Topics, Threads & Boards.

Started by Teresa, August 08, 2007, 10:35:26 PM

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Just wanted to let everyone know that you will find that some of the threads have been split into other threads.
The reason is because sometimes they get so far off and away from the original topic that I have to do something or it will just get into a hodgepodge of 'stuff'. I know that we all get off topic.,. Lord knows I am guilty of it as anyone....and the threads are naturally always going to take that direction.. And that is ok.. to a point.. but when it just does a 180 degree then I will
try to go in and do something about it .

The ones of us  that are using and talking on the forum every day know what is going on.. but my concern is kinda for the newcomers who maybe even haven't had that much experience in forum use.
They come in and want to read about Lila's cafe..or something else that is pretty specific, and before you know it...they are  having to filter through pages of other things that don't even remotely concern Lila and her cafe.

So the conversation about the pickled onions and the recipe... went into the recipe section...  the Amish colonies went into a topic of their own.. and so on...

Just wanted you all to know what was going on.. and that I will be working on them from time to time..
Nothing to be alarmed about.. just the janitor doing her cleaning duties..  ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


When you move them, Teresa, they show up as a new post, even if I was the last poster. So especially if you are using the "Show unread posts since last visit" link to make sure you catch them all, the system alerts you of the change that way. I have done a lot of exactly what you are doing in the past, and if it helps, I think you're doing a great job of it.




Thanks.. I just didn't want anyone to become offended ..
Not taking them away.. just scooching them around a bit.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

   Scooching? Is that like skizzle ?


Scooching is valid.

I'm familiar with it.


I have scooched and I have been scooched. I have even seen things being scooched. Yup, I'm with Mom70x7, scooching is a fairly common practice.

Diane Amberg

 Skizzle is how I would ask ambulance patients to move themselves from our ambulance cot over to the ER exam table, if it was something minor like a sprained ankle.  "Skizzle yourself on over there."

Rudy Taylor

The county called Elk is a good place to scootch,
the girls seem to like it and the boys ... well, they're just boys.

So, any time you feel a scootch coming your way,
reach your arms out and grab it ... the romantics among
us will keep it all hot, and the old ones like me will
think it's ... well, noise!

(Sorry about the feet and meter.  I've apparently lost that, too.)
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

 and here I thought you just couldn't spell smooch!


Huh! And I thought I was the only one losing track of his feet!


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