is butterflied (the tail is kept on).  Then they put a ball of crab and shrimp stuffing on top of the main shrimp where it is biutterflied (this ball was about 2" diameter). Then they batter the whole thing and fry it.  Mmmmmmmmmmm.  I love living on the coast!
Born in Texas with Kansan Blood


Frank & I had a long day yesterday.  Drove to Lubbock (about 110 miles north of here) for appointments.  The weather was quite warm, but it was fun to see the crops.  Saw a big field of sunflowers, and of course, lots of cotton.  The cotton crops really look good this year.  We had so much rain early (very unusual) and they arae now beginning to irrigate.  The cotton is starting to bloom now.  There was also some very nice looking maize as well.

When we came back from Galveston a week ago, the cotton down around St. Lawrence looked really good too!  Some of it is dry-land cotton, and there was also some very good looking mazie.  The soil is better down that way, but there is a lot of Gernan descendants down that way and I must say, they are very good farmers.  The pecan orchards looked good too, very clean.  They were back off of the road far enough we couldn't tell about the crop.

Guess you can tell I'm a country girl.


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