Road Addresses

Started by W. Gray, August 07, 2007, 08:35:20 PM

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Janet Harrington

Buttermilk Hill doesn't have an address.  Buttermilk Hill is south of Howard about 1.5 miles.  When you go south on K-99, you turn off the highway at Junebug, but continue south on the numbered road.  I don't know the number of the road.  You go south up the hill and stop.  That's Buttermilk Hill.  Why is it called that?  I don't know.

Marty Hunter

     Dad always said that Buttermilk Hill got its name from my grandparent's dairy (John and Ida Hunter).   We always milked on our hill, so I don't understand how the name was applied to the other hill rather than to ours.   
     We had the dairy from 1930 until about 1974 when we shut it down.   Our farm was already a dairy when we moved to it, so the name may be older than that.   
     There was a dairy barn built on the other hill by the Gilbert family after WW2, but I don't think there was commercial milking on Buttermilk Hill prior to that.

Janet Harrington


What is the road number that goes south of Junebug off of K-99?

Roma Jean Turner

Where could one get a map of Elk County that showed all of these roads?


Oh Janet, Marty says "this is Elk County, we don't need no stinkin' road signs."  Ha!  From personal experience, I think I'm lucky he knows what street we live on in town.  Directions I get from him are always along the lines of:  "you know, over close to Lonnie's old garage" (which is not there anymore) or "on your way to the marble orchard, that house that had a big cherry tree" (the tree is gone now too)

Actually, he said he'd look tomorrow, but I know for a fact that the road sign is MIA and has been for a long time; so unless the one at the south end of the mile section is still there, he still won't know.  I think I remember it was 15 or 17, but not sure about that either.

W. Gray

An Elk County road map is available for download at

It is an official Kansas Dept of Transportation map but unfortunately is dated 1992 and does not have the new designations.

Someone in Elk County government probably notified the state of the new road designations and they will be on the new road map, whenever that might be.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Janet Harrington

I had a copy of the county rural directory that came out in 2004 with the new road names.  My husband gave it to some oil puller guys, so they would have a map with the road names.  I think the road that has Buttermilk Hill on it is Road 15. 

Marcia Moore

     The majority of my mail route is in Greenwood County, though I do have several patrons in Elk County.  The 911 addressing system became effective in the Severy area – in both Greenwood and Elk counties – on January 1, 2003.  Residences and businesses in the rural area were assigned new mailing addresses based on their physical location.  Customers were urged to begin using their appropriate new physical addresses on all correspondence, as the box numbering system that had been in use on the route for more than ninety-seven years was no longer in effect. 
     The Severy Post Office worked with both Greenwood and Elk County during, and after, the implementation.  Because our postmaster lived in Independence and was not familiar with the area the route covered, I was the one that looked for mistakes that may have been made.  Greenwood County made many mistakes.  The man in charge of the Greenwood County 911 implementation gave 911 addresses to all the residents within the City of Climax.  He found out pretty quick that he could not do this.  There were also address numbers out of sequence.  And, one man who lived on a dead end road on 50th Street was given an address of R Road, but you could not access his house via R Road (unless you drove a mile through pastures).  There were other mistakes made, some of which still remain.  There are at least two road signs that are still up that are incorrect, as well. 
     I must say that Janet Harrington did a fantastic job for Elk County!!  We never did find one wrong address given out for Elk County (and I looked hard, so a customer would not find out later he had to change his address yet again).  We only had one complaint from an Elk County customer - a man who lived on the corner of Turkey Road and Road 18.  He had two drives into his home - one on Turkey Road and one on Road 18.  He was given a Turkey Road address, and he wanted a Road 18 address.  In my opinion his "Turkey" address was very fitting because he was a turkey deluxe.  Another fitting address given out in Elk County was for the Flint Oak Hunting Preserve, that has a "Quail Road" address.

Janet Harrington

Thank you, post lady.  Connie Hey and I worked very, very hard to make sure we didn't have any problems.  In regards to the Turkey Road, I would have rather had my address be Turkey Road then some Road # that I may not remember.

Quail road that goes by Flint Oak was actually named with them in mind.  It would have been better if that road would have been a P and we would have used the word Pheasant, but, alas; it wasn't to be.

Again, thank you for the compliment.


We..( the Posse) were sure glad when the roads were all done and named. :-\
Ta Ta was really grumpy during that time .. but after she got done with that ..
then she was back to her goofy self..( we were suuuuure glad)  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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